4 Day Superset Workout Plan to Sculpt Your Body

4 Day Superset Workout Plan

If you want to train more muscles in less time safely and efficiently, you need a well-organized superset workout plan.

The superset method involves performing two exercises sequentially with little to no rest in between. The exercises target the two different muscle groups, generally agonist and antagonist or upper and lower body parts.

It is a time-efficient, intense, and effective training strategy to build muscle, improve endurance, and sculpt your body.1 Weakley JJS, Till K, Read DB, et al. The effects of traditional, superset, and tri-set resistance training structures on perceived intensity and physiological responses. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017;117(9):1877-1889. doi:10.1007/s00421-017-3680-3, 2Kelleher AR, Hackney KJ, Fairchild TJ, Keslacy S, Ploutz-Snyder LL. The metabolic costs of reciprocal supersets vs. traditional resistance exercise in young recreationally active adults. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Apr;24(4):1043-51. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181d3e993. PMID: 20300020.

In this article, I’ll share my 4-day superset workout plan that involves exercises for every body part, from the back, arms, and legs to the shoulder, abs, and chest, and helps you build strength, endurance, and muscle mass over time.

I’ll also drop a free PDF at the end of this article, so you can save it for offline use.

Superset Workout Program Summary

Training ApproachSuperset
Split TypeHybrid Split
Sessions/Week4 (Mon, Tue, Thu, & Fri)
Duration/Session75-90 minutes
Routine GoalSculpt Body
Experience RequiredIntermediate
Target GenderMale & Female
Target Age Group16-35 years
Recommended Duration3 months

The Best 4 Day Superset Workout Plan to Build Muscle & Sculpt Your Body

4 day body workout routine superset

This program involves training the chest, quads, and abs in the first session, back, calves, and triceps in the second session, shoulder and hamstring in the third session, and quads, biceps, and abs in the final session.

  • Monday: Chest, Quads, and Abs
  • Tuesday: Back, Calves, and Triceps
  • Wednesday: OFF
  • Thursday: Shoulder and Hamstrings
  • Friday: Quads, Biceps, and Abs
  • Saturday: OFF
  • Sunday: OFF

This split allows you to train your entire body effectively within four sessions and help you build a muscular body.

Day 1 – Chest, Quads, and Abs

1A Leg ExtensionQuads315-20
1B Incline Bench PressChest312-15
2A Leg PressQuads312-15
2B Flat DB Bench PressChest310-12
3A Hanging Knee to ChestAbs310-15
3B Seated Pec FlyChest312-15
4A Cable CrunchesAbs315-20
4B Bent Over Cable FlyChest312-15

Day 2 – Back, Calves, and Triceps

1A Pull-upsBack36-12
1B Bar DipsTriceps312-15
2A Prone Grip Lat PulldownBack312-15
2B Cable PushdownTriceps315-20
3A Single-arm Overhead ExtensionTriceps312-15
3B Lat Pulldown (Neutral Grip)Back310/side
4A Seated Cable/Machine RowBack410-12
4B Standing Calf RaisesCalves415-20

Day 3 – Shoulder and Hamstrings

1A Smith Machine Overhead PressShoulder38-12
1B Seated Leg CurlsHamstring315-20
2A Single-arm Cable Side RaisesShoulder312/side
2B Dumbbell Romanian DeadliftHamstring38-10
3A Reverse Pec Deck FlyShoulder312-15
3B Lying Leg CurlsHamstring315-20
4A Front Barbell ShrugShoulder310-12
4B Single-leg Elevated Glute BridgeHamstring310/side

Day 4 – Quads, Biceps, and Abs

1A Back SquatQuads310-12
1B Chin-upsBiceps315-20
2A DB LungesQuads312/side
2B Barbell CurlsBiceps38-10
3A Leg Raises to Hip LiftAbs312-15
3B DB Concentration CurlsBiceps315-20
4A High to Low Cable ChopAbs310-12
4B Reverse CurlsForearms310/side

Pros and Cons of Superset Training


  • The superset training saves your time because it allows you to perform two different back-to-back exercises with little to no rest, allowing you to complete more exercises in less time.
  • Performing back-to-back exercises boosts your endurance while building muscle mass.
  • It increases metabolic profile in young active men and women.3 Metabolic Profile of Reciprocal Supersets in Young, Recreationally Active Women, and Men – The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
  • The supersetting strategy burns higher calories than traditional training and improves cardiovascular fitness.


  • The superset isn’t suitable for beginners as it is intense, challenging, and makes you exhausted quickly.
  • It is also not very effective for building strength. Because building strength requires longer rest periods between sets to fully recover before the next heavy lift.
  • Superset training involves a little rest time which physiologically can give you a sense of urgency and prevent you from giving your full effort.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Supersets Good for Building Muscle?

Like traditional resistance training, the superset also builds muscles and strength. Additionally, it burns more calories, enhances endurance, and helps you lose fat. However, the superset is an advanced form of training and it can exhaust you in a short time.

Should Beginners Do Supersets?

The superset training is intense and requires decent endurance to perform exercises. So, it will be challenging for beginners. However, you can try after a couple of months of regular training.

How Often Should You Superset?

Doing the superset exercises three to four times a week is enough to get efficient results. However, you can increase your frequency to 5 days a week depending on your fitness levels, but make sure you give your trained muscles 48-72 hours of recovery time. How long does muscle recovery take? – Healthline

Download The 4-Day Superset Split

Save this workout and use it offline.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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