40 Best Resistance Band Exercises to Bolster Your Entire Body w/ PDF

Resistance Band Exercises and Workout

You don’t need machines and other gym equipment to build foundational strength; you can do it with resistance bands.

Resistance bands are inexpensive, easy to use, and accessible and allow you to perform myriad exercises to build strength and muscle at home.

In this article, I’ve shared the best resistance band exercises for every muscle group. You can use these exercises to design a workout plan and train your entire body in an organized and effective manner.

Contents show

Resistance Band Chest Exercises

You can do various resistance band exercises, such as floor presses, standing presses, push-ups, and flies, to hit your entire pectoral muscles from all angles and build a well-shaped chest.

1. Resistance Band Floor Press

The banded floor press strengthens the chest and triceps and helps you develop a solid upper body.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Chest and Triceps
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Additional Equipment: Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Wrap the resistance band across your back and hold the other end with your hands at your chest level. You can keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Brace your core and press the bands over your chest until your arms are straight.
  3. Squeeze for a couple of seconds and then slowly return to the start.

2. Resistance Band Pushup

Resistance Band Workout For Full Body

The resistance band push-up is an upper-body compound exercise that builds the chest, shoulder, and triceps. If you’re a beginner, you can do kneeling push-ups to scale up for this move.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Pecs, Delts, and Tris
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Wrap the band around your back and get into the up position of a push-up. Keep your arms straight below your shoulders. That’s the start.
  2. Lower your chest as low as possible toward the ground, and then press back to complete your one rep.

3. Standing Chest Press

The standing press is an isolation exercise to strike the pectoralis major and improve the muscle definition.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Chest
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: Attachment

How-to Steps

  1. Attach the band to the door, hold the handles firmly, and stand against it in a staggered stance.
  2. Keep your elbows bent with your palms facing down. Maintain a flat back. That’s the start.
  3. Press the band forward until your arms are fully straight.
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds, and then return to the start.

4. Standing Incline Press

The resistance band incline press targets the upper chest and improves the appearance of your pectoralis muscles. It also works on front deltoids and strengthens shoulders.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand in the split stance and wrap the band around your rear foot.
  2. Hold the band firmly in front of your shoulder with your hands shoulder-width apart and elbow bent.
  3. Press the band up until your arms are fully straight.
  4. Hold for a moment at the top and then return to the start.

5. Banded Upward Chest Fly

The upward fly works on the upper and lower pecs simultaneously and helps forge the upper body.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Chest
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand in the staggered stance and wrap the band around your rear foot.
  2. Grab the handles with an underhand grip and hold your arms at your sides with your palms facing up.
  3. Raise the bands in front of you until your arms are straight against your chest.
  4. Pause for a moment at the top and then return to the start.

Resistance Band Exercises for Back

You can do various exercises to scupt your lats, traps, and rhomboids with resistance bands only. Below are all the exercises that can help you build a wider back.

6. Resistance Band Bent-over Row

Resistance Band Lat Exercises
Bent-over row with band

The bent-over row targets the lats, one of the superior upper body muscles, and help build curvy back.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the band under your feet and hold the other end firmly with a neutral grip.
  3. Lean forward so your torso is parallel to the floor. Maintain a flat back.
  4. Pull the band toward your body until you feel the contraction in your lats.
  5. Hold there for a couple of seconds and then return to the start.

7. Seated Resistance Band Row

full body workout with resistance bands

The banded seated row is an excellent exercise to stimulate the posterior torso and helps in shaping well your back muscles.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Traps, Lats, and Lower Back
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Beginner-Level
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your feet facing forward.
  2. Place the band around your feet and hold the band firmly with your hands.
  3. Pull the band toward your stomach until you feel a good contraction in your lats.
  4. Hold for a moment and then return to the start.

8. Resistance Band Deadlift

The banded deadlift is a time-efficient exercise, allowing you to bolster multiple muscles at once, including the core, legs, and back.

It’s my favorite exercise, as I do it three times a week while training at home. If you want to gain strength and shape your body, I also recommend you do this exercise more often.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Thighs, Glutes, Abs, and Back
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand upright with your feet hip to shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the band under your feet and grab the other end firmly with a neutral grip.
  3. Push your hips back, slightly bend your knees, and lean forward.
  4. Brace your core and pull the band slowly until your hips are fully extended.
  5. Shoot for three to four sets of five to six reps each.
  6. Keep your arms straight and back straight throughout the movement.

9. Seated Band Lat Pulldown

The banded pulldown engages the lats and helps widen your back muscles. The best thing is people of all ages can include this movement in their resistance band training program.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Lats and Traps
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: Attachment

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the resistance band to the door and grab the opposite end firmly with a neutral grip.
  2. Sit on your buttocks with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  3. Pull the band toward your chest until your lats are fully engaged.
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds at the bottom and then slowly return to the start.

10. Resistance Band Superman Pull

The Superman pull is a solid exercise for developing the rear torso. It bolsters the broad, flat superficial lats and the salient lower back and makes your back strong, defined, and flexible.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Upper and Lower Back
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Anchor to Hook the Band to the Door

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the band to the door and lie on your stomach in front of it.
  2. Extend your arms and hold the band firmly with an overhand grip.
  3. Lift your arms and legs slightly off the floor.
  4. Pull the band toward your chest as close as possible. You can also raise your legs behind you.
  5. Hold in that position for a couple of seconds, and then return to the start.

Lower Body Resistance Band Workouts

The lower body has multiple muscle groups, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. You can use elastic bands to hit all these muscles and develop resistant and burly legs.

11. Resistance Band Squat

Resistance Band Exercises for Quads

The banded squat hammer the quads, increases the lower body strength, and builds an athletic anterior thigh.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Quadriceps
  • Force Type: Press
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand straight in the shoulder-width stance, wrap the band around your heels, grab the opposite end, and hold it over your head.
  2. Perform a squat until your glutes are parallel to the floor.
  3. Push your feet onto the floor and slowly stand up back.
  4. Keep your back straight and chest up during the entire movement.
  5. You can also hold the band on the back of your shoulder.

12. Curtsy Lunge to Squat

The curtsy lunges to squats challenge your mobility and endurance while forging your lower body. This exercise also kindles significant calories in a short time and enhances your cardiovascular health.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Legs, Glutes, Adductors, and Hips
  • Force Type: Multi-movement
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Wrap the band just above your knees and stand upright your back straight and arms together in front of your chest.
  2. Put your weight into your left foot, step back and around with your right foot, and squat down.
  3. Return your left foot to the start and perform one squat.
  4. Repeat the same steps to complete one rep.
  5. Keep your chest up and back straight during the entire movement.

13. Resistance Band Leg Press

The lying leg press isolates the abs and quads simultaneously and helps enhance your overall fitness.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Legs and Core
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Lie on the floor and wrap the band around your feet.
  2. Hold the other end firmly, bend your knees, and press the band until your legs are straight (avoid locking your knees).
  3. Pause for two seconds, then bend your knees and repeat.

14. Single Leg Deadlift

The single-leg deadlift strengthens the posterior chain muscles, primarily hamstrings and glutes. It also helps improve balance, flexibility, and posture.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Hamstrings, Backside, and Hip
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your left foot and hold the other end firmly with a neutral grip.
  2. Raise your right leg behind you and lower your torso toward the floor simultaneously until they are parallel to the ground.
  3. Pressing your left foot into the ground, slowly bring your right leg in the start.

15. Resistance Band Donkey Kick

The banded kickback is a glute-strengthening exercise that bolsters the backside, increases hip mobility, as well as enhances lower back health.

It requires you to stay on your single knee, which also helps improve your balance and muscle coordination.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Buttocks, Erector Spine, Abdominals, and Hamstrings
  • Force Type: Press
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Exercise Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on all fours and wrap the resistance band around the right foot.
  2. Keeping your core tight, kick your right leg back until your glutes are fully engaged.
  3. Pause for a moment in that position for a couple of seconds and bring your leg back on the floor.

16. Resistance Band Leg Extension

The leg extension is a lower body exercise that highly engages your quads and builds up solid and sculpted legs.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Quadriceps
  • Force Type: Extension
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Table/Chair

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the band in the lower section of an object.
  2. Sit on a chair against it and wrap the band around your right ankle.
  3. Extend your leg until you feel the good contraction in your quads.
  4. Do not lock your knee at the top.

17. Resistance Band Leg Curl

The banded leg curl is a strength and conditioning exercise that particularly reinforces your hamstrings, builds athletic posterior thighs, minimizes the risk of hamstring injuries, and enhances your performance.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Rear Thighs
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: An upright object where you can hook the band.

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the band to a firm object, wrap it around your ankle, and sit on a flat bench with your feet a few inches off the floor.
  2. Slightly lean back and hold the bench for the support. That’s the start.
  3. Pull the band in until you feel a good contraction in your hamstrings.
  4. Squeeze your hams for a moment and then return to the start.

18. Banded Hip Thrust

Banded hip thrusts are an incredible exercise to reinforce the glutes and hams. It also helps tone your buttocks, improves hip stability, and corrects posture.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Glutes, Lower Back, Core, and Hamstrings
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Additional Equipment: Flat Bench

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and wrap it around your hips.
  2. Put your upper back on a flat bench and keep your feet firmly on the ground with your knees aligned with your toes.
  3. Brace your core and glutes, and thrust your hips upward as high as possible so you can feel the good contraction in your gluteus maximus.
  4. Pause for a couple of seconds, and then lower your hips.

Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises

You can do resistance band overhead presses, lateral raises, reverse flies, shrugs, and upright rows to build healthy delts and traps. These exercises will not only build brawny shoulders but also lower the risk of injuries. Let’s explore all of them one by one.

19. Resistance Band Overhead Press

The overhead press engages the front and lateral delts and builds up sturdy shoulders. It also increases your pushing strength and improves your pushups.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Shoulders and Triceps
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and stand upright in the hip-width stance.
  2. Grab the opposite end firmly and hold it at your shoulder height with your palms facing forward. That’s the start.
  3. Press the band overhead until your arms are straight.
  4. Pause for a moment at the top and then return to the start. That’s one rep!

20. Resistance Band Front Raises

The banded front raises work on the anterior deltoid, helping you build sturdy and good-looking shoulders.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Shoulders
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and stand straight in the shoulder-width stance.
  2. Grab the opposite end firmly with an overhand grip and hold it in front of your thighs.
  3. Raise the band in front of you until your arms are just above your shoulder level.
  4. Pause for two seconds, then return your arms to the start and repeat for the desired times.

21. Banded Lateral Raises

full body workout with resistance bands

The resistance band lateral raises work on the side delts and helps you build defined shoulders at home.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Shoulders
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your left foot and stand straight in the split stance.
  2. Grab the handles firmly and raise your arms out the sides until you feel the good contraction in your side delts.
  3. Lower your arms to the start and repeat for the suggested sets and reps.

You can also do that using one arm at a time.

22. Bent Over Reverse Fly

The bent-over reverse fly trains the rear delt and upper trap, enhances shoulder mobility, and improves the appearance of your upper body.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Posterior Delt and Upper Back
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Stand on the resistance band in the hip-width stance and hold the band at your sides.
  2. Bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor. That’s the start.
  3. Raise your arms out to the sides until you feel a good contraction in your posterior delt and upper trap.
  4. You can hold for a couple of seconds before bringing your arms to the start.
  5. You can also do a single-arm reverse fly.

23. Banded Upright Row

resistance band exercises for full body

The upright row is an upper-body pull exercise that particularly works on the shoulders, upper back, and traps. It also stabilizes shoulders, reduces injury risks, enhances posture, and makes your torso a bit flexible.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Upper Back and Shoulders
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  • Stand on the resistance band in the hip-width stance.
  • Grab the band firmly with your hands, which are slightly shorter than hip-width.
  • Pull the band toward your neck until it reaches close to your shin.

24. Resistance Band Shrug

The shrug engages the muscles around the neck and traps, enhances your upper body appearance, and increases your shoulder mobility.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Traps and Shoulder
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your left foot and stand straight in the hip-width stance.
  2. Hold the band with a neutral grip, with your arms straight at your sides.
  3. Shrug your shoulders as many times as needed.

Resistance Band Arms Exercises

You can build rounded biceps and horseshoe triceps using the resistance bands only. The banded exercises such as pushdown, overhead extension, kickback, hammer curls, concentration curls, and wrist curls help build burly and toned arms.

25. Triceps Pushdown

The pushdown is an isolation exercise that smacks the triceps’ long head and helps build sculpted arms.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Triceps
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Additional Equipment: Attachment

How-to Steps

  • Grab the band with a neutral grip and keep your arms bent in front of your stomach, elbows in line with your shoulders.
  • Anchor the band to the door and stand against it.
  • Push the band down until your triceps are fully contracted.
  • Hold for a moment at the bottom and then return to the start. That’s one rep.

26. Overhead Tricep Extension

The banded overhead extension bolsters your triceps without an anchor. It engages the tris muscle from a different angle and helps you develop athletic upper arms.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Triceps
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your heels and stand upright with your feet together.
  2. Grab the band firmly with a neutral grip behind your neck with your elbows bent and pointing forward. That’s the start.
  3. Keep your core tight and back straight, and press the band overhead until your arms are fully straight.
  4. Hold there for a couple of seconds and then return to start.

You can also do overhead tricep extension using one arm at a time.

27. Banded Triceps Kickback

The kickbacks engage the tricep’s long, medial, and short heads simultaneously, make your triceps look strong and attractive, and enhance your performance during the various push exercises, such as bench presses, overhead presses, pushups, and dips.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Triceps Brachii
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and stand upright in the shoulder-width stance.
  2. Grab the handles and bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor.
  3. Slightly raise your elbows and keep them at your sides. That’s the start.
  4. Now, kick your arms back until your elbows are fully extended. You’ll feel the contraction in your triceps at the full extension.

28. Banded Triangle Pushup

The Triangle push-up is a multi-joint exercise that targets the triceps, chest, and shoulders. The close-hand position activates the triceps more intensely than standard push-ups, helping you achieve sturdy and chiseled upper arms.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Triceps, Chest, and Shoulders
  • Force Type: Press
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Wrap the band around your back and get into the up position of a push-up.
  2. Keep your hands in the triangle position and stay in the high plank position. That’s the start.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the ground.
  4. Press back to complete your push-up.

29. Standing Banded Bicep Curl

The banded curl is a muscle-building exercise that intensifies your biceps and builds strong arms.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Biceps
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Suitable for Beginners
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and stand straight in the hip-width stance.
  2. Grab the band firmly with an underhand grip with your arms straight in front of your thighs.
  3. Keeping your elbows tucked at your sides, curl your arms until you feel the good contraction in your biceps.
  4. Squeezing your bi’s, hold there for two seconds and return to the start.

You can also perform single-arm bicep curls. If you find it challenging to do it in the standing position, you can sit on your knees, place the band under it, and then do the curls.

30. Banded Concentration Curl

If you only want to engage your biceps, the concentration curl would be an excellent option. It highly activates the two-headed arm muscles and forges rounded and bigger biceps.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Biceps
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: Bench/Chair

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on a flat bench, wrap the band around your left foot, and grab the opposite end firmly with your left hand.
  2. Slightly lean forward and place your elbow under your thigh. That’s the start.
  3. Concentrating on your biceps, curl your arm until they are fully engaged.

31. Hammer Curl

The hammer curl targets the biceps brachii with a different grip position and makes your front upper arms appear firm and defined.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Biceps
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Suitable for Beginners
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and stand straight in the hip-width stance.
  2. Grab the band firmly with a neutral grip. And keep your arms straight in front of your thighs with your palms facing each other.
  3. Curl your arms until your biceps are fully contracted.
  4. Squeezing your biceps, hold there for a moment, and then uncurl your arms.

32. Banded Wrist Curl

You can’t have beefy arms if you skip the forearms workout. And you need only one exercise to forge your forearms, which is wrist curl. The wrist curl specifically reinforces the lower arms and builds defined arms.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Wrist and Forearms
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on a flat bench, wrap the band around your right foot, and grab the opposite end firmly with your right hand.
  2. Place your forearm on your knee and twist your wrist up and down. Do as many reps as you like.

Resistance Band Exercises for Abs and Oblique

Resistance bands are not only effective for training arms, back, legs, chest, and shoulders but also for shaping strong and toned abs.

You can do myriad abs exercises, such as crunches, wood chop, Russian twists, flutter kicks, and bird dog to work on your rectus abdominis and obliques.

Let’s explore all the exercises.

33. Banded Side Bend

The side bend works on love handles and fortifies your abdominal muscles.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Obliques
  • Force Type: Twist
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band under your feet and grab the other end with your left hand.
  2. Keep your right arm straight at your sides with your palms facing in.
  3. Bend at your left side until you feel the contraction in your oblique.
  4. Pause for a moment and then return to the start.

34. Banded Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks engage the lower abs, obliques, and hip flexors, making your core strong and defined.

It is also gentle on the spine and joints, making it suitable for all fitness levels.

This exercise also gives cardio benefits by torching a good number of calories in a short time.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Lower Abs
  • Force Type: Kicking
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
  2. Place the loop band around your shin.
  3. Lie on the floor with your arms straight beside your hips.
  4. Slightly lift your feet and head off the floor and raise your legs alternatively (like scissors work).
  5. Keep doing it until you feel the good work in your core.

35. Banded Russian Twist

Russian twists target the obliques and make the sides of your stomach rigid and defined. The unstable position of this exercise also enhances balance and muscle coordination.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Obliques
  • Force Type: Russian Twist
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: None

How-to Steps

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
  2. Place the one end of the band around your feet, hold the other end with your hands, and pull it toward your stomach. That’s the start.
  3. Twist your torso from side to side for the desired time.
  4. Try to bring the band as close to the floor as possible.

36. Resistance Band Bird Dog

The resistance band bird dog strengthens various muscles at once, such as the core, lower back, and hamstrings. It even improves balance and flexibility and protects your back from pain and injuries.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Abdominals, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Lower Back
  • Force Type: Muti-Movement
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Additional Equipment: Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band around your left foot and sit on all fours.
  2. Grab the other end of the band with your right hand.
  3. Lift your arms and legs simultaneously off the floor until they are parallel to the floor.
  4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds and return to the start.
  5. Repeat the same on your opposite side.

37. Banded Wood Chop

The wood chop is a popular and effective abdominal exercise that helps build sculpted abs and improves hip mobility and trunk flexibility.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Abdominals
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Attachment

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the band to incline the object, typically to the door.
  2. Grab the band and stand to the side a couple of steps away.
  3. Brace your core, and pull the band toward your knees as far as possible.   

38. Side Plank Band Pull

This exercise combines side plank with band pull, making it an excellent exercise for targeting obliques, back, and shoulders, improving balance and coordination, and building an athletic torso.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Abs and Back
  • Force Type: Pull
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Additional Equipment: Anchor

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor the band to a firm object.
  2. Grab the other end firmly with your right hand.
  3. Get into a side plank position on your left side.
  4. Pull the band towards your body as far as possible.
  5. Hold for a moment and return it to the start.

39. Resistance Band Dead Bug 

The dead bug is another solid exercise for core development. It keeps your abdominals under constant tension and helps build well-built abs.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Abs, Legs, and Shoulders
  • Force Type: Multi-Movement
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Additional Equipment: Mat

How-to Steps

  1. Place the band around your feet and lie on the floor.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor and bend your knees so your feet are facing forward.
  3. Keep your arms straight toward the ceiling. That’s the start.
  4. Stretch your right leg against you.
  5. You can also bring your opposite arm behind you at the same time.

40. Pallof Press

The palloff press strengthens core muscles, including obliques and deep abdominals. It also engages pectoral muscles and helps forge your upper body.

About Exercise

  • Target Muscles: Abs, Chest, and Shoulder
  • Force Type: Push
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Additional Equipment: Attachment

How-to Steps

  1. Anchor a resistance band to a firm standing object and stand beside it in a shoulder-width stance.
  2. Grasp the band firmly with both hands at chest height with your arms extended.
  3. Press the band straight against your body until your arms are parallel to the ground.
  4. Pause for two seconds and feel the contraction in your abdominals.
  5. Return to the start and repeat on the opposite side

30-Minute Resistance Band Full Body Workout Routine

  • Time for one session: 30 minutes
  • Target Gender: Male and Female
  • Sessions/Week: Three (you can increase the frequency depending on your goal).
  • Goal: Increase strength, balance, and flexibility and build lean mass.

Monday – Full Body

WorkoutMuscles WorkedReps
Floor PressChest4 x 10
SquatQuad4 x 10
Overhead PressShoulder3 x 10
Bent-over RowBack 3 x 10
Bicep CurlBiceps3 x 10
Pallof PressBiceps3 x 15

Wednesday – Total Body

WorkoutMuscles WorkedReps
DeadliftRear Body3 x 6
Bent-over RowBack4 x 10
Leg PressLegs3 x 10
Front RaisesShoulder3 x 10
Lateral RaisesShoulder3 x 10
Bird DogAbs, Glutes, & Back3 x 15

Friday – Full Body

WorkoutMuscles WorkedReps
Banded PushupChest4 x 10
Lat PulldownShoulder4 x 10
Superman PullGlute and Ham3 x 10
ShrugUpper Trap3 x 15
Banded Hip ThrustTriceps3 x 10
Single Leg DeadliftCore2 x 10

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Do Resistance Bands Build Muscle?

Yes, resistance bands can be as effective as weight training for building muscle strength. A study suggested that training with a resistance band provides similar strength gains in the upper and lower body compared to training with weight machines. However, if you want to build lots of muscles, I suggest training with barbells, dumbbells, and machines for better results.1 Lopes, Jaqueline Santos Silva et al. “Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” SAGE open medicine vol. 7 2050312119831116. 19 Feb. 2019, doi:10.1177/2050312119831116

The Best Elastic Bands for Strength & Muscle Workouts

To train every muscle throughout the body, you need a set of resistance bands with low to high tension levels. For example, if you do compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, you need heavy bands, and for isolation exercises, bands with low to moderate tension levels will be helpful. So, having a set of light and heavy bands can help train your entire body effectively.


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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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