10 Week Home Workout Plan for Non-Gym Goers with Free PDF

10 Week Home Workout Plan

When I searched the web for the best no-gym home workout plan, I saw similar workout routines published on various sites—nothing new.

That’s why I’ve decided to create a comprehensive, unique, and effective 10-week home workout plan for people who want to build strength and get in shape without going to the gym.

Whether you want to level up your fitness at home or you would like to help your clients achieve better fitness without gym equipment, I recommend completing this program at least once.

I believe it will make some difference and help you improve shape your physique.

I’ll also attach a PDF of this workout plan so you can download it for future use.

About This Home Workout Program

Split TypesMultiple Splits
Program Duration10 Weeks
Program GoalBuild Muscle, Strength, and Endurance
Experience RequireBeginners to Intermediate
Target GenderMale and Female
Sessions/Week6 days a week
Equipment NeededDumbbells, Bands, and Bench

Exercise types: This program includes a variety of exercises, such as body weight, dumbbell, and resistance band exercises. However, if you’re looking for a training plan that includes only bodyweight exercises, you can follow this four-week schedule.

Split Type: This program includes mixed body part split, total-body training, push-pull, and muscle group split. The combination of the split will make your training exciting and effective.

Sessions/week: This routine involves training five to six times weekly, three to four days for muscle gain, and two days for endurance building. The strength and cardio training will help you enhance your overall fitness and body composition.

The optimum interval time between sets: The optimum rest time between sets will be 30 seconds to 2 minutes. However, you can increase the time if you feel out of breath.

Warm-up exercises: It’s good to warm up for at least five minutes before the main exercises to increase your performance and minimize the risk of injuries.1Park HK, Jung MK, Park E, Lee CY, Jee YS, Eun D, Cha JY, Yoo J. The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Feb 26;14(1):78-82. doi: 10.12965/jer.1835210.605. PMID: 29511656; PMCID: PMC5833972. You can do various exercises, such as jumping jacks, burpees, high knees, squat jumps, mountain climbing, and shoulder taps, to pump your heart and increase your blood flow.

The Best 10 Week Home Workout Routine to Build Muscle and Strength

10 Week No-Gym Home Workout Routine

This 10-week program involves multiple training splits that will help you build a strong, defined physique.

The first three weeks involve mixed body part split; the next three weeks will be full body training; the seventh and eighth weeks include push-pull split, and the last two weeks include training one muscle per day.

  • Week 1 to 3 – Mixed Body Part Split
  • Week 3 to 6 – Full Body Training
  • Week 7 to 8 – Push/Pull Split
  • Week 9 to 10 – Muscle Group Workout

The mixed body part split includes training the upper and lower muscle groups in each session.

The full-body workout involves performing at least one exercise for every major muscle group in each session.

The push-pull split involves doing push and pull exercises on separate days.

The muscle-group split includes training one body part per day.

All these splits are effective for strength and physique development, and integrating them into your program will make your training interesting and effective.

Week 1 to 3 – Mixed Body Part Split

Monday – Legs, Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Bodyweight SquatQuads315-20
Front LungesLegs310/leg
Incline Dumbbell Bench PressChest412-15
Dumbbell Overhead PressShoulder310-12
Dumbbell Lateral RaisesShoulder310-12
Bench DipsTriceps315-20

Tuesday – Legs, Back, Abs, and Core

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Bent-Over DB RowBack412-15
Dumbbell Reverse FlyUpper Back310-12
Alternating DB CurlBiceps312/arm
Romanian DeadliftHamstrings48-10
Dumbbell Glute BridgeGlutes310-12
Front PlankCore31-minute

Wednesday – Cardio

Jumping Jacks15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Mountain Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Squat Jumps10 reps x 3 sets30-sec
Single-arm DB Swings10 reps x 3 sets15-sec
High Knee Taps15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Shoulder Tap10/side x 3 sets30-sec

Thursday – Chest, Shoulder, Triceps, and Legs

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Dive Bomber Push-upsUpper Body38-10
Dumbbell Bench PressChest312-15
Flat Dumbbell FlyChest310-12
Dumbbell French PressTriceps310-12
Front RaisesShoulder310-12
Archer SquatAdductors210/leg
Donkey Calf RaiseCalves315-20

Friday – Legs, Back, Biceps, and Abs

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Squat JumpLegs310-12
Chest-Supported RowBack310-12
Banded Lat PulldownBack310-15
Concentration CurlBiceps310/arm
Hammer CurlBiceps310-12
Reverse CrunchesAbs310-20

Saturday – Cardio

Burpees5 reps x 4 sets30-sec
Sprint In Place10-sec x 4 sets1-min
Jumping Lunges5/leg x 3 sets30-sec
Knee Tap Push-up5/side x 3 sets30-sec
Crossbody Mt. Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Forearm Plank1-min x 3 sets1-min

Monday – Strength Workout

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Dumbbell SquatQuads315-20
Banded Push-upChest38-12
Overhead PressShoulder312-15
DB Bent-Over RowBack312-15
Dumbbell Leg CurlHamstrings312-15
Bench DipsTriceps315-20

Tuesday – Endurance Cardio

Jumping Jacks15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Mountain Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Squat Jumps10 reps x 3 sets30-sec
Single-arm DB Swings10 reps x 3 sets15-sec
High Knee Taps15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Shoulder Tap10/side x 3 sets30-sec

Wednesday – Strength Training

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Dumbbell LungesQuads310/leg
Incline DB Bench PressChest312-15
Lateral RaisesShoulder310-12
Single-arm RowBack310/arm
Romanian DeadliftHamstrings38-10
Concentration CurlBiceps310/arm

Thursday – Mobility Workout (Optional)

Downward Facing Dog15-sec x 4 sets30-sec
Upward Facing Dog15-sec x 4 sets30-sec
Seated Bend Forward10-sec x 5 sets30-sec
Bird Dog Plank10-sec/side x 4 sets30-sec
World’s Greatest Stretch15-sec/side x 3 sets30-sec
Boat Pose15-sec x 3 sets30-sec

Friday – Endurance Cardio

Burpees5 reps x 4 sets30-sec
Sprint In Place10-sec x 4 sets1-min
Jumping Lunges5/leg x 3 sets30-sec
Knee Tap Push-up5/side x 3 sets30-sec
Crossbody Mt. Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Forearm Plank1-min x 3 sets1-min

Saturday – Strength Training

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Dumbbell Step-upQuads310/leg
Dumbbell FlyChest312-15
Rear Delt RaisesShoulder310-12
Banded Pull-downBack312-15
DB Glute BridgeGlutes312-15
Calf RaisesCalves315-20
Wrist CurlForearms310/arm

Monday – Push Workout

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Incline DB Bench PressChest312-15
Overhead PressShoulder312-15
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder310-12
One-arm Triceps ExtensionTriceps310/arm
Dumbbell SquatQuads315-20
Hip ThrustGlutes312-15

Tuesday – Pull Workout

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Bent-Over Dumbbell RowBack312-15
Banded Pull-downBack312-15
Seated Banded RowBack312-15
Rear Delt FlyShoulder310-12
Banded Biceps CurlBiceps312-15
Romanian DeadliftHamstrings38-12
Lying Leg CurlHamstrings312-15

Wednesday – Cardio

Jumping Jacks15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Mountain Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Squat Jumps10 reps x 3 sets30-sec
Single-arm DB Swings10 reps x 3 sets15-sec
High Knee Taps15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Shoulder Tap10/side x 3 sets30-sec

Thursday – Push Day

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Walking DB LungesLegs310/leg
Dumbbell Step-upLegs310/leg
Banded Push-upsChest310-15
Flat DB Bench PressChest312-15
Front RaisesShoulder310-12
Incline French PressTriceps312-15
Calf RaisesCalves315-20

Friday – Pull day

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Banded DeadliftBack38-10
Single-arm Dumbbell RowBack310/arm
Banded Superman PullBack310-12
Incline Dumbbell CurlBiceps310-12
Spider CurlBiceps310-12
Lying Leg CurlHamstrings312-15
Single-leg DeadliftHamstrings35/leg

Saturday – Cardio

Burpees5 reps x 4 sets30-sec
Sprint In Place10-sec x 4 sets1-min
Jumping Lunges5/leg x 3 sets30-sec
Knee Tap Push-up5/side x 3 sets30-sec
Crossbody Mt. Climber15-sec x 3 sets30-sec
Forearm Plank1-min x 3 sets1-min

Monday – Chest

Banded Push-ups38-12
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press312-15
Incline DB Bench Press312-15
Dumbbell Fly310-12
Dumbbell Pullover310-12

Tuesday – Back

Banded Lat Pull-down310-12
Bent-over Dumbbell Row310-12
Seated Band Rowing312-15
Chest Supported DB Row310-12
Single-arm DB Row310/arm

Wednesday – Legs

Goblet Squat310-12
Front Lunges310-12
Romanian Deadlift312-15
Lying Leg Curl310-12
Calf Raises315-20

Thursday – Shoulder

Overhead Press310-12
Front Raises310-12
Lateral Raises310-12
Rear Delt Fly310-12
Shoulder Shrug310-12

Friday – Biceps and Triceps (Superset)

Triangle Push-up + Alternating Biceps Curl38-12
DB French Press + Incline Curl38-12
Triceps Kickback + Spider Curl38-12
1-arm Overhead Extension + Hammer Curl38-12

Saturday – Glutes and Core

Glute Bridge310-12
Glute Kickback310/side
Reverse Crunches315-20
Russian Twists310/side

Download The No-Gym Home Workout Plan PDF

Wrapping It Up

You don’t need a gym to build muscle and shape your physique; you can do that at home using your body weight and limited equipment.

I’ve published an ultimate 10-week home workout program above in this article for every fitness enthusiast who wants to enhance their fitness in an organized way at home.

Ten weeks is a decent time to improve your fitness levels and get fit. However, the workout is not enough to build muscle. You need to eat nutritious foods, get quality sleep, keep yourself hydrated, and gradually increase the weight you lift and the intensity of your workout.

Once you complete this routine, I recommend including more advanced exercises in your training program to keep improving your strength and physical appearance.

If you need any help with this program, please let me know through the contact form, social media, or comment section. I’ll be happy to assist you.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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