20 Best Resistance Band Door Exercises with PDF

Resistance Band Door Exercises

When it comes to training at home, there is no better equipment than resistance bands. The bands are cost-effective, easy to use, and effective equipment for increasing strength, lean mass, and mobility.

A study has shown that training with resistance bands provides similar strength gains to training with conventional exercise equipment.1 Lopes, Jaqueline Santos Silva et al. “Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” SAGE open medicine vol. 7 2050312119831116. 19 Feb. 2019, doi:10.1177/2050312119831116

You can perform numerous exercises with resistance bands to train your entire body at home.

In this article, I’ll share some specific resistance band door exercises for every muscle group, from the upper to the lower body. You can combine these exercises with other ones to build a strong and balanced physique at home.

20 Best Resistance Band Door Exercises to Build Muscle

1. Standing Front Press

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerChest and ShoulderPush
  • Anchor the band to the door at an appropriate height and grab the handle in each hand.
  • Stand in the split stance with your torso slightly leaning forward.
  • Keep your hands close to your ribs with your palms facing down. That’s the start.
  • Contracting your pectoral muscles, push the band against you until your arms are straight.
  • Return to the starting position and perform the desired repetitions.

2. High to Low Decline Chest Press

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerChest and ShoulderPush
  1. Attach the band to the door at the higher position and grab each end firmly with your hands.
  2. Stand in the lunge stance with your chest up and back straight.
  3. Keep your hands close to the sides of your chest with your palms facing down. That’s the start.
  4. Press the band downward until your pecs are fully engaged.
  5. Pause for a moment, then return to the start.

3. Standing Chest Fly

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerPectoral MusclesPull
  • Anchor the band at a suitable height and stand upright, facing away from the wall.
  • Keep your arms out with your elbows slightly bent.
  • Pulling the band, bring your hands toward each other in front of your chest.
  • Feel the contraction in your pecs for a few a second or two, then return to the start.

4. Seated Row

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Attach the band to the door at a suitable height and grab the ends firmly with a neutral grip, palms facing each other.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Slightly lean your torso back, maintain a neutral spine position, and hold your chest up. That’s the start.
  • Driving your elbows at your sides, pull the band until your back muscles are engaged.
  • Return to the start and repeat for the desired reps and sets.

5. Lat Pulldown

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerLatissimus DorsiPull
  • Anchor the band to the door at the top, grab the handles firmly with a neutral grip, and sit on the floor with your legs in front of you.
  • Slightly lean back and pull the band toward your chest until you feel the full contraction in your lats and traps.
  • Pause for a moment, then return to the start.

6. Standing Front Delt Raise

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerAnterior DeltoidPush
  • Connect the hook to the door’s bottom position and stand upright with your body facing away from the door.
  • Grasp the resistance band handles firmly and raise them in front of you until your arms reach your shoulder height.
  • Feel the contraction in your front delt for a couple of seconds, then return to the start.

7. Lateral Delt Raises

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerLateral DeltPush
  • Hook the band at the door’s bottom position.
  • Stand straight to the side of the door and grab the handle with your left hand.
  • Raise the band out to your sides until you feel the complete contraction in your side deltoid.
  • Stay there for a moment, then return to the start.

8. Facepull

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerPosterior Delt, TrapeziusPull
  • Secure the hook at the top of the door and grab the handles firmly with your hands.
  • Take a few steps back, slightly lean your torso back, and extend your arms in front of your face.
  • Pull the band toward you until your rear shoulder and upper back muscles are fully activated.
  • Hold there for a moment, then return to the beginning.

9. 1-arm Shrug

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerShoulder and Upper TrapPull
  • Anchor the band to the door’s lower position, stand beside it, and grasp one end of the band.
  • Keep your arms straight and close to your body with your palms facing in.
  • Lifting your shoulder blades, pull the band until your side delt is close to the ear.
  • Feel the contraction for a moment, then return to the start and repeat.

10. Reverse Fly

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
BeginnerRear Delt & Upper TrapPull
  • Attach the hook to the door at an appropriate height and firmly grab the handle in each hand.
  • Take a few steps back, stand upright, and keep your arms straight in front of your chest.
  • Pull the band out until your arms are aligned with your shoulders.
  • Hold there for a moment, then return to the start.

11. Triceps Overhead Extension

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Hook the band to the door’s lower position, turn around, and hold the band behind your head with a neutral grip. Your elbows will point forward, and your arms will be close to your body.
  • Extend your arms overhead until you feel the full contraction in your triceps.
  • Hold there for a moment, then return to the start and repeat.

12. Triceps Pushdown

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  1. Secure the hook at the top of the door and grab the handles firmly with your hands, palms facing each other.
  2. Slightly push your hips back and lean your torso forward.
  3. Keep your arms tucked to your sides with your elbows bent.
  4. Push the band down until your triceps are fully activated.
  5. Pause for two seconds, then return to the start.

13. Lying Superman Pull

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
IntermediateBack and ShoulderPull
  • Anchor the band to the door’s lower position.
  • Lie prone on the floor against the door, extend your arms forward, and grab the band with your hands (shoulder-width apart).
  • Pull the band toward your chest until your back muscles are entirely engaged.
  • Pause for a couple of seconds, then extend your arms back to the start.

14. Standing Leg Curl

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Attach one end of the band to the door’s bottom part and hook the other end around your right foot.
  • Take one step forward and stand in the hip-width stance.
  • Curl your leg behind you until you feel the work in your hamstring.
  • Pause for one second, then uncurl your leg. Do it as many times as you like.

15. Standing Side Leg Lift

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
IntermediateLower BodyPush
  • Anchor the band to the door at the bottom position.
  • Stand to the right of the door and wrap the band around your left foot.
  • Lift your left leg out as far as possible, then return to the start.

16. Prone Leg Curl

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Anchor the band to the door at the bottom position.
  • Hook the band around the ankles of each foot.
  • Lie on the floor with your face down and legs extended.
  • Curl your legs until your hammies are fully contracted.

17. Standing Unilateral Leg Extension

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Anchor the band to the door’s lower section.
  • Wrap the band around the ankles of your right foot.
  • Take a few steps forward and stand in the hip-width stance.
  • Extend your leg until you feel the complete contraction in your quad.
  • Perform an equal number of sets and reps on each side.

18. Banded Wood Chop

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Attach one end of the band to the door at its top height and grab the other end firmly with your hands.
  • Stand to the right of the door, keep your arms straight, and pull the band toward your opposite side.
  • Pause for two seconds, then return to the start.
  • You’ll feel the contraction in your abs during the movement.

19. Side Plank Band Pull

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
IntermediateCore and BackPull
  • Hook one end of the band to the door at an appropriate height.
  • Lie on your right side with your right forearm on the floor (assume a side plank position).
  • Extend your left arm and grab the other end.
  • Keep your core tight and pull the band toward you.
  • Wait for two seconds and feel the contraction in your abs and oblique, then extend your arm back to the start. That’s one rep.
  • Perform an equal number of sets and reps on each side.

20. Overhead Press

LevelTarget MusclesMovement Type
  • Attach the band to the door’s bottom position, grab the handle tightly, and stand upright, facing away from the door.
  • Bend your elbows and keep the band behind your head.
  • Press the band overhead until your arms are straight.
  • Pause for a moment, then return to the start.

How to Integrate Resistance Band Door Exercises into a Workout Routine

You can incorporate resistance band door exercises into a total body workout routine to build muscle, improve balance and flexibility, and correct posture.

Here’s an example of how you can combine elastic band door anchor exercises with no-attachment exercises to create a well-designed program.


  • Resistance Band Squat – 3 sets x 15 reps
  • Overhead Press -3 sets x 12 reps
  • High to Low Decline Chest Press – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Seated Row -3 sets x 15 reps
  • Lateral Delt Raises – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Leg (Glute) Kickback – 3 sets x 10 reps


    • Floor Press – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Standing Chest Fly – 3 sets x 12 reps
    • Triceps Overhead Extension – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Lying Superman Pull – 3 sets x 10 reps
    • Standing Leg Curl – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Standing Side Leg Lift – 2 sets x 10 reps/leg


    • Lat Pulldown – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Banded Pushup – 3 sets x 10 reps
    • Front Delt Raise – 2 sets x 15 reps
    • 1-arm Shrug – 2 sets x 10 reps/arm
    • Triceps Pushdown – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Unilateral Leg Extension – 3 sets x 15 reps/leg


    • Suitcase Deadlift – 3 sets x 10 reps
    • Standing Front Chest Press – 3 sets x 12 reps
    • Facepull – 3 sets x 10 reps
    • Prone Leg Curl – 3 sets x 12 reps
    • Banded Wood Chop – 2 sets x 10 reps/side
    • Side Plank Band Pull – 2 sets x 10 reps/side


    • Resistance Band Squat – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Bent-over Row – 3 sets x 15 reps
    • Single-arm Bicep Curl – 3 sets x 10 reps/side
    • Reverse Fly – 3 sets x 12 reps
    • Banded Wood Chop – 2 sets x 10 reps/side
    • Flutter Kicks – 2 sets x 10 reps/leg

    You can adjust this program according to your need.

    Download The Resistance Band Door Workout PDF


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    Picture of Murshid Akram

    Murshid Akram

    I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
    Picture of Murshid Akram

    Murshid Akram

    I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

    About Me

    Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

    I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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