The Best 20-Minute Resistance Band Workout (6x Weekly)

Resistance Band 20-minute Workout

If you have a set of resistance bands and want to utilize them to build a strong body at home, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ve designed the following 20-minute resistance band workout plans for those who want to build muscle at home.

  • Plan A: Full Body Workout
  • Plan B: Upper Lower Split
  • Plan C: Bro Split (one muscle group a day)

These programs involve training six times weekly and will allow you to train in an organized way.

Whether you want to build muscle or lose weight, these resistance band exercise plans will improve your fitness and shape your body, irrespective of your gender.

Program Summary

Equipment FocusResistance Bands (Different Tension Levels)
Split TypeFull Body (A), Upper-Lower (B), & Bro Split (C)
Sessions/WeekSix (Monday to Saturday)
Duration/Session20 minutes
Workout Plan GoalBuild Muscle at Home
Experienced RequireBeginner to Intermediate
Target GenderMale & Female
Program Duration6 Weeks

Full Body 20-Minute Resistance Band Workout

This routine includes doing compound, isolation, and mobility exercises twice a week.

The compound exercises help you build strength and muscle. The isolation exercises improve muscle balance and symmetry. Mobility training makes your body more functional.

Here’s how you gonna train in Plan A:

  • Day 1: Strength Training
  • Day 2: Hypertrophy
  • Day 3: Mobility Workout
  • Day 4: Strength Training
  • Day 5: Hypertrophy
  • Day 6: Mobility Workout
  • Day 7: OFF

Take 60 seconds of rest between sets during strength training and 30-45 seconds of break during the hypertrophy and mobility exercises.

Full Body 20-Minute Resistance Band Workout

Day 1 – Strength Training

Back Squat28-10Legs
Overhead Press28-10Shoulder
Deadlift28-10Lower Body
Push-ups28-10Chest, Tris
Bent-over Row28-10Back & Abs

Day 2 – Hypertrophy

Floor Press212-15Chest & Tris
Superman Row210-12Back & Shoulder
Lateral Raises212-15Shoulder
Reverse Fly212-15Upper Back
Hip Thrust212-15Glutes
Leg Curls212-15Hamstrings

Day 3 – Mobility Workout

Shoulder Pass Throughs210-12Upper Body
Single-leg Deadlift26/legLower Body
Pull-apart210-12Upper Back
Good Morning28-10Lower Body
Fire Hydrant28/sideGlutes & Ab
Bird Dog Plank26/sideFull Body

Day 4 – Strength Training

Back Squat28-10Legs
Overhead Press28-10Shoulder
Deadlift28-10Lower Body
Push-ups28-10Chest, Tris
Bent-over Row28-10Back & Abs

Day 5 – Hypertrophy

Front Raises212-15Shoulder
Overhead Extension210/armTriceps
Biceps Curls212-15Biceps
Upright Row212-15Trapezius
Upward Chest Fly212-15Chest
Leg Extension212-15Quads

Day 6 – Mobility Workout

Shoulder Pass Throughs210-12Upper Body
Curtsy Lunge26/legLower Body
Bicycle Crunches26/sideAbdominals
Banded Good Morning28-10Lower Body
Glute Bridge210-12Glutes
Monster Walk26/legLower Body

Day 7 – OFF

Take a break and restart from day 1. You can also follow plan B next week.

Resistance Band 20-Minute Upper Lower Split Workout

Resistance Band 20-Minute Split Workout

This split is for those who want to focus on their upper body and lower body separately. It involves three sessions for the upper body, two for the lower body, and one dedicated session for abdominal muscles.

  • Day 1: Upper Body
  • Day 2: Lower Body
  • Day 3: Upper Body
  • Day 4: Lower Body
  • Day 5: Upper Body
  • Day 6: Core Workout
  • Day 7: OFF

With this resistance band 20-minute split workout, you can bolster your every body part effectively and build a fit body.

Day 1 – Upper Body

Floor Press212-15Chest, Tris
Overhead Press212-15Shoulder
Banded Push-ups212-15Chest, Tris
Lateral Raises210/sideShoulder
Overhead Extension210/armTriceps

Day 2 – Lower Body

Banded Squat315-20Quads
Stationary Lunge210/legQuads
Romanian Deadlift310-12Hamstrings
Leg Curls312-15Hamstrings

Day 3 – Upper Body

Lat Pulldown215-20Back
Seated Row215-20Back
Rear Delt Fly212-15Back
Superman Row210-12Back
Biceps Curls210/armBiceps

Day 4 – Lower Body

Curtsy Lunge to Squat26/sideLower Body
Banded Leg Extension210/legQuads
Good Morning310-12Posterior Chain
Glute Kickbacks210/sidePosterior Chain

Day 5 – Upper Body

Standing Front Press212-15Chest
Front Delt Raise212-15Shoulder
Triceps Pushdown212-15Triceps
One-arm Row210/sideBack
Hammer Curl212-15Biceps

Day 6 – Abs

Bicycle Crunch26/side
Banded Dead Bug26/side
Kneeling Crunch215-20
Reverse Crunch215-20
Woodchop (Low to High)210/side

Day 7 – OFF

Take a day off, restart from day 1, or start plan C next week.

20 Minutes Bro Split Banded Workout

This 20-minute resistance band workout plan involves training one muscle group per day. It is a simple and effective split to build strength and muscle.

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Back
  • Day 3: Legs
  • Day 4: Abs
  • Day 5: Shoulder
  • Day 6: Arms
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest

Standing Front Press/Svend Press312-151-min
Banded Push-ups312-151-min
Single-arm Floor Press210/side1-min
Standing Chest Fly212-151-min

Day 2 – Back

Bent-over Row212-151-min
Lat Pulldown212-151-min
Seated Rowing212-151-minu
Standing Pullover210-121-min
Superman Pull210-121-min

Day 3 – Legs

Resistance Band Squat315-201-min
Stationary Lunges210/leg30-sec
Romanian Deadlift210-121-min
Lying Leg Curl215-2045-sec
Glute Bridge212-1545-sec

Day 4 – Abs

Bicycle Crunch26/side30-sec
Banded Dead Bug26/side30-sec
Kneeling Crunch215-2045-sec
Reverse Crunch215-2045-sec
Standing Oblique Crunch210/side30-sec
Woodchop (Low to High)210/side30-sec

Day 5 – Shoulder

Overhead Press315-201-min
Lateral Raises310/side30-sec
Rear Delt Raises310-1245-sec
Front Raises115-20No rest
Shoulder Shrug212-1530-sec

Day 6 – Arms

Overhead Extension315-2030-sec
Triceps Pushdown310/arm30-sec
1-arm Biceps Curls210/arm30-sec
Concentration Curls210/arm30-sec
Hammer Curls212-1530-sec

Day 7 – OFF

Take a break and repeat from day 1 or program A.

Can 20-minute Band Workouts Build Muscle?

Working out 20 minutes a day (six days a week) with resistance bands can help beginners increase their strength and mass but if you’ve been exercising for a while, you won’t see much gain.

Still, it is great for those who train at home and want to maintain their strength and muscle mass while improving their body functionality.

Types of Bands Needed for Optimal Training

You need a set of floss and power resistance bands to perform various exercises.

For examples:

Use loop bands with light tension for mobility exercises, such as the single-leg deadlift, Good Morning, clamshell, Superman, and fire hydrant. These movements help improve flexibility and range of motion.

Use moderate tension level bands to perform isolation exercises, such as biceps curls, triceps extension, front raises, lateral raises, rear delt fly, glute bridge, and leg curls. The isolation exercises target every muscle effectively and build a strong and defined body.

And you need power bands with high tension levels to perform compound movements, such as deadlifts, overhead presses, squats, and push-ups. These are great for building strength.

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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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