If you’re looking for an ultimate list of Kettlebell exercises, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ve shared as many as eighty kettlebell workouts, from beginner to advanced level.
Each exercise works on different muscle groups and has different benefits. So, you can use them depending on your fitness level and goal.
Having a list of all kettlebell exercises will also help you create a well-customized KB workout routine.
The Full List of Kettlebell Exercises
1. Australian Kettlebell Swing
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Full Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefit: Strengthen various muscles throughout the body and increase speed and endurance.
2. KB Around the World
- Movement Type: Circling
- Muscles Worked: Arms and Lower Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefit: Improve strength and balance.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Total Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefit: Build endurance, speed, and cardiovascular health.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Arms and Shoulders
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Develop strength and power to perform advanced kettlebell exercises, such as clean & press and high pull.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Quadriceps
- Level: Beginner
- Beginner: It’s a basic but the most effective way to bolster quads and build sturdy legs.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, and Quads
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Improve balance and flexibility and prop posterior chain muscles.
7. Standing Kettlebell Press
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Strengthen delts and maximize pushing strength.
8. Kneeling Kettlebell Press
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Improve shoulder and mobility.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Total Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Develop shoulder strength and mobility.
10. Dual-arm KB Clean and Press
- Movement Type: Pull-Push
- Muscles Worked: Total Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Hit multiple muscles from the upper to lower body and increase strength and endurance.
11. Kettlebell Curl
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Biceps
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Strengthen biceps and helps improve lifting weight.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Legs and Shoulder
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Build up solid quads and shoulder and enhance pushing strength.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Improve lifting ability and build stamina.
14. Kettlebell Jerk
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Shoulders, Core, and Legs
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Benefits: Build up strong shoulders, core, and legs while improving your strength and cardio fitness.
- Good for: Strength and Balance
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Develop balance and bolster upper body muscles, particularly the core, arms, and shoulders.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Shoulders
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Benefits: Fire up delts, prop lower body muscles, and boost stamina.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Strengthen your inner and outer thigh and build up lower body strength.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Shoulders, Core, and Legs
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Hit many muscles throughout the body and improve strength and body composition.
- Movement Type: Pull-Push
- Muscles Worked: Core and Shoulders
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Forge your core and helps build six-pack abs strengthening your shoulder muscles.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Total Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Great way to increase total body strength and endurance.
21. Kettlebell Lunge
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads, hams, glutes.
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Build up lower body foundational strength.
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Improve balance and stability.
- Movement Type: Pull-Push
- Muscles Worked: Core, Lats, and Chest
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Bolster upper body muscles and improve balance.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Core and Arms
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Improve your ability to hold the weight in a stable position for a longer duration and prop your arms and shoulders simultaneously.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Solidify lower body muscles and burn decent calories in a quick time.
26. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Integrated Full Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Enhance pulling strength while bolstering legs, core, shoulder, and back.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Abdominals
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen and tone abdominal muscles and thicken six-pack abs.
28. Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Integrated Full Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Develop posterior chain muscles and helps prevent low back injuries.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Legs and Core
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen and tone the lower body, abs, and oblique simultaneously and improve hip mobility.
30. Kettlebell Halo
- Movement Type: Circling
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Improve shoulder strength and flexibility and bolster other upper body balance.
31. Kettlebell Carry Walk
- Movement Type: Walking
- Muscles Worked: Total
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: It’s a great way to burn significant calories in a short time and boost cardiovascular health.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Chest and Triceps
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: It helps develop pecs and add definition to your upper body.
33. Kettlebell Russian Twist
- Movement Type: Core Workout
- Muscles Worked: Obliques
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen love handles and sculpt abdominal muscles.
34. Kettlebell Racked Reverse Lunge
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads, Hams, and Glutes
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen and Tone lower body muscles
- Movement Type: Isometric
- Muscles Worked: Core
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Forge abdominal muscles, especially external and internal oblique.
- Movement Type: Compound Movement
- Muscles Worked: Legs, Core, Arms, and Shoulders
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: It’s an excellent way to improve aerobic fitness while strengthening many upper body muscles, particularly abs and legs.
37. Kettlebell Clamshell
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Improve lower body strength and hip mobility.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Back and Row
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Target lats and traps and build up a solid back.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Back and Shoulder
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen upper back, shoulder, and lats simultaneously and improve upper body composition.
- Movement Type: High-intensity
- Muscles Worked: Integrated Full Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: It’s a high-intensity exercise that helps build up your endurance and burn decent calories.
41. Kettlebell Pullover
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Chest and Latissimus Dorsi
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen chest and lats and improve your upper body muscle definition.
42. Kettlebell Swing Gorilla Deadlift
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Integrated Full Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness while forging multiple muscles simultaneously.
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Build strength and balance.
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Maximize lower body strength and enhance cardiovascular fitness at the same time.
45. Kettlebell Side Bend
- Movement Type: Core Workout
- Muscles Worked: Oblique
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: An easy way to hit your obliques and strengthen your core.
46. Kettlebell V Ups
- Movement Type: Core Workout
- Muscles Worked: Abs
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Challenge your core endurance while forging abdominal muscles.
- Movement Type: Bending your torso
- Muscles Worked: Posterior Chain
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Increase lower back and hamstring strength and reduce the possibility of injuries.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Benefits: Build strength and mass in your pectoral muscles, as well as develop a strong core and triceps.
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Beginner
- Benefit: Build strength in your lower body.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder and Legs
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Develop sturdy shoulders and build strength for challenging movements.
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Legs, arms, and shoulders.
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Improve strength, balance, and aerobic fitness.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Build up muscular shoulder and improve pushing strength.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Chest and Shoulder
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: It helps work on each side of the chest individually and even out strength imbalance.
54. Kettlebell Side Swings
- Movement Type: Swing
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen the shoulder, especially the lateral deltoid, which is often skipped during various push exercises.
55. Kettlebell Drag
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Core, Arms, and Shoulders
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Improve endurance and bolster core, arms, and shoulder simultaneously.
56. Kettlebell Overhead Side Bend
- Movement Type: Twist
- Muscles Worked: Oblique and Shoulder
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen love handles and sculpt abdominal muscles.
57. Goblet Loaded Curtsy Step Down
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Develop stronger and toned legs.
58. KB Chainsaw Row
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Back and Core
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Forge lats, traps, and core, as well as improve balance.
59. Kettlebell Upright Row
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder and Upper Trap
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Increase shoulder strength and mobility and improve shape around your traps.
- Movement Type: Pull
- Muscles Worked: Back
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Easy way to improve back strength and shape.
61. Kettlebell Overhead Carry Walk
- Movement Type: Walking
- Muscles Worked: Full Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Build strength throughout the body, helps in day-to-day life where you need to walk holding things, and improve cardiovascular health.
62. Kettlebell Woodchop
- Movement Type: Core Workout
- Muscles Worked: Oblique
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Develop strong obliques and improve hip mobility.
63. Kettlebell Deadbug
- Movement Type: Core Workout
- Muscles Worked: Abdominal muscles
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Sculpt and tone abdominal muscles.
- Movement Type: Compound Workout
- Muscles Worked: Upper body muscles
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Build endurance and fire up abdominal muscles.
65. Kettlebell Hollow Body Hold
- Movement Type: Isometric
- Muscles Worked: Abs
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Build up core endurance and thicken rectus abdominis.
66. Kettlebell Anterior Lunges
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads and Hamstrings.
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Improve overall strength in your lower body muscles.
67. Kettlebell Lateral Squat
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Target thigh muscles from a different angle and build defined legs.
68. Kettlebell One-arm Press
- Movement Type: Unilateral Push Workout
- Muscles Worked: Shoulder
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: It allows you to work on your shoulder unilaterally and balance out muscle imbalance.
69. KB Clean and Rotational Press
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Integrated Full Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: It’s a great way to boost stamina, speed, strength, and mobility.
70. Kettlebell Spin Press
- Movement Type: Spinning Sideways (5 to 10 meters)
- Muscles Worked: Fully Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Improve balance, flexibility, endurance, and strength.
71. Single-leg Romanian Deadlift
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Hammies, Glutes, and Lower back
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen posterior chain muscles and improve mobility throughout the body.
72. Kettlebell Split Jumping Lunges
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Strengthen and tone lower body muscles and enhance cardio.
73. Kettlebell Squat Jumps
- Movement Type: High-intensity
- Muscles Worked: Legs
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: Build strength and endurance and burn decent calories.
74. Single Kettlebell Clean and Press
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Legs, Shoulder, and Core
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Bolster shoulder and core muscles and maximize aerobic power.
75. KB Reverse Lunges to Step Up
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Lower Body
- Level: Advanced
- Benefits: It hits the entire lower body muscles: quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, and enhances aerobic strength.
76. Kettlebell Incline Plank Rowing
- Movement Type: Compound
- Muscles Worked: Upper Body
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: It helps forge back muscle while propping the core.
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Glutes, hamstrings, Lower back, and Core
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: It strengthens the glutes maximus (one of the largest muscles of the body) and provides stability to the lower back.
78. Crush Grip Kettlebell Push-up
- Movement Type: Push Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Develop muscular chest and triceps and improve upper body physique.
79. Alternating Kettlebell Swings
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Build endurance and maximize aerobic strength.
80. Kettlebell Bottoms up
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Bolster forearms and improve wrist mobility.
- Movement Type: Leg Workout
- Muscles Worked: Quads
- Level: Beginner
- Benefits: Strengthen hips and core.
82. Floor Seesaw Press
- Movement Type: Push
- Muscles Worked: Chest and Triceps
- Level: Intermediate
- Benefits: Strengthen pecs and triceps without a bench.
Kettlebell Exercises List Based on Difficulty
- KB Around the World
- Russian Kettlebell Swing
- Single Kettlebell Clean
- Kettlebell Squat
- Kettlebell Press
- Kneeling Kettlebell Press
- Kettlebell Curl
- Kettlebell Snatch
- Goblet Squat
- Kettlebell Lunge
- Bob and Weave
- Suitcase Deadlift
- Kettlebell Halo
- Farmer’s Walk
- Kettlebell Floor Press
- Kettlebell Clamshell
- Kettlebell Suitcase Row
- Kettlebell Pullover
- Kettlebell Step Up
- Kettlebell Side Bend
- Kettlebell Push-up
- Walking Lunges
- Kettlebell Push Press
- Kettlebell Upright Row
- Tripod KB Hip Row
- Overhead Carry Walk
- Kettlebell Lateral Squat
- Kettlebell One-arm Press
- Kettlebell Glute Bridge
- Crush Grip Push-up
- Kettlebell Bottoms up
- Slingshot
- Australian Kettlebell Swing
- Single Leg Deadlift
- Turkish Get-Up
- Dual-arm KB Clean and Press
- Kettlebell Squat to Press
- Kettlebell Jerk
- Kettlebell Windmill
- Kettlebell Thruster
- Lunge to Press
- Kettlebell Renegade Row
- Kettlebell Armbar
- Kettlebell Sit-up
- Kettlebell Russian Twist
- Racked Reverse Lunge
- Kettlebell Side Plank
- Kettlebell Deck Squat
- Gorilla Row
- Kettlebell Slasher
- Kettlebell Good Morning
- KB Overhead Squat
- Standing Seesaw Press
- Offset Pushup
- Lateral Swings
- Kettlebell Drag
- Overhead Side Bend
- KB Chainsaw Row
- Kettlebell Woodchop
- Kettlebell Deadbug
- KB Hollow Body Hold
- Kettlebell Anterior Lunges
- Single Kettlebell Clean and Press
- KB Incline Plank Rowing
- Alternating Kettlebell Swings
- Floor Seesaw Press
- Single-leg RDL
- Kettlebell Sit and Press
- Kettlebell Man Maker
- Pistol Squat
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- KB Lunge with Rotation
- KB Swing to Gorilla Deadlift
- Kettlebell Shrimp Squats
- Kettlebell V Ups
- Goblet Curtsy Step Down
- Push/Pull Spiderman Plank
- KB Clean and Rotational Press
- Kettlebell Spin Press
- Split Jumping Lunges
- Kettlebell Squat Jumps
- KB Reverse Lunges to Step Up
Kettlebell Exercises List PDF
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