If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of bodyweight cardio workouts, you’ve come to the right place.
From beginners to advanced, this article includes every kind of bodyweight cardio exercise that raises your heart rate, increases strength, speed, and explosiveness, and enhances balance and flexibility.
I’ve also shared some samples of workout routines with a PDF that you can download to use offline.
Cardio or aerobic exercise is a low-impact exercise program that can improve cardiovascular health, boost endurance, improve the quality of life, and promote longevity.
It is suitable for people of all ages. Whether you’re male or female, you can do aerobic exercises to achieve better health.
70 Best Bodyweight Cardio Exercises That Requires No Equipment
In this article, I’ve shared 70 of the best bodyweight cardio exercises of all time. Whether you work out at home or in the gym, you can integrate these moves into your workout regime to increase your fitness level and improve your physique.
1. Jumping Jack
Jumping jack is an effective exercise to get your heart rate up, increase blood flow, burn decent calories in a short time, improve balance, and strengthen and tone your muscles. You can do them anywhere and anytime, even while watching TV.
How to: To perform jumping, stand upright with your feet together and arms straight at your sides. To begin the movement, jump your feet out while bringing your arms overhead at the same time, and then jump back to the start.
2. Jog in place
The simple way to get fit is simply to start moving, whether you run on the treadmill or simply jog in place. Jogging in place engages various muscles throughout the body, especially the legs, and helps improve strength and endurance.
How to: Stand upright in the hip-width stance and start jogging by simply moving your arms and legs.
3. Squat
The squat is an excellent exercise to incorporate into your cardio workout. It strengthens lower body muscles and improves your aerobic fitness.
A small study also suggests that 8 weeks of bodyweight squats helps reduce weight by 4.2% and increase lean body mass by 2.7% and muscle thickness by 3.2% in adolescent boys.1 Takai Y, Fukunaga Y, Fujita E, Mori H, Yoshimoto T, Yamamoto M, Kanehisa H. Effects of body mass-based squat training in adolescent boys. J Sports Sci Med. 2013 Mar 1;12(1):60-5. PMID: 24149726; PMCID: PMC3761779
How to: Standing straight in a shoulder-width stance, lower into a squat until your glute is parallel to the floor. Pause and then extend your hips and knees to get into the upright position.
4. Squat Thrust
The squat thrust is an easier variation of the burpee. It boosts stamina, burns calories, and gets your heart pumped. Depending on your fitness level, you can do it fast or slow.
How to: Standing upright in the shoulder-width stance, lower into a squat, and place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward to get into the high plank position. Jump your feet forward to get into the squat position and extend your knees to stand upright.
5. Mountain Climber
The mountain climber is a great way to strengthen your core while improving your cardiovascular fitness. It is an effective exercise for beginners to increase stamina for other high-intensity core exercises.
How to: Start in a high plank position with your arms straight below your shoulder and feet hip-width apart. Bring your knees alternatively toward your chest in a running motion for a set period of time.
6. Kneeling Pushups
Those who cannot perform pushups on heels can do kneeling pushups. Kneeling pushups are suitable for beginners and overweight individuals. They are a great exercise to bolster upper body muscles and increase strength for standard pushups.
How to: Sit on your knees, place your palms on the floor, lean forward, and keep your arms straight below your shoulder; that’s the start. Now, lower your chest toward the floor and push back until your arms are extended. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
7. Calf Raises
Whether you want to improve aerobic fitness or accelerate weight loss, working on each muscle is crucial for a sturdy physique, even if it is as tiny as calves. Calf raises can provide a good stretch to your gastrocnemius muscles and improve your lower body strength.
How to: Stand against a wall and place your hands on it by leaning forward. Keep your arms straight and back flat. That’s the start. Now, raise your heels as high as possible, pause for a moment, and then lower them back on the floor.
8. Ankle Hops
Ankle hop is for those who want to perform jumping rope but lack the rope. It is one of the simplest ways to burn calories and strengthen and tone your thighs, hips, and buttocks.
How to: To perform ankle hops, stand upright with your feet together. Jump on the balls of your feet at your own pace for a set amount of time.
9. Flutter Kicks
A flutter kick is an effective exercise to fire up your core muscles, including the deepest abs, such as the transverse abdominis. It is less taxing on your lower back, so if crunches scare you, do this exercise to forge your abdominal muscles.
How to: Lie on the floor with your legs straight and arms under your glutes for support. Lift your feet off the floor and raise alternatively in a running motion until you feel the full contraction in your abs.
10. Alternate Heel Tap Crunches
Alternate heel tape crunch is a simple yet effective exercise for reinforcing core muscles, particularly oblique. Having firm obliques improve the appearance of your midsection and also supports the back and overall posture.
How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent and arms straight at your sides. Move your torso to your side to tap the right heel, and then move your torso to your left side to tap the left heel. Keep doing it until you feel the work in your obliques.
11. Side Plank
The side plank exercise strengthens abdominal muscles, especially love handles, which are critical for supporting the spine. It also engages your shoulder muscles as you hold your body weight on your arms.
How to: Lie on your right side on your forearm with your legs straight and stacked on each other. Slightly lift your hips off the floor, brace your abdominal muscles, and hold in this position for the desired time. Repeat on the opposite side.
12. Plank
The plank is an isometric exercise that challenges core strength and increases endurance and mobility. It works the entire abdominal muscles, including obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis.
Having solid abdominal muscles provides stability to your lower body and helps improve posture. It just requires 60 seconds to fire up your core.
How to: Lie on your forearms and toes with your hands beneath your face or chest. Brace your core and hold in that position for as long as possible.
13. Reverse Crunches
Lower abdominal muscles are often skipped in other exercises, which is crucial for developing a sturdy core. So, it’s best to include reverse crunches to target the lower abs. The reverse crunch is a beginner-level exercise that strengthens your lower abs without putting much stress on your lower back.
How to: Lie supine on the mat with your arms straight by your sides. Lift your legs off the floor and brace your core; that’s the start. Now, bring your knees toward the chest until you feel the work in your core. Extend your knees back and return for the desired reps.
14. Superman
The Superman is a low-intense strength and mobility exercise that works on your lats, traps, lower back, and other posterior chain muscles. It adds variety to your cardio training.
It doesn’t increase heart rate like other exercises that’s why you can do it when you feel out of breath.
How to: Lie on your stomach with your face down and arms straight in front of you. Brace your thighs and glutes and lift your chest and legs off the floor simultaneously, as high as possible. Pause for a moment and then return to the start.
15. Front Lunges
The front lunge is a compound exercise that works the glutes, quads, and hip flexors, while also engaging the abdominals. It’s a great exercise to shed off quick calories while strengthening the lower body muscles.
How to: Take a large step forward and stand in the split stance with your right foot 10-12 inches far from the left one. Keep your torso upright, and lower it into a lunge position until your left knee touches the floor. Pause for a moment and then extend your knees to complete the first rep.
16. Bench Dips
The bench dip is a bodyweight exercise for strengthening the triceps. It is amazing for incorporating both cardio and strength training, particularly when working out at home.
How to: Sit on a bench or chair with your arms straight beside your hips. Grab the edge of the chair firmly with your hands, lift your butt off, and slightly move your torso forward while keeping your arms straight. Now, bending your elbows, lower your glutes toward the floor and then extend back to the start until your triceps are entirely engaged.
17. Glute Bridge
The glute bridge is a simple bodyweight floor exercise that strengthens and shapes your butt as well as targets your hamstrings, abductors, and adductors. It is a low-impact cardio exercise that you can do at home with other highly intense workouts.
How to: Lay down on your back with your knees bent and arms resting on the floor. Brace your core and thrust your hips up until you feel the squeeze in your Maximus glutes. Pause for a moment, and then lower your hips back on the floor.
18. Single Leg Glute Kickback
The single-leg glute kickback targets the glutes and hamstrings. It helps keep the glutes strong and functional. The glute is responsible for hip extension, which plays a key role in performing various cardio bodyweight exercises, such as lunges, squats, and jumps.
How to: Sit on all fours with your arms straight below your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. Brace your abdominal muscles, maintain a flat back, and kick your right leg up and backward as far as possible. Pause for a moment and then return to the start. Once you have done 8-10 reps, repeat the same with your opposite leg.
19. Drop Squat
The drop squat is a great exercise for developing lower-body strength and power. It is a high-intensity exercise that quickly intensifies your heart rate and burns decent calories. It increases endurance and power and helps you scale up your fitness level for performing different squat jumps.
How to: Standing upright with your feet hip-width apart, jump your feet out and lower into a squat position simultaneously. Jump back to land into the initial position.
20. The Lateral Run
The lateral run is a fantastic way to build strength and agility. It helps build up lower body strength while improving your body’s ability to utilize oxygen efficiently.
How to: Stand on the floor, running side to side at your own pace.
21. Burpee
The burpee is a popular high-intensity exercise that is included in almost every strength and endurance workout program. It works on multiple muscles throughout the body, including the legs, chest, and core. It builds strength, stamina, speed, and power and helps support weight loss.
How to: Stand in the shoulder-width stance, jump in the air, and then land softly into a squat. Place your hands down on the floor, and kick your legs behind so you get into the high plank position. Perform a pushup and reverse the movement to complete one rep.
22. Shoulder Tap
The shoulder tap is an awesome cardio exercise that boosts aerobic fitness and mobility. It engages upper and lower body muscles, especially the arms, shoulder, and core. You hold your body in a plank position on one arm and tap the shoulder with the opposite arm.
How to: Get into a high plank position with your arms underneath your shoulder and body straight from head to heels. Now, tap your right shoulder with your left arm and left shoulder right arm alternatively. Keep doing that for the desired time.
23. Squat Jump
The squat jump is a heart-pumping and fat-burning cardio exercise that builds explosive power and strength in the quads and glutes. It helps improve athletic performance and your fitness for other high jump exercises.
How to: Standing in a shoulder-width stance, lower into a partial squat, and then jump as high as possible. Now, land into a squat and jump again. keep performing for the desired reps.
24. High Knees
The high knee is an explosive move that’s great for building muscle and burning calories quickly. It strengthens the lower body muscles and helps improve body composition.
How to: Stand straight with your feet together. Bring your knees toward your chest alternatively in a running motion. Perform as fast as you can for the desired time.
25. Jumping Split Squat
The jumping split squat quickly elevates your heart rate and ignites many calories in a short time while strengthening and toning your lower body muscles, including quads, glutes, and hams.
How to: Start with standing upright with your feet together. Jump high in the air and land in the lunge position (split-stance). Again, jump back and land into a lunge, but bring your opposite foot forward at this time.
26. Russian Twist
The Russian twist is a core-strengthening cardio exercise that bolsters your obliques and improves the definition of your abs. It also helps improve mobility, as it requires you to perform the movement in an unstable position.
How to: Sit on your glutes with your legs straight in front of you. Lift your feet off the floor, slightly bend your knees, and twist your torso from right to left and left to right for a set amount of time.
27. Pushup
Pushup is one of the popular exercises. It builds up many upper body muscles at once, particularly the chest and triceps, and improves functional and foundational strength. It’s an ideal exercise to incorporate into your cardio workout plan.
How to: Start in a high plank position with your body straight from head to heels. Bend your elbows, and lower your torso until your chest is close to the floor. Pause for a second and then push back until your arms are extended. Keep your core tight and back flat throughout the movement.
28. Bear Crawl
The bear crawl is a great exercise for activating many muscles throughout the body, including the core, shoulder, and arms. It elevates your heart rate, improves balance and coordination, and helps you improve your fitness for other aerobic exercises.
How to: Sit on all fours with your wrists underneath the shoulders, knees below the hips, and the toes firmly on the ground. Slightly raise your hips, lift your knees a few inches off the floor, and make sure your body weight is balanced on the hands and toes. Now, maintaining a flat back, crawl the body forward using your right hand and left foot and then your left hand and right foot. Keep your arms and legs on the floor and maintain tight throughout the movement.
29. Side Lunge Jump
The lateral lunge jump is an incredible exercise for the lower body because of its ability to develop explosive power in both legs. It also helps you improve balance, coordination, and flexibility, as well as build up strength in your hips, glutes, and calves.
How to: Start by standing straight with feet hip-width apart. Jump your left foot out to the side and land into a lateral lunge position. Bring your left hand to touch your right foot at the same time. Repeat the same on the opposite side.
30. Diver Pushup
The diver pushup is one of the high-intense pushup variations that torch considerable calories, heighten heart rate, build upper body strength, and provide an excellent warm-up. Please don’t confuse this exercise with dive bomber pushups because they are not the same.
How to: The diver pushup is a combination of pushups and Superman. To execute this movement, you perform a standard pushup, lie on your stomach, and perform a Superman.
31. Bodyweight Turkish Get Up
The bodyweight Turkish get-up is an exercise in which you use your body’s momentum to raise yourself from the ground.
It’s an outstanding exercise for working many areas of your body at once, such as the core, shoulders, arms, and legs.
It also helps develop balance and coordination in your lower body.
How to: Start by lying on the ground with your right knee bent and right arm straight up, pointing toward the ceiling. Keep your left leg and arm straight (out to your side) on the floor. Keeping your right arm straight, raise your torso and bring your left on to get into a seated position. Now, extend your right knee until you reach the standing position.
32. Standard Crunches
The crunch is a standard bodyweight exercise that strengthens and tones abdominal muscles. It is effective for shaping and toning your abs while elevating your heart rate and warming up your entire body.
How to: Lay down on your back with your knees bent. Bend your elbows and place your fingertips beside your ears. Lift your upper back off the floor until you feel the work in your abs. Pause and then return to the start.
33. Bicycle Crunches
The bicycle crunch is a wonderful exercise that targets the entire core, including the upper and lower abs and obliques. It is an excellent form of low-impact cardio and a great way to tone your abdominal muscles.
How to: Lie on the floor and hold your fingertips beside your ears. Lift your legs off the floor and bend your knees. Brace your core and bring your knees alternatively toward your chest, like you’re paddling on a bicycle.
34. Bird Dog
Bird dog plank is an effective exercise for building core strength and stability while also improving balance and muscle coordination. Unlike the regular planks, the opposite arm and leg move simultaneously during this exercise, and it’s one of the reasons it also reinforces the lower back.
How to: Sit on all fours with your wrists underneath the shoulders and knees below the hips. Brace your core and keep your back flat. That’s the start. Now, raise your right arm and left leg simultaneously until they are parallel to the floor.
35. Plank Ankle Taps
Plank ankle tap is a great cardio exercise for building core strength and balance. Unlike plank, it requires you to tap your ankle with your hands. You can do it at a fast pace to burn many calories in a short time.
How to: Get into an up position of a pushup with your hands beneath your shoulder and legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift your right hand to tap your left ankle, and then bring your hand back to the start. Now, lift your right hand to tap your left ankle and then return to the start.
36. Dead Bug Crunches
Dead bug crunch is a super effective exercise for strengthening the core and flattening abdominal muscles. It is one of my favorite exercises. I often do it once or twice a week to build up my abs. It is also incorporated into a strength and mobility workout program, such as Calisthenics.
How to: Lie on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Your knees should be above your hips and your feet off the floor. Keep your arms straight above your shoulders. Lift your torso into a crunch position (while keeping the core tight), and then lower back down slowly. Do as many reps as you can until exhaustion.
37. Side Plank Rotation
The side plank rotation is a great way to target your obliques and forge your entire core. It can also help improve balance, muscle coordination, and endurance.
How to: Lie on your left side on your forearm with your legs straight and stacked on each other. Keep your body straight, brace your core, and rotate your torso inward until your right shoulder points toward the floor. Extend your torso to complete one rep. Once you complete on your left side, perform the same movement on your opposite side.
38. Extended Plank
The extended plank is an advanced version of the basic plank. It requires perfect alignment while holding yourself in an extended position. This exercise will help strengthen your core muscles and improve balance and coordination.
How to: To start off with this exercise, get into a forearm plank position and then extend your forearms in front of you as far as possible while maintaining a flat back. Brace your core and hold in this position for as long as you can endure.
39. Knee to Opposite Elbow Plank
The knee to opposite elbow plank is not an isometric movement, but it is a kind of mountain climber variation. It requires you to bring your knees alternatively toward the opposite side of your elbows while staying in a high plank position.
The knee-to-opposite elbow plank bolsters core strength and stability. You can do this exercise at your own pace, but the faster you do it, the more calories you burn.
How to: To perform this movement, get into a high plank position with your arms straight beneath your shoulders. Now, bring your right knee toward your left elbow and then your left knee toward the right elbow, and continuously do that until you feel enough.
40. Knee to Outside Elbow Plank
The knee-to-outside elbow plank is another excellent variation of the traditional plank. It solidifies the abdominal muscles, especially the internal and external oblique.
How to: Staying in a forearm plank position, bring your right knee from the outside to touch your right elbow, return it back, and repeat on the opposite side.
41. Leg Raises
Leg raise is another cardio exercise for the stomach. It works on the lower part of your abs. Exposing lower abs is challenging, but you can incorporate exercises like leg raises to thicken those muscles.
How to: Lie on the floor with your legs extended and arms straight at your sides. Place your hands underneath your buttocks with your palms down, brace your stomach, and lift your legs off the floor until your heels are pointing upward. Pause for a moment, and then return to the start, and repeat.
42. Toe Touch Crunches
The toe touch crunch is an advanced version of a standard crunch. It doesn’t only fire up your core but also improves your balance and flexibility.
How to: Lie flat on your floor, raise your legs up as high as possible (make sure they are straight), and lift your torso and hands to touch your toes. Pause for a moment before you lower your head back on the floor.
43. Floor Windshield Wiper
Floor windshield wiper works on various muscles from the upper to lower body, particularly the abs, obliques, lower back, and hips. It is a great exercise for those who want to build up strength, mobility, and flexibility all at once while improving their aerobic fitness.
How to: Lie on the floor with your legs extended and arms straight out to your sides. Keep your core tight and lift your legs up until they are vertical to the floor. Now, keeping your legs straight, twist them to your right side and then to the left and repeat.
44. Kneeling Squat Jump
The kneeling squat jump is an awesome exercise that quickly raises the heart rate and increases blood flow. This movement requires explosive power, balance, and coordination.
It is also an effective way to build strength in your legs and core muscles because it requires you to use all of your muscle groups at once.
How to: Sit on your knees with your back straight and arms at your sides. Jump explosively in front of you and land in a squat position. Again, sit on your knees and repeat. Your arms will be straight in front of you in the squat position.
45. Curtsy Lunge
Curtsy Lunge is a modified variation of a standard lunge. It’s a great way to work all the major muscle groups in your lower body, including the quads, hams, and glutes. It helps increase strength and flexibility as well as raise your body temperature.
How to: To perform this movement, stand tall with your feet together. Bend both knees and lower yourself down into a lunge position while taking a curtsy-like dip to the side.
46. Lunge Front Kick
The lunge front kick is one of the most popular exercises in kickboxing. It requires you to use your entire body to generate power for this kick. It is a great exercise to do if you want to improve your leg strength while developing your explosiveness, balance, and coordination.
How to: To perform this movement, stand tall in a neutral stance. Take your right leg behind and bend your knees to lower into a lunge position. Extending your front knee, lift your left leg off the floor and kick in front of you. Kick your legs as fast and high as possible.
47. Floor IYT Raises
Floor IYT raises are an incredible exercise for strengthing posterior chain muscles, such as the back, rear delt, and lumbar spine. These muscles support your torso, improve posture, and play a crucial role in other bodyweight cardio moves.
How to: Lie prone on the mat with your face down and arms extended in front of you. To start the exercise, raise your arms and upper chest off the floor as high as possible and lower them back on the floor. Now, take your arms slightly out so your body forms a “Y” letter shape. From this position, again lift your arms and upper chest as high as you can. And finally, take your arms out and raise them upward. Repeat for the desired times.
48. Broad Jump
The broad jump, also known as the long jump, is a powerful exercise for developing speed, power, agility, balance, endurance, and strength in the lower body.
How to: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Pushing your hips back, bring your torso forward, and then jump as far and high as possible. Land on your feet to return to the starting position.
49. Stair Jump
A stair jump is another quick way to raise your heart rate and burn decent calories in a short time. It is similar to a box jump, but many people do not have access to the box, so the stairs can be a great option for them.
How to: Stand against the stairs (make sure the stairs are wider enough to land on them), lower into a partial squat with your torso leaning forward, and then jump high and land on starts into a squat position.
50. Frog Squat Jump
Frog Squat Jump is a plyometric exercise that builds strength and power in the legs. It helps improve balance, coordination, and agility.
How to: Stand with your feet two times wider than hip-width apart. Lower into a partial squat with your torso slightly bent forward and arms extended between your legs. Jump out in front of you as high and far as possible. Land softly on your feet and repeat.
51. Front Box Jump
Box jumping is one of the best bodyweight cardio exercises for raising your heart rate and burning calories. Frequent box jumping helps increase speed, stamina, explosiveness, and jumping ability while bolstering lower body strength.
How to: Stand a couple of inches away from the box (or bench), jump high in the air, and land on the box. Jump back and return.
52. Lateral Box Jump
The lateral box jump is another excellent exercise for strengthening lower body muscles, boosting aerobic fitness, and improving athletic performance. Combining this exercise with the front box jump helps you achieve better fitness.
How to: Stand tall to the right side of the box, a couple of inches away. Jump high and land softly onto the box. Jump back and repeat.
53. Knee Tap Push-Up
The knee tap pushup works the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. The goal of this exercise is to increase your heart rate and burn calories while building muscle mass.
How to: Perform a pushup and tap your right knee with your left hand and left knee with your right hand alternatively. Again, perform a pushup and repeat tapping. Do it the desired number of times.
54. Standing Cross Knee to Elbow
The standing cross-to-knee targets the obliques and abdominal muscles while developing endurance and cardiovascular fitness.
How-to: Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width and keep your arms bent with your fingers behind the ears. Lift your right knee toward the left side of your stomach and bring your left elbow toward the right knee simultaneously until they meet each other and your core is engaged. Return to the start and repeat on the opposite side.
55. Inchworm
Inchworm is not popular, but it is an effective exercise that boosts your cardiovascular fitness. Multiple muscles are engaged during this movement, including your legs, core, arms, and shoulders. It is also a great way to increase balance and flexibility, as it requires you to bend your torso and move forward with your hands.
How to: Standing with your feet together, bend your torso forward until your palms are on the floor. That’s the start. Keep your toes on the floor, and use your hands to move forward until you reach a high plank position. Now, keeping your hands still on the ground, move your feet until you’re in the initial position.
56. Bodyweight Power Maker
The power maker is a total-body high-intensity compound movement. It is one of my all-time best endurance exercises. It involves multiple movements, such as pushups, shoulder taps, squats, and jumps. Doing this exercise only for five minutes warms my entire body, speeds up my heartbeats, and makes me feel out of breath.
It has both aerobic and anaerobic components and can fit into any endurance workout program, such as HIIT and Tabata.
How to:
- Standing in the hip-width stance, bend your knees, lean forward, and place your hands on the floor.
- Kick your legs back and perform a pushup.
- Tap your right front delt with your left hand, do a pushup again, and tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
- Jump your feet back to land in the squat, and then hop high in the air, bringing your knees toward your chest.
- Land in the starting position and repeat.
57. Clap Pushup
Clap pushups are explosive movements and ideal exercises for bodyweight cardio training. They are efficient for advanced fitness enthusiasts who want to build strength, power, and speed while strengthening upper body muscles.
How to: After you perform a pushup, press your palms into the ground to lift your hands explosively off the floor, clap with your hands, and then quickly bring your palms down on the ground.
58. Plank Jack
The plank jack is a high-intensity variation of plank exercise that boosts your endurance, increases your heart pump, and bolsters abdominal strength.
How to: Lying in a forearm plank position, jumping your feet out as quickly and far as possible, and then jumping back to the start. Do it for the desired period.
59. Pushup to Row
The push-up-to-row helps build various upper body muscles while developing strength and mobility.
How to: Perform a pushup and then lift your right elbow at your side. Return your hand to the initial position and repeat on the opposite side. Do it as many times as you like.
60. Single-Leg Deadlift Jump
The single-leg deadlift jump is an incredible bodyweight cardio workout to improve overall fitness. It involves using one leg at a time for jumping and landing.
The single-leg deadlift improves everything you need, whether explosiveness, mobility, flexibility, or strength.
However, this is an advanced-level exercise and requires enough stability and balance to perform this move.
How to: Stand tall in the hip-width stance. Raising your right leg behind, lean your torso forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. Keep your arms in a position as if you’re ready to sprint. Kick your right knee forward and then jump in the air as high as possible. You’ll jump through and land on your left leg.
61. Tuck Jump
Chances are you have seen athletes tucking their knees to their chests and jumping, and when you see this, it means they are doing tuck jumps.
Tuck Jump is a pro-level plyometric exercise. It helps jump higher and enhance athletic performance.
Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or an athlete, if you want to level up your performance, include a tuck jump in your workout regime.
How to: Stand tall with your feet together. Jump high, bringing your knees toward the chest in the air. Land softly to get into the standing position. Do that as many times as you can.
62. Pike Jump
Pike jumping is a terrific exercise for burning calories because it requires you to use your legs, arms, back, and core muscles in order to jump. This will help you increase stamina and endurance as well as build muscle strength. However, it is more challenging than the tuck jump.
How to: Stand tall with your feet together, and bring your feet in front of you as you jump high in the air. Try to touch your feet with your hands if possible. Land safely and repeat.
63. In and Out Abdominal Crunch
If you want to fire up your entire core muscles, including the deepest core muscles, consider doing in-and-out abdominal crunches. It strengthens and tones abs muscles while improving balance and muscle coordination.
How to: Lie on your back with your knees extended in front of you. Slightly lift your torso and legs off the floor. Now, curl your torso and bring your knees simultaneously until you feel the full contraction in your abs. Extend your hips to return to the start and repeat.
64. Sprint in Place
Sprinting has great cardiovascular benefits, but it’s not possible to do it in your living room. However, you can sprint in any place. It won’t be as effective as outdoor spring, but it can be a great addition to your cardio workout training.
How to: Run as fast as possible while staying in the same place.
65. Pulse with Squat Jump
Pulse squat jumps are great exercises for building leg strength and power. They also help develop balance, coordination, and agility and burn considerable calories quickly.
How to: Perform three to four partial squats quickly and then jump high in the air. Land safely in the standing position and repeat.
66. Sit Outs
Sit-outs are perfect examples of aerobic exercise. They reinforce almost every muscle throughout the movement and boost athletic performance. The faster you do them, the more calories you’ll burn.
How to: Sit on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders. Lift your right hand off the floor and quickly bring your right leg to the left side until it is straight. Now, bring your right hand to the floor and repeat the same on the opposite but at a quick pace.
67. Skater Jump
Skater jump helps burn fat and get your heart pumped. It is kind of a jumping, lateral lunge. Combining skater jumping with other cardio bodyweight exercises will make you stronger and fitter.
How to: Stand upright with your feet together and arms straight at your sides. Jump with your left foot to your left side, slightly bend your hip and knee, and lean your torso forward while keeping your other leg bent and feet backward. Repeat the same on the opposite side.
68. Alternating Step-Up Jump
Alternating Step-up is a high-intensity exercise that helps increase lower body strength, balance, coordination, and agility while annihilating many calories at the same time. It can also help improve your vertical jump height.
How to: Stand tall against a box (or bench), jump high, and land on the box on your right foot, and then alternate with your left foot. You should perform this movement as fast as you can.
69. Pushup Jack
The pushup jack is an intense exercise that helps bolster and tone multiple muscles throughout the body, including the chest, shoulders, core, and legs as well as shed plenty of calories in little time.
How to: Start in a high plank position, perform a pushup, and once you return to that position, jump your feet out as far as possible. Then, jump back to return your feet to the start.
70. Grappler pushup
The grappler pushup is one of the incredible pushup variations. It strengthens various muscles, from the chest, shoulder, and triceps to the abs, oblique, and legs. It is a great way to build muscles while improving aerobic exercises.
How to: Get into a high plank position and perform a basic pushup. Then, lift your right hand and left leg off the floor, bring your elbow and knee close to each other, and return to the start. Repeat on the opposite side.
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Summarizing It Up
Here is the list of all bodyweight cardio exercises according to difficulty level.
Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced |
Jumping Jack | Burpee | Broad Jump |
Jog in place | Squat Jump | Stair Jump |
Squat | High Knees | Frog Squat Jump |
Squat Thrust | Jumping Split Squat | Front Box Jump |
Mountain Climber | Russian Twist | Lateral Box Jump |
Kneeling Pushups | Pushup | Knee Tap Push-Up |
Calf Raises | Bear Crawl | Inchworm |
Ankle Hops | Side Lunge Jump | Power Maker |
Flutter Kicks | Diver Pushup | Clap Pushup |
Alternating Heel Taps | Turkish Get Up | Plank Jack |
Side Plank | Standard Crunches | Pushup to Row |
Plank | Bicycle Crunches | One-Leg DL Jump |
Reverse Crunches | Bird Dog | Tuck Jump |
Superman | Plank Ankle Taps | Pike Jump |
Front Lunges | Dead Bug Crunches | Sprint in Place |
Bench Dips | Side Plank Rotation | Sit Outs |
Glute Bridge | Extended Plank | Skater Jump |
Glute Kickback | Spider Plank Walk | Pushup Jack |
Drop Squat | Leg Raises | Grappler pushup |
Lateral Run | Kneeling Squat Jump | Step-Up Jump |
Shoulder Tap | Curtsy Lunge | Side Drills |
High Knees | Floor IYT Raises | Shadow Punches |
Seated Knee Tucks | Lunge Front Kick | Butterfly Situp |
Fast Feet | Squat Jacks | Push-ups to Plank |
- 1Takai Y, Fukunaga Y, Fujita E, Mori H, Yoshimoto T, Yamamoto M, Kanehisa H. Effects of body mass-based squat training in adolescent boys. J Sports Sci Med. 2013 Mar 1;12(1):60-5. PMID: 24149726; PMCID: PMC3761779