30-Day Compound and Isolation Workout Routine with PDF

Compound and Isolation Workout

When it comes to developing strength, muscle, and overall physique, the combination of compound and isolation exercises can be helpful.

Exercises that work on multiple muscles simultaneously are known as compound exercises. For example, IYT raise is a compound movement that engages the shoulder and back at the same time.

And exercises that focus on developing a specific muscle are called isolation exercises. For example, the biceps curl is an isolation exercise that works on the biceps only.

You can do numerous compound and isolation exercises to target all your muscle groups from the upper to the lower body and build a defined physique.

Performing compound and isolation exercises together helps increase overall strength, gain mass, improve physique appearance, and even out muscle imbalance.

I’ve designed an ultimate 3-day compound and isolation workout routine to help you train in an organized fashion and achieve decent results.

You can try this routine for one month, and I hope you’ll see some progress.

Note: This program is for healthy individuals. People with any health conditions should avoid this.

30-Day Compound and Isolation Workout Routine

Compound and Isolation Workout Routine
Compound and Isolation Workout Plan


  • Sessions/week: 3
  • Duration/session: 60 minutes
  • Program duration: 4 weeks
  • Target Gender: Male and Female
  • Workout Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Interval Time b/w Sets: 2-3 minutes for compound exercises and 1-2 minutes for isolation exercises.


  • Monday – Workout
  • Tuesday – OFF
  • Wednesday – Workout
  • Thursday – OFF
  • Friday – Workout
  • Saturday – OFF
  • Sunday – OFF

Note: This is a sample of the isolation compound workout routine. You can adjust this program depending on your fitness level and goal.

Week 1


Back SquatCompound10-153
Incline DB Bench PressIsolation10-123
Parallel Bar DipsCompound8-103
Dumbbell Lateral RaisesIsolation10-123
DB Romanian DeadliftCompound8-103
Rope PushdownIsolation12-153


Front Lat PulldownIsolation12-153
Barbell LungesCompound10-123
Seated Cable RowingIsolation12-153
Barbell Overhead PressCompound10-123
Alternate Dumbbell CurlIsolation12-153


Conventional DeadliftCompound6-83
Pec Deck FlyIsolation12-153
Barbell Flat Bench PressCompound8-103
Rear Delt DB RaisesIsolation10-123
Barbell Hip ThrustCompound10-123
Shoulder ShrugIsolation10-123

Week 2


Barbell JammersCompound6-83
Skull CrusherIsolation12-153
Incline DB IYT RaisesCompound8-103
Barbell CurlIsolation10-123
Deficit Pushups Compound8-103
DB Wrist ExtensionIsolation10-123


Incline DB Bench PressIsolation12-153
Bent-over Barbell RowCompound10-123
Lying Leg CurlIsolation12-153
Parallel Bar DipsCompound10-123
Standing Calf RaisesIsolation12-153


Barbell Back SquatCompound8-103
Machine Leg PressIsolation12-153
Barbell Overhead PressCompound10-123
Lateral DB RaisesIsolation12-153
Concentration CurlIsolation12-153

Week 3


Barbell Flat Bench PressCompound10-123
Incline Cable FlyesIsolation12-153
Barbell Romanian DeadliftCompound8-103
Weighted Glute BridgeIsolation12-153
Bent-over Barbell RowCompound10-123
Seated Cable RowingIsolation12-153


Conventional DeadliftCompound8-103
Hanging Knee RaisesIsolation12-153
Barbell Overhead PressCompound10-123
Rear Delt Dumbbell RaiseIsolation12-153
Parallel Bar DipsCompound10-123
Shoulder ShrugIsolation12-153


Dumbbell ClusterCompound8-103
V Grip Lat PulldownIsolation12-153
Dumbbell Man makerCompound8-103
Overhead Triceps ExtensionIsolation12-153
Dumbbell PulloverCompound10-123
Cable Biceps CurlIsolation12-153

Week 4


Barbell Back SquatCompound8-103
Machine Leg ExtensionIsolation12-153
Barbell Overhead PressCompound10-123
Lateral DB RaisesIsolation12-153
One-arm DB RowingIsolation12-153


Barbell Flat Bench PressCompound10-123
Incline DB Bench pressIsolation10-123
Barbell Hip ThrustCompound8-103
Incline Dumbbell CurlIsolation12-153
Parallel Bar DipsCompound10-123
Rope PushdownIsolation12-153


Conventional DeadliftCompound8-103
Hanging Knee RaisesIsolation12-153
Barbell Overhead PressCompound10-123
Rear Delt Dumbbell RaiseIsolation12-153
Pushup to Renegade RowCompound10-123
Shoulder ShrugIsolation12-153

Isolation and Compound Workout Program PDF

You can download this routine to use it whenever you like. Once you complete this program, you can increase the frequency or extend it for a few months.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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