7-Day Mass Building Workout Routine Ft. Seth Feroce w/ PDF

Seth Feroce Workout Routine
Workout Inspired BySeth Feroce
Split TypeBro Splits & PPL
Duration/Session90 Minutes
Workout GoalBuilding Jacked Body
Workout DifficultyIntermediate to Advanced
Exercise TypeResistance Training
Target GenderMale
Target Age Group20s & 30s
Alternate Program7-Day Davis Diley Split

I’ve designed Seth Feroce’s two workout training splits (Bro and PPL) after watching plenty of his training videos on his official YouTube Channel, where he constantly publishes workout, nutrition, and lifestyle blogs.

Seth Feroce is an IFBB Pro bodybuilder, YouTuber, and fitness influencer. He is known for his determination, intense training styles, and jacked and proportional physique. He has been lifting weights for more than two decades and tried various training splits throughout the journey.

If you’re his fan and want to emulate his workout, I recommend checking the below training program.

Seth Feroce’s Muscle Building Bro Split

Seth Feroce's Muscle Building Bro Split

It involves training one body part a day and you’ll do at least 30 sets for each body part. It will be a high-volume workout, requiring you to work hard each day to build bigger muscles.

You’ll train five to six times weekly during this split, starting with the chest, followed by the back, legs, and shoulders, and ending with the arms.

You can either take one or two days off in a week, depending on how quickly you recover from previous workouts.

If you take only one day of rest, then you have to push your shoulders and arms on day 4 & day 5, and on day 6, you can focus on your lagging body parts or abs.

Seth Force’s Bro Split Schedule:

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Back
  • Day 3: Legs
  • Day 4: Shoulders/Off
  • Day 5: Arms/Shoulders
  • Day 6: Underdeveloped Body Parts/Off
  • Day 7: Off

Monday – Chest

Incline Dumbbell Press 312, 10, 8
Incline DB Press (Drop set)18/16
Plate Loaded Chest Press410, 10, 8, 8
Dumbbell Pullover312, 10, 10
Plate Loaded Incline Fly312, 10, 10
Cable Crossovers315, 12, 10
DB Lateral Raises (Optional)3Failure


  • Grab as heavy dumbbells as possible during the drop set and perform 8 controlled reps. Then, switch to the light dumbbells and perform about 16 reps.
  • Perform lateral raises to bring the blood around your chest. However, this is optional.

Tuesday – Back

Pull-up (warm-up, self or assisted)56-12
Bent Over Barbell Rows (Reverse Grip)410, 10, 8, 8
Chest Assisted T-Bar Rows (Prone Grip)412, 10, 8, 8
One Arm Dumbbell Rows (warm-up)110-12/side
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows310, 8, failure
Rack Pulls48, 8, 6, 6
Wide Grip Pull Downs + Hyperextensions310-15 & 15


  • Start your workout with bodyweight pull-ups (self-assisted) and do five sets of 6-12 reps. This will activate your back muscles and prepare you for big lifts.
  • Go for as many reps as possible in the final working set of one-arm dumbbell rows.
  • Alternate wider grip pulldown and bodyweight hyperextension exercises (superset) and perform three sets.

Wednesday – Legs

Leg Extension (warm-up)315-20
Leg Warm-up (warm-up)315-20
Leg Presses512, 12, 10, 10, Failure
Back Squats410, 10, 8, 8
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts or RDL’s410, 10, 8/failure x 2
Linear Hack Squats312, 10, 10/failure
Leg Extension + Lying Leg Curl312


  • Start your workout with leg extensions and leg curls to increase blood flow and temperature around your legs.
  • Then, move to the leg press, your first main workout, and perform five sets, including the failure set in the last. Increase weight after each set.
  • Now, go to the Smith Machine or rack and perform back squats with moderate to heavy weight.
  • Compound movements for quads are done, now do the stiff leg deadlift 2 sets of 10 reps, then superset the two last sets with leg curls. Perform RDL 2 sets of 8 reps with lying leg curls till failure.
  • Superset leg extension with leg curls to finish your leg day.

Friday – Shoulder

Side Lateral Raises312, 10, 8
Lateral Raises (Drop set)16, 8, 10
Front Raises412, 12, 10, 10
Barbell Upright Rows410 (heavy)
Rope Cable Face Pulls415
Heavy Dumbbell Shrugs5Failure


  • Increase 10 lbs after each set during the lateral raises and perform the last set using the drop set approach. Start by lifting heavy, then reduce weight twice and complete three sub-sets within one drop set.
  • Perform barbell upright rows with as heavy a weight as possible but keep your elbows below your shoulder’s level to avoid injuries.

Saturday – Arms (Superset)

1A Hammer Curls310, 10, 6/12/Failure
1B V Bar Press Downs312, 12, 10/20
2A Alternating DB Curls310, 10, 8/16
2B Overhead DB Extension312, 10, 8
3A Cable Preacher Curls312, 10, 10
3B Dip Machine312, 10, 10
4A Concentration Curls2Failure
4B One-arm Cable Press Downs2Failure


  • Hammer Curl: After completing two sets, perform double drop sets in the final sets, meaning perform 6 reps with heavier dumbbells in the first sub-set, 12 reps with moderate weight dumbbells in the second sub-set, and finally grab even lighter dumbbells and go for as many reps as possible in the final sub-set.
  • V Bar Press downs and Alternating Curls: Perform two sub-sets one with heavy weights and one with light weights in your third and final set.
  • Perform concentration curls and one-handed press down as many times as possible till your muscles are completely pumped.

Seth Feroce’s Push Pull Legs (PPL) Split

Seth Feroce’s PPL split involves exercising five times weekly, with two sessions each for push and pull workouts and one for leg.

  • Day 1: Push Workout A (Chest, Shoulder, & Triceps)
  • Day 2: Pull Workout A (Back and Biceps)
  • Day 3: Legs Workout (Quads and Hamstrings)
  • Day 4: OFF
  • Day 5: Push Workout B (Shoulder, Chest, & Triceps)
  • Day 6: Pull Workout B (Back and Biceps)
  • Day 7: OFF

This is how Seth Feroce trained during the PPL split. However, he also suggests restructuring your split based on what works for you.

For example, here’s another PPL split for those who like to train their legs twice per week:

  • Day 1: Push Workout
  • Day 2: Pull Workout
  • Day 3: Legs Workout
  • Day 4: OFF
  • Repeat

Push Day 1

Standing DB Side Raises412, 10, 8, failure (4 drop sets)
Smith Machine Shoulder Press312, 10, 8
Up Right Rows312
Incline Machine Chest Press33 x 12, 10, 8
Flat DB Fly310, 8, 8
Cable Press-downs (Cambered Bar)33 x 12
Dumbbell French Press412, 10, 8, 8
Rope Press Downs312, 10, 8/16


  • Standing Dumbbell Side Raises: Perform triple drop sets in the final set with each sub-set till failure. For example, start with 8 reps, then drop weight three consecutive times and try to reach failure in each.
  • Rope Press Downs: Perform 8 reps with heavy weight followed by 16 reps with light weight (drop-set) in the final set of press down.

Pull Day 1

Pull-ups (supported/self)NA50 total
1A Reverse Grip Barbell Rows412, 10, 8, 8
1B Wide Grip Pulldowns412
One Arm Dumbbell Rows315, 12, 10, Failure
Wide Grip Seated Cable Rows315, 12, 12
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls312, 10, 6-8-10
Incline Curls412, 10, 8, 8
Spider Curls312


  • Perform as many pull-ups as possible before lifting weights. Seth recommends 50 reps.
  • Superset reverse grip rows with wide grip pulldowns and perform listed sets and reps.
  • Go for as heavy and as many reps as possible in the final set of unilateral rows.

Leg Day 1

Treadmill (warm-up)110 minutes
Stretch & Foam Roll (warm-up)5-6 minutes
Bodyweight Walking Lunges315/leg
Leg Presses815
Back Squats88-10
Lunges (no weight) + Stiff Legged DL4 & 815 & 8-12


  • Walk for 10 minutes on the inclined treadmill at a slow to medium pace.
  • Superset lunges with stiff-legged deadlifts (SLD) and performs 8 sets. Perform 15 lunges on your right side, then do SLD 8-10 reps, then 15 lunges on your left side, then again 8-10 SLDs. Repeat for the said times.

Push Day 2

Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly412, 10, 8, 8
2A Dumbbell Side Raises412-15
2B Alternating Front Raises412-15
Incline Chest Press312, 10, 8
Pec Deck Fly410-15
Plate Loaded Dip Machine410-12
Rope Triceps Extensions412-15


  • Superset dumbbell side raises with alternating front raises and perform 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
  • You can replace the dip machine with parallel bar dips to work on your chest and triceps simultaneously.

Pull Day 2

Pull-ups (supported/self)56-12
Bent Over Barbell Rows312, 10, 8
Pendulum Row1Failure
Close Grip Pulldowns312, 10, 10
T-Bar Rows312, 10, 8
DY Row Machine312, 10, 8
Alternating DB Curls312, 10, 8/16
Straight Bar Cable Curls412, 10, 8, 8
Dumbbell Spyder Curls312, 10, 10


  • Perform 8 reps with heavyweight followed by 16 reps with moderate to light dumbbells in the last set of alternating curls.
  • You can replace some exercises with the ones that work better for you.

Legs Day 2

Leg Extensions (warm-up)520
Leg Curls (warm-up)520
Adductor (warm-up)510
Abductor (warm-up)510
Leg Presses6-815-20
Reverse Hack Squat515, 15, 15, 12, 10
Smith Machine Lunges210-12/leg
SDL + Leg Curls (superset)510-12
Front Squats612, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8


  1. The number of sets and reps is overwhelming in this session, so I suggest cutting it down to the level that suits you.
  2. You can also lower the number of warm-up sets.
  3. Try to keep the weight light during the warm-up sessions so that you can lift effectively during working sets.
  4. Superset straight-leg deadlift with lying leg curls and perform 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Who Can Follow Seth Feroce’s Training Plan?

Seth Feroce is an IFBB Pro bodybuilder who has been training for more than two decades. He understands how much his body can handle and what food and supplements are needed to recover muscles. So, only experienced lifters who understand bodybuilding science can follow Seth Feroce’s inspired workout routine.

These programs are not for beginners, amateurs, or weight watchers, and whoever follows any of the above routines should consult with a professional trainer before starting the program.

Download The Workout Plan PDF

This PDF includes both Bro and Push Pull Legs splits. You can follow either of them or both of them. These training programs have worked for Seth Feroce but it’s you who have to make some adjustments based on your lifestyle, fitness level, and workout goal. You should stick to what works for you instead of what is generally recommended.

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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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