90-Minute Gym Workout for Muscle Gain and Weight Loss W/ PDF

90-Minute Gym Workout Plan

Many people prefer spending 90 minutes at the gym, whether they want to lose weight or build muscle. However, utilizing that time in an organized way is crucial as it can help you accomplish far better results than following a poor workout program.

Recently, I’ve designed an easy-to-follow and effective 90-minute gym workout routine to help you achieve your best shape.

This article contains two separate programs, one for muscle gain and the other for weight loss; depending on your fitness goal, you can save one of them.

Should You Train 90 Minutes a Day?

Whether you should train for ninety minutes or not depends on your fitness level, the kind of exercise you do, and the goal you want to accomplish.

For example, I’ve been exercising 90 minutes a day (4-5 days a week) for the last 12 months and my fitness goal is to increase strength, sustain muscle mass, enhance endurance, and improve balance and flexibility. So, I integrate various exercises into my 90-minute gym workout plan and perform them throughout the week.

Training for one and a half hours can be challenging as it requires decent energy and endurance level. But if you have been working out for a while and want to achieve a particular fitness goal, you have to train slightly more than recommended.

You can learn more about how much physical activity adults need on CDC.com (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention).

90-Minute Gym Workout Plan to Build Muscle

90-Minute Muscle-Building Workout

If you aim to put on muscles, enhance your lifting ability, and improve your look, this training program can help you achieve that goal.

It includes training every muscle group twice a week, making it suitable for those who want to increase muscular hypertrophy.

Despite having six sessions per week, this workout plan will allow you decent recovery time between workouts so your muscles can recover and prepare for each session.

Brief Summary

  • Split Type: Combined Upper-Lower Body Part Split
  • Sessions/Week: 5-6 Days a Week
  • Duration/Session: 1.5 Hours
  • Workout Goal: Strength and Muscle Development
  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate
  • Target Gender: Male and Female
  • Suggested Program Duration: 12-16 Weeks
  • Rest Time Between Sets: 2-3 minutes while performing compound lifts, such as squats, bench presses, overhead presses, and deadlifts; and 1-2 minutes during single-joint exercises, for example – biceps curl, triceps extension, and leg curl.

90-Minute Split Workout for Muscle Gain

  • Day 1: Chest, Arms, and Abs
  • Day 2: Back, Hamstrings, and Glutes
  • Day 3: Shoulder, Quads, and Calves
  • Day 4: OFF
  • Day 5: Chest, Arms, and Abs
  • Day 6: Back, Hamstrings, and Glutes
  • Day 7: Shoulder, Quads, and Calves
  • Day 8: OFF
  • Repeat

Warm-up: Begin your session with a few warm-up sets to prepare your muscles for heavy lifts.

Day 1: Chest, Arms, and Abs

Incline Machine Bench Press312-15
Flat Machine Bench Press312-15
Peck Deck Fly312-15
Skull Crusher + Preacher Curl (Superset)210-15
Press Down + Incline DB Curl (Superset)210-15
Bar Dips + Hammer Curl (Superset)210-15
Hanging Knee Raises + Sit-ups (Superset)210-20

Day 2: Back, Hamstrings, and Glutes

Close Grip Lat Pulldown312-15
Seated Cable Row312-15
Bent-Over Barbell Row312-15
One-arm DB Row310-12
DB Romanian Deadlift310-12
Leg Curl315-20
Hip Thrust310-12

Day 3: Shoulder, Quads, and Calves

Leg Extension + Lateral Raises (superset)412-15
Machine Leg Press + Overhead Press412-15
Dumbbell Lunges + Rear Delt Flyes410-12
Calf Raises + Shoulder Shrug410-12

Day 4: OFF

Day 5: Chest, Arms, and Abs

Incline DB Bench Press312-15
Low-to-High Cable Chest Fly312-15
Cable Upward Fly312-15
Overhead Rope Extension + Barbell Curl (Superset)210-15
Press Down + Concentration Curl (Superset)210-15
Bench Dips + Reverse Curl (Superset)210-15
Hanging Knee Raises + Sit-ups (Superset)210-20

Day 6: Back, Hamstrings, and Glutes

Front Lat Pull Down312-15
Chest-Supported Row312-15
Standing Lat Pulldown312-15
Low Back Extension310-12
DB Romanian Deadlift310-12
Leg Curl315-20
Long Leg March310-12

Day 7: Shoulder, Quads, and Calves

Leg Extension + Lateral Raises (superset)412-15
Back/Hack Squat + Front Raises412-15
Bulgarian Squat + Overhead Reverse Fly410-12
Calf Raises + Shoulder Shrug412-15

90 Minute Gym Workout Routine to Promote Weight Loss

90 Minute Weight Loss Workout

Consuming nutritious, low-calorie foods that can fill for longer will help you limit your calorie intake and reduce your body fats over time.

Besides diet, exercise plays a key role in accelerating fat loss, bolstering muscles, and sculpting physique.1 Swift, Damon L et al. “The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance.” Progress in cardiovascular diseases vol. 56,4 (2014): 441-7. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012

And those who want to transform their shape and fitness level can try this 90-minute weight loss gym workout.

About Program

  • Routine Type: Strength and Cardio Split
  • Frequency: 6 Days a Week
  • Workout Goal: Bolster Muscles, Increase Fat-Free Mass, and Promote Weight Loss
  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate
  • Target Gender: Male and Female
  • Recommended Program Duration: 3-4 Months

Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: Cardio
  • Tuesday: Strength Training
  • Wednesday: Cardio
  • Thursday: Weight Training
  • Friday: Cardio
  • Saturday: Strength Workout
  • Sunday: REST

Monday – Cardio

Treadmill (At Your Own Pace)15-minute3-minute
Stationary Bike10-minute2-minute
Elliptical Cross Trainer10-minute2-minute
Half/Full Burpees3 sets x 10 reps1-minute
Kettlebell Swings3 sets x 15 reps1-minute
Dumbbell Clean3 sets x 10 reps1-minute
Abs Workout30-minute

Tuesday – Strength Training

Partial Deadlift310-12
Front Lat Pull Down312-15
Seated Cable Rowing312-15
Overhead Press312-15
Seated Peck Deck Fly310-12
DB Romanian Deadlift310-12
Dumbbell Lunges310/leg

Wednesday – Cardio

Treadmill (At Your Own Pace)15-minute3-minute
Stationary Bike10-minute3-minute
Elliptical Cross Trainer10-minute3-minute
Battle Rope5-minute3-minute
Jumping Rope5-minute3-minute
Dumbbell Abs Workout30-minute

Thursday – Weight Training

Leg Extension315-20
Machine Leg Press312-15
Incline Machine Chest Press312-15
Lateral Cable Raise312-15
Reverse Peck Deck Fly310-12
One-arm Dumbbell Row310-12
Machine Leg Curl310-12

Friday – Cardio

Treadmill (At Your Own Pace)15-minute3-minute
Stationary Bike10-minute3-minute
Elliptical Cross Trainer10-minute3-minute
Bar Over Burpees4 sets x 10 reps1-minute
Kettlebell Swings3 sets x 20 reps1-minute
Plank Dumbbell Drag3 sets x 20 reps1-minute
DB Sumo Squat Pulses5 sets x 20-sec1-minute
HIIT Abs Workout15-minute

Saturday – Strength Workout

Smith Machine Back Squat415-20
Flat DB/Machine Bench Press412-15
Chest-Supported DB/T-Bar Row412-15
Hip Thrust410-12
Triceps Overhead Extension415-20
Barbell Curl415-20

Download The Workout Routine PDF

The Bottom Line

Training 90 minutes daily is enough to achieve a specific fitness goal, whether fat loss or muscle building. It allows you to include a variety of exercises, from strength and cardio, and lets you focus on every muscle group effectively.

If you want to utilize your time in an organized and effective manner, you can follow one of the workout plans I’ve shared in this article.

Pairing these workout programs with a healthy diet will help you mold your physique and take your fitness to the next level quickly.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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