6 Month Workout Plan to Get Ripped and Build Muscle with PDF

6 Month Workout Plan to Get Ripped and Build Muscle Summary

Having a ripped and sculpted physique is one of the ultimate goals of a lot of fitness enthusiasts.

However, it requires consistency, dedication, and some practical knowledge of how exercise and nutrition work, and the most important one is a well-designed workout plan to achieve that goal.

I’ve shared a 6 month workout plan to get ripped and build lean mass in this article for those who want to become stronger, fitter, and healthier and achieve their best fitness.

I’ve also shared a PDF of this routine so that you can download and use it offline whenever you like.

6 Month Workout Plan to Get Ripped and Build Muscle

A man working out to get ripped and build muscle


  • Workout Frequency/week: 5 days
  • Program Goal: Get Ripped, Build Muscle and Transform Physique
  • Prefer Gender: Male
  • Training Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Exercise You’ll do: Cardio and Weight Training
  • Who Can Do: Anyone who wants to become stronger, fitter, and healthier and achieve their best fitness.
  • You Shouldn’t Do: If you’ve injury or cardiovascular-related health issues, or if you’re on medication of any kind, you should avoid it.


  • Month 1 – Cardio and Resistance Training on alternate days
  • Month 2 – Cardio and Strength Combined on the same day
  • Month 3 – Alternate Day Strength and Cardio Training
  • Month 4 – Same Day Weight Training and Cardio
  • Month 5 – Alternate Day Cardio and Weight Training
  • Month 6 -Strength and Cardio Workout Combined

Month 1 – Cardio and Resistance Training on Alternate Days

Monday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Cycling5 minutes2-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes2-min
Abs Workout15 minutes

Tuesday – Weight Training

ExerciseReps x SetsRest
Back Squat15 x 32-min
Overhead Press12 x 32-min
DB Lateral Raises12 x 32-min
Dumbbell Pullover12 x 32-min
Rope Pushdown12 x 32-min

Wednesday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Low Intense Cardio20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes2-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes

Friday – Weight Training

ExerciseReps x SetsRest
Block Pull15 x 32-min
Incline DB Press12 x 32-min
Pec Deck Fly12 x 32-min
Bent-over Row12 x 32-min
Barbell Curl12 x 32-min

Saturday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Battle Rope5 minutes2-min
Core Workout20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes

Month 2 – Cardio and Strength Strength Combined

Suggested Reps and Rest

  • Reps range: 8-14 (8-12 for compound movements and 10-14 for isolation exercises).
  • Interval time: 2 minutes between sets and 3-5 minutes after cardio exercise.

Week 1

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Bench PressBack SquatFront Lat PulldownMilitary PressBench Dips
Incline DB PressFront LungesSeated RowingDB PulloverCable Curl
Lateral RaisesStep-upBent-over RowingRear Delt FlyHammer Curl
Rope PushdownLeg Curl15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 2

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Incline Bench PressBack SquatFront Lat PulldownArnold PressOff Blocks DL
Peck Deck FlyLeg PressT-Bar RowPlate Front PressRope Pushdown
Cable Lateral RaisesStep-upOne-arm DB RowRear Delt FlyIncline Curl
Diamond PushupRomanian DL15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 3

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Hammer Machine PressDB Sumo SquatDeadliftMilitary PressChinups
Peck Deck FlyFarmer’s WalkLat PulldownLateral RaisesBench Dips
Dumbbell PulloverStep-upSeated CB RowReverse Pec DeckPreacher Curl
One-arm Tricep Ext.Calf Raises15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 4

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Bench PressBack SquatLat PulldownMilitary PressChinups
Incline DB PressLungesBent-over RowLateral RaisesFrench Press
H2L Cable FlyStep-upSeated CB RowReverse Pec DeckBiceps Curl
Rope PushdownLeg Curl15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Month 3 – Alternate Day Strength and Cardio Training

Monday – Weight Training

ExerciseReps x SetsRest
Off Block Deadlift15 x 32-min
Incline DB Press12 x 32-min
Pec Deck Fly12 x 32-min
Bent-over Row12 x 32-min
Barbell Curl12 x 32-min

Tuesday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes2-min
Core Workout20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes

Wednesday – Weight Training

ExerciseReps x SetsRest
Back Squat15 x 32-min
Step up12 x 32-min
Incline IYT Raises12 x 32-min
Lat Pulldown12 x 32-min
Seated Cable Row12 x 32-min

Friday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Low Intense Cardio20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes2-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes

Saturday – Weight Training

ExerciseReps x SetsRest
Bench Press15 x 32-min
Incline Hammer Press12 x 32-min
Leg Curl12 x 32-min
Rope Pushdown12 x 32-min
Barbell Curl12 x 32-min

Month 4 – Same Day Weight Training and Cardio


Treadmill5 minutes3-min
Elliptical Trainer5 minutes2-min
ChinupsAMRAP x 32-min
Partial Deadlift8 x 32-min
One-arm DB Row10 x 32-min
Cycling5 minutes


Farmer’s Walk30-sec x 31-min
Back Squat12 x 32-min
Leg Press12 x 32-min
Military Press12 x 32-min
Bench Dips12 x 32-min
Treadmill10 minutes


Treadmill10 minutes3-min
Bench Press12 x 32-min
Cable Lateral Raise12 x 32-min
Pec Deck Reverse Fly12 x 32-min
Core Training15 minutes


Treadmill5 minutes5-min
Lat Pulldown12 x 32-min
Seated Cable Row12 x 32-min
DB Pullover12 x 32-min
Biceps Curl12 x 3
Bodyweight Cardio20 minutes


Bicycling5 minutes2-min
Lunges12 x 32-min
Leg Curl12 x 32-min
Partial Deadlift10 x 32-min
Rope Pushdown8 x 32-min
Treadmill10 minutes

Month 5 – Alternate Day Cardio and Weight Training

Monday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Cycling5 minutes2-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes2-min
Abs Workout20 minutes

Tuesday – Weight Training

Bench Press12 x 32-min
Incline Hammer Press12 x 32-min
Pec Deck Fly12 x 32-min
Dumbbell Pullover12 x 32-min
Rope Pushdown12 x 32-min
One-arm Tricep Extension10 x 31-min

Wednesday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Bodyweight Cardio20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes2-min
Elliptical Cross Trainer5 minutes

Friday – Weight Training

Farmer’s Walk30-sec x 31-min
Back Squat12 x 32-min
Leg Press12 x 32-min
Military Press12 x 312 x 3
Lateral Raises12 x 312 x 3
Bench Dips12 x 32-min

Saturday – Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes3-min
Battle Rope5 minutes2-min
Core Workout20 minutes2-min
Cycling5 minutes

Month 6 – Strength and Cardio Workout Combined

Suggested Reps and Rest

  • Reps range: 8-14 (8-12 for compound movements and 10-14 for isolation exercises).
  • Interval time: 2 minutes between sets and 3-5 minutes after cardio exercise.

Week 1

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Bench PressBack SquatFront Lat PulldownMilitary PressBench Dips
Incline DB PressFront LungesSeated RowingDB PulloverCable Curl
Lateral RaisesStep-upBent-over RowingRear Delt FlyHammer Curl
Rope PushdownLeg Curl15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 2

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Incline Bench PressBack SquatFront Lat PulldownArnold PressOff Blocks DL
Peck Deck FlyLeg PressT-Bar RowPlate Front PressRope Pushdown
Cable Lateral RaisesStep-upOne-arm DB RowRear Delt FlyIncline Curl
Diamond PushupRomanian DL15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 3

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Hammer Machine PressDB Sumo SquatDeadliftMilitary PressChinups
Peck Deck FlyFarmer’s WalkLat PulldownLateral RaisesBench Dips
Dumbbell PulloverStep-upSeated CB RowReverse Pec DeckPreacher Curl
One-arm Tricep Ext.Calf Raises15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Week 4

10-min Treadmill5-min Treadmill5-min Cycling10-min Treadmill10-min Treadmill
Bench PressBack SquatLat PulldownMilitary PressChinups
Incline DB PressLungesBent-over RowLateral RaisesFrench Press
H2L Cable FlyStep-upSeated CB RowReverse Pec DeckBiceps Curl
Rope PushdownLeg Curl15-min Cardio15-min Abs5-min Elliptical
5-min Treadmill15-min Core10-min Treadmill5-min Cycling5-min Cycling

Instructions to Follow the Workout Plan Effectively

1. Pre-Workout Meal and Mood

The foundation of a good workout session begins a couple of hours before you hit the gym. For example, what you’ve consumed and how active you are before the training matter a lot.

For a good training session,

  • You must be feeling fresh and active.
  • You should have had your meal 30 minutes to 2 hours before the training, depending on what kind of food you had.

2. Get yourself ready physically and mentally

Once you hit the gym, get yourself dressed in gym attire and check what exercises you’ll be doing. Then close your eyes for a moment and imagine you’re performing those exercises. It will keep your mind on the training throughout the session.

3. Warming up your body

Warm-up is a crucial part of any weight training routine as it helps prevent injuries and improve performance. The goal is to increase blood flow and heart rate and get yourself ready for weight training. You can do some low-intense cardio exercises (not stretching), such as jogging, jumping jacks, or bicycling, for 5 minutes to get ready.

4. Keep yourself hydrated during the workout

Several studies have shown keeping yourself hydrated during the workout is essential to prevent injuries and uneasiness and enhance performance. So it is best to drink water when you feel hypohydration.1Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Farrell MJ, et al. Effect of hydration state on strength, power, and resistance exercise performanceMed Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39(10):1817-1824. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e3180de5f22, 2 Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Yamamoto LM, et al. Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolismJ Appl Physiol (1985). 2008;105(3):816-824. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01010.2007, 3Yamamoto LM, Judelson DA, Farrell MJ, et al. Effects of hydration state and resistance exercise on markers of muscle damageJ Strength Cond Res. 2008;22(5):1387-1393. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181739403

5. Post-workout stretching and cool down

Most people often miss post-workout stretching, but many athletes and coaches recommend doing this. It may have a positive impact on your training because it helps reduce muscle soreness. 4Andersen, J C. “Stretching before and after exercise: effect on muscle soreness and injury risk.” Journal of athletic training vol. 40,3 (2005): 218-20.

6. Post-workout Meal

You had a great workout session at the gym, but it is time to maximize your results through a post-workout meal. Having some good foods and supplements after the training will enhance your result.

I suggest consuming at least 40-50 grams of protein and one gram of carbs per kg of your body weight for optimal results (it is only an example, a nutritionist can help you better in this case).

7. Creator note

You can make any changes you want in this program. For example, you can increase and decrease repetitions, sets, interval time, and the daily workout duration. You can also replace any exercise you don’t like.

Can You Get a Ripped Body in 6 Months?

Getting a ripped and muscular physique in six months can be possible by doing the right exercises, eating the right food, and making a few small adjustments to your lifestyle.

However, the results will vary from person to person. For some, six months is a suitable time for achieving the best physique, but for others, it may take up to a year, depending on how their body responds and how honestly they follow the process.

If you don’t attain the results you wanted, it would be best to give another six months and stay true to yourself for at least one year, and you’ll see the noticeable changes because good things take time to cultivate.

Once you complete this five days a week six month training program, then you can try this six-day gym workout schedule.

Download PDF

You can download the above workout plan free pdf and keep it handy.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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