The Best Push Pull Legs 3 Day Split Routine (PDF Included)

Push Pull Legs 3 Day Split Summary

If you’re looking for an easy-to-follow and effective three-day weekly workout program to build muscle and improve shape, you can try push/pull/legs (PPL) split.

PPL is one of the popular workout splits for building strength and muscle mass.

It involves performing push, pull, and leg exercises in order. For example, pushing exercises on day one, pulling exercises on day two, and lower body exercises on day three.

The PPL split allows you to target each muscle effectively and helps build a defined physique over time.

In this article, I’ll share the following two workout routines, one for beginners and the other for intermediate:

  • 3-Day Push Pull Legs Workout Routine for Beginners
  • Intermediate Push Pull Legs 3 Day Split to Gain Strength & Mass

These programs will allow train in an organized manner and help you build the body you want.

Program Description

3 Day Push Pull Legs Routine

Goal: The 3-day PPL split is good for building and maintaining strength and muscle mass without placing too much stress on your body.

Program Duration: I recommend following this program for 12-16 weeks to see noticeable muscle gain. Muscle building takes time that’s why you need to work out at least three to four months consistently to see the visible changes.

Session Per Duration: It will take 75 to 90 minutes to complete one session. You can increase and decrease daily workout duration according to your needs.

Rest between sets: Take as much rest as you need to lift effectively in every set but don’t let your muscles get cool.

Target Gender: This program suits both males and females.

Sessions Per Week: You’ll train any three days of the week (preferably Monday, Wednesday, & Friday) with your first day focusing on pushing exercises, the second day on pulling exercises, and the third day on lower body exercises.

Who Can Do?: Whether you want to put on mass or lose weight, try this lifting program to enhance your overall fitness.

Warm-up Exercises for Push, Pull, & Leg Days

Increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles for resistance exercises with the below warm-up exercises. Warm-ups improve blood flow in your body, help enhance performance, and minimize the risk of injuries.

Push Day

Pull Day

  • Banded Deadlift: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Lying Superman Row: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Cat-Cow: 2 sets of 10 reps (5 cat pose & cow pose each)
  • World’s Greatest Stretch: 2 sets of 10 reps (5 per side)
  • Resistance Band Pull-apart: 2 sets of 10 reps

Leg Day

  • Front Leg Swings: 10 swings per leg
  • Squat Jacks: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Lateral Squats: 10 reps per leg
  • Reverse Lunges: 10 reps per leg

The Muscle-Building 3 Day Push Pull Legs Split Workout for Beginners

  • Day 1 – Push workout – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Day 2 – Pull workout – Back, Rear Delt, and Biceps
  • Day 3 – Legs – Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, and Glutes
Push Pull Legs 3 Day Split for Beginners

Day 1 – Push Workout

Push WorkoutMusclesSetsReps
Smith Machine Bench PressChest315, 12, 10
Incline Machine PressChest312, 10, 8
Machine Pec FlyChest315, 12, 10
Machine/DB Overhead PressShoulder312, 10, 10
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder315, 12, 10
Bar PushdownTriceps315, 12, 10

Day 2 – Pull Workout

Pull ExercisesMusclesSets Reps
Pullup/Assisted PUBack3Failure
Front Lat PulldownBack315, 12, 10
Seated Cable RowingBack315, 12, 10
Reverse Pec Deck FlyBack315, 12, 10
Cable CurlBiceps315, 12, 10
Kneeling Cable CrunchAbs320, 15, 15

Day 3 – Leg Workout

Lower Body ExercisesMusclesSetsReps
Leg ExtensionQuads320, 15, 15
Machine Leg PressQuads320, 15, 15
DB Front SquatQuads315, 12, 10
Machine Leg CurlHamstrings320, 15, 15
Calf RaisesCalves320, 15, 15

What to Do in the Next Weeks?

You can swap some exercises with other exercises in the second, third, and fourth weeks.

Here’s a list of exercises you can add or replace in the following weeks:

  • Push Exercises
    • Incline Barbell Bench press,
    • DB squeeze press
    • Dips
    • Landmine press.
    • Arnold Press
    • Barbell Front Raise
    • Leaning DB Lateral Raises
    • Skull Crusher
    • Narrow Grip Bench Press
    • Diamond Pushup
    • Bench Dips
    • Overhead Triceps Extension
  • Pull Exercises
    • Barbell Bent Over Row
    • V Grip Lat Pulldown
    • Cable Facepull
    • Shoulder Shrug
    • One-arm DB Row
    • Barbell T Rowing
    • Australian Pullup
    • Chinups
    • Incline DB Curl
    • Preacher Curl
    • EZ Bar Biceps Curl
  • Leg Exercises
    • Barbell Jammers
    • Hack Squat
    • Sumo Squat
    • Bulgarian Split Squat
    • The Sumo Deadlift
    • Glute Bridges, and
    • Barbell Lunges

The Intermediate 3 Day Push Pull Legs Workout Routine

3 Day PPL Workout Plan
  • Day 1 – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Day 2 – Back, Rear Delt, Biceps, and Core
  • Day 3 – Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, and Glutes

Monday – Push Day

Push WorkoutMusclesSetsReps
Flat Bench PressChest3-46-10
Incline DB Bench PressChest3-48-12
Cable Chest FlyChest3-410-12
Bar DipsChest, Triceps3-412-15
Overhead PressShoulder3-48-12
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder3-410-12
Bar/Rope PressdownTriceps3-412-15

Wednesday – Pull Day

Pull ExercisesMusclesSetsReps
Front Lat PulldownBack3-410-12
Seated Machine/Cable RowBack3-410-12
Bent-over Barbell RowBack3-410-12
Barbell CurlBiceps3-410-12
Hanging Knee RaiseAbs3-415-20
Cable CrunchesAbs3-415-20

Friday – Leg Day

Legs WorkoutMusclesSetsReps
Barbell Back SquatQuads4-56-12
Machine Leg PressQuads3-410-12
Leg CurlHamstrings3-412-15
Reverse LungesHamstrings3-48-10/leg
Barbell Hip ThrustGlutes3-48-12
Calf RaisesCalves3-415-20

Here are some exercises you can incorporate in the following weeks of this program.

Incline Bench pressSingle DB RowingBarbell Jammer
DB squeeze pressBarbell T RowingHack Squat,
Weighted PushupsAustralian PullupSumo Deadlift
Barbell Skull CrusherUpright RowGlute Bridges
Landmine PressDB PulloverBulgarian Split Squat
Barbell Front RaisesBarbell Drag CurlDB Step-up

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Push/Pull/Legs Split Good for Muscle Building?

Yes, the PPL workout schedule helps beef up mass.

Split training boosts more muscle growth in amateur, resistance-trained men than full-body workout split – as demonstrated in a study published on the National Institute of Health (NIH) website.

Split training allows you to train multiple muscles in one session and ensure each muscle group gets proper training at the end of the week.

Is Training 3 Days a Week Enough to Build Muscle?

Yes, you can build muscle with a 3 day push pull legs workout schedule. However, you have to be consistent throughout the months and years. Usually, it takes three months to see noticeable results. So you’ll have to keep patience, lift heavy, and eat nutritious foods.

When Should You Change The Workout Routine?

Making progress in a workout routine depends on you. If you feel you can work out four to five days a week, you should do that. Training muscles a couple of times a week provides better results than training only once a week.

What Should You Eat to Gain Mass?

The National Institute of Health (NIH) database has a great article on nutrition recommendations which you can check out.
Here, I’m only sharing the recommended amount of protein, carbs, and fat you can consume to build muscles.
Protein – 1.6–2.2 g/kg/day. You can take it into various meals throughout the day, including pre and post-workout meals.
Carbohydrates:  3–5 g/kg/day. The carbs convert into energy and help you perform well during resistance training.
Fats – 1–2 g/kg/day. You can also consume fats along with carbs and protein throughout the day.

Download The 3-Day PPL 3 Day Split PDF

Once you complete the program, try this 4-day Push Pull workout routine.

Alternate Workout Routines:

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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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