Full 12-Week Kettlebell Workout Program w/ Free PDF

Kettlebell Workout to Build Muscle

You can do myriad kettlebell exercises to build muscles, increase strength, enhance cardiovascular fitness, and improve body composition. However, you need a good workout program to train in an organized manner and achieve the best results.

To help you reach your fitness goal safely and effectively, I’ve designed the ultimate 12 week kettlebell workout program.

This routine is excellent for those who train only with kettlebells to improve their fitness level.

I’ve included various exercises in this routine that work throughout the body and help you achieve your best physique.

Whether you’re a male or female, you can follow this program for three months to see the progress. I hope it will take your fitness to the next level.

I’ve also attached a Free PDF of this KB routine that you can download to use offline.

Program Description

Week- 1, 4, 7, 10Full Body
Week- 2, 5, 8, 11Push/Pull/Leg (PPL)
Week- 3, 6, 9, 12Upper/Lower split
Training Duration12 Weeks
Difficulty LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Require EquipmentKettlebells and a flexible bench (optional)
Training GoalBuild Strength, Muscle, Endurance, and Mobility
Duration/Session45 to 60 minutes
Target GenderBoth Male and Female

You’ll train for three to four days weekly during the full-body split and four to five days during the PPL and upper/lower split.

The full-body workout involves training almost every body part in each session.

The PPL split involves performing push exercises on Monday, pull exercises on Wednesday, and leg exercises on Thursday. I’ve also added a session for training your abdominal muscles on Friday.

The upper-lower split allows you to work on your torso and legs in separate sessions and helps you focus more on your weaker body parts.

The interval between sets would be 30-45 seconds and between rounds would be 2-3 minutes.

You’ll do 5 to 7 exercises every day throughout the journey.

You can do this program wherever you like, such as at home, in the gym, or on the ground.

Note: You can increase the rest time between sets depending on your fitness level. However, keeping it short will help you increase endurance.

Related:  30-Day Single Kettlebell Workout Routine

The 12 Week Kettlebell Workout Plan for Building Muscle

12 Week Kettlebell Program
12 Week Kettlebell Program Overview
  • Weeks 1, 4, 7, 10: Full Body Workout
  • Weeks 2, 5, 8, 11: Push, Pull, Legs
  • Weeks 3, 6, 9, 12: Upper-Lower Split

Warm-up: It is best to perform some aerobic exercises for a few minutes to increase your heart rate and oxygen supply and get your muscles ready before you start the kettlebell workout session.

Week 1 – Full Body

You can perform exercises in the circuit (performing one set of each exercise in one round) or follow a standard pattern (completing all sets of one exercise before doing another), depending on your fitness level.

Perform two rounds if you’re a beginner and three if you’ve been working out for a while.


ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Kettlebell LungesQuads and Hamstrings10/leg
Kettlebell SquatQuads15
Deficit PushupChest and Triceps10
KB Overhead PressShoulder10
KB Bent Over RowBack and Biceps10
Kneeling Low to High ChopCore10/side


Exercise Muscles Worked Reps
KB Farmer’s WalkFull Body30-sec
Dual arm KB SwingTotal Body 15
Turkish Get-upFull Body 5/side
Kettlebell DeadliftLower Body10
Kettlebell WindmillTotal Body 10
Good MorningPosterior Chain10


ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Kettlebell Floor PressChest and Triceps15
Crush Grip KB PushupChest and Triceps 10
KB Clean and PressLegs and Shoulder10
KB Lunges to CurlLegs and Biceps10
Kettlebell Gorilla RowBack and Biceps15

Week 2 – Push/Pull/Leg

12 Week Kettlebell Routine

Instructions: Follow a standard set routine to perform the workout. For example, complete all sets of one exercise before doing another.

Monday – Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Bench Press315-20Chest and Triceps
KB Crush Grip Pushup315-20Chest and Triceps
Seesaw Kettlebell Press310/armShoulder
Kettlebell Push Press312-15Shoulder
Sit and Press310-15Delts and Abs

Wednesday – Pull Workout

Exercise SetsReps Muscle Worked
Kettlebell Deadlift310-15Leg and Back
Single-arm Gorilla Row310/sideBack
Kettlebell High Pull315-20Back and Shoulder
Single-arm Swing310/armFull Body
Single-arm Clean310/armBiceps

Thursday – Legs

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
KB Step-up315-20Quads
Kettlebell Lunges310/legLegs
KB Cossack Squat315-20Lower Body
Romanian Deadlift310-12Hamstring
KB Glute Bridge310-15Glutes

Friday – Abs

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Swings315 x 3Full Body
KB Lunge Twist310/sideOblique
Weighted Sit-up410-15Upper Abs
KB Dead Bug45/sideLower Abs

Week 3 – Upper/Lower Split

Kettlebell 12 week Training Program

Monday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Deficit Pushup310-20Chest
Push Press310-15Shoulder
Single-arm Gorilla Row310/sideBack
Kettlebell Z Press310-15Shoulder
KB Renegade Row36/sideBack

Tuesday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Front Squat315-20Quadriceps
Front Racked Lunges310/legLower Body
KB Single-Leg RDL38/legHamstring
Frog Pump310-12Glutes
Single-leg Calf Raises310/legCalves

Thursday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Single-arm Swing315/armTrunk
Kettlebell Snatch310/armShoulder
KB Slingshot315-20Arms
Single-arm High Pulls310/sideShoulder
Kettlebell Bench Press315-20Chest

Friday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Sumo Squat315-20Quads and Glute
Reverse Lunges310/legQuads and Glute
Step-up310/legLower Body
Good Moring310-12Posterior Chain
Lateral Squat310/legInner Thigh

Week 4 – Full Body


ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Single-arm KB Swing320/armFull Body
KB Turkish Get Up310/sideFull Body
Kettlebell Z Press315-20Delts and Abs
Single-arm Row315/arm Back
Weighted Sit-up312-15Abs


ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Single-arm Squat to Press310/sideLeg and Delts
Pushup to Renegade Row38-10Upper Body
Kettlebell Windmill36/sideFull Body
Mountain Climber430-secAbs
Half Kneeling KB Chop310/sideCore


ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
KB Deadlift310-15Leg and Back
Seesaw Press310/armChest and Triceps
Lunge with Rotation310/sideLegs and Core
KB Swing Changing Hands315-20Upper Body
Kettlebell Thruster315-20Posterior Chain
KB Crunches312-15Core

Week 5 – Push/Pull/Leg/Core

Monday – Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Bench Press315-20Chest and Triceps
Deficit Push-ups315-20Chest and Triceps
Seesaw Kettlebell Press315/armShoulder
Close Grip Push-up315-20Chest and Triceps
KB Overhead Triceps Extension312-15Triceps
Kettlebell Dips312-15Triceps

Tuesday – Pull Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Deadlift315-20Leg and Back
Gorilla Row315/sideBack
Dual-arm Russian Swing315-20Full Body
KB Reverse Curl315-20Arms
High Pulls315-20Core
Superman Pull315-20Back

Thursday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
KB Front Squat315-20Quadriceps
Curtsy Lunges310/legQuads and Hams
KB Cossack Squat310/legLower Body
Romanian Deadlift310-12Hamstring
Glute Bridge315-20Glutes
Single-arm Calf Raises315-20Calves

Friday – Core

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Standing Oblique Cop310/sideObliques
Straight-arm Crunches310-15Upper Abs
KB Russian Twist330-secObliques
KB Dead Bug35-sec/sideLower Abs
Mountain Climber330-secAbs

Week 6 – Upper/Lower Split

Monday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Deficit Pushup415-20Chest and Triceps
1-arm Clean and Press410/armBack, Delts, & Arms
Single-arm Gorilla Row410/armBack and Abs
KB Renegade Row410/sideBack, Arms, and Abs
Lateral Kettlebell Swings410/sideShoulder, Back, & Abs

Tuesday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Front Racked Squat415-20Quads
Front Racked Lunges310/legQuads
KB Single-Leg RDL310/legHamstring
Lateral Squat310/legAdductors
KB Step-up310/legLegs

Thursday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Swing420-25Upper Body
KB Push Press410-15Shoulder
KB Slingshot410/sideUpper Body
High Pull410-15Upper Body
Kettlebell Halo410/sideArms & Shoulder

Friday – Legs

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Sumo Squat412-15Thighs & Glutes
Reverse Lunges310/sideQuad & Ham
KB Pistol Squat35/legQuad & Ham
Suitcase Deadlift412-15Thigh and Glute
Kb Calf Raises415/legCalves

Week 7 – Full Body


Both Arm KB Swing420-25Full Body
Turkish Get-up36/sideFull Body
Bob and Weave38/sideLower Body
KB Windmill310/sideFull Body
Man Maker38-10Total Body


ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
Front Racked Lunges310/legLegs
Squat to Overhead Press310-12Leg and Delts
Pushup to Renegade Row38/sideUpper Body
Single-arm KB Clean310/sideUpper Body
Gorilla Row312-15Back and Abs
Half Kneeling KB Chop310/sideCore


ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Side KB Swing310/sideShoulder
Deficit Pushup310-15Chest & Triceps
1-arm KB Snatch310/sideLegs and Delts
Kettlebell High Pull310-15Full Body
Romanian Deadlift310-12Hamstrings
Kettlebell Z Press310-12Shoulder


ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
Thruster312-15Leg & Shoulder
Pistol Squat45/legFull Body
Crush Grip Push-up38/sideChest & Tris
Bottoms Up Press310/armArms & Delts
Overhead Swings312-15Shoulder

Week 8 – Push/Pull/Leg/Core

Monday – Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
KB Floor Press410-15Chest and Triceps
Deficit Pushup410-15Chest and Triceps
Seesaw Kettlebell Press410/sideShoulder
Kettlebell Arm Bar45/sideShoulder & Ab
Bridge Press410-15Chest, Glutes & Ab

Tuesday – Pull Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscle
Kettlebell Deadlift410-12Leg and Back
Gorilla Row410-12Back
Kettlebell High Pull410-12Back and Shoulder
Dual-arm Russian Swing420-25Full Body
Kettlebell Curl412-15Biceps

Thursday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Front Squat415-20Quadriceps
Reverse Lunges410/legQuads and Hams
Cossack Squat410/legAdductors
Single Straight Leg Deadlift410/legHamstring

Friday – Core

ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
Kneeling KB L2H Cop410/sideObliques
Straight-arm Crunches410-15Abs
Russian Twist410/sideObliques
Side Plank Dips410/sideObliques
Kettlebell Deadbug410/sideLower Abs

Week 9 – Upper Lower Split

Monday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Deficit Pushup415-20Chest and Triceps
1-arm Clean and Press410/armBack, Delts, & Arms
Single-arm Gorilla Row410/armBack and Abs
KB Renegade Row410/sideBack, Arms, and Abs
Lateral Kettlebell Swings410/sideShoulder, Back, & Abs

Tuesday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Front Racked Squat415-20Quads
Front Racked Lunges310/legQuads
KB Single-Leg RDL310/legHamstring
Lateral Squat310/legAdductors
KB Step-up310/legLegs

Thursday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Swing420-25Upper Body
KB Push Press410-15Shoulder
KB Slingshot410/sideUpper Body
High Pull410-15Upper Body
KB Superman410/sideArms & Shoulder

Friday – Legs

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Sumo Squat412-15Thighs & Glutes
Reverse Lunges310/sideQuad & Ham
KB Pistol Squat35/legQuad & Ham
Suitcase Deadlift412-15Thigh and Glute
Kb Calf Raises415/legCalves

Week 10 – Full Body


 KB Swing Gorilla Deadlift410-12Full Body
Turkish Get-up36/sideFull Body
Bob and Weave38/sideLower Body
Hyperextension310/sideFull Body
KB Power Maker38-10Total Body


ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
KB Lunge with Rotation310/sideLegs & Oblique
Squat to Overhead Press310-12Leg and Delts
Pushup to Renegade Row38/sideUpper Body
Single-arm KB Clean310/sideUpper Body
Gorilla Row312-15Back and Abs
Half Kneeling KB Chop310/sideCore


ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Side KB Swing310/sideShoulder
Deficit Pushup310-15Chest & Triceps
1-arm KB Snatch310/sideLegs and Delts
Kettlebell High Pull310-15Full Body
Romanian Deadlift310-12Hamstrings
Kettlebell Z Press310-12Shoulder


ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
Thruster312-15Leg & Shoulder
Lying KB T Raises45/legFull Body
Pushup to Renegade Row38/sideChest & Back
Bottoms Up Press310/armArms & Delts
Overhead Swings312-15Shoulder

Week 11 – Push/Pull/Leg/Core

Monday – Push Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Sit and Press410-12Abs and Shoulder
Deficit Pushup410-15Chest and Triceps
Seesaw Kettlebell Press410/sideShoulder
Staggered Pushup310/sideShoulder & Abs
Bridge Press410-15Chest, Glutes & Ab

Tuesday – Pull Workout

ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscle
Kettlebell Deadlift410-12Leg and Back
Gorilla Row410-12Back
Kettlebell High Pull410-12Back and Shoulder
Dual-arm Russian Swing420-25Full Body
Incline Plank Rowing412-15Biceps

Thursday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Front Squat415-20Quadriceps
Reverse Lunges410/legQuads and Hams
Cossack Squat410/legAdductors
Single Straight Leg Deadlift410/legHamstring

Friday – Core

ExerciseSetsRepsTarget Muscles
Kneeling KB L2H Cop410/sideObliques
Kettlebell V Ups48-12Lower Abs
KB Hollow Body Hold415-secObliques
Side Plank Dips410/sideObliques
Kettlebell Deadbug410/sideLower Abs

Week 12 – Upper/Lower Split

Monday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscles Worked
Kettlebell Spin Press310/sideShoulder
1-arm Clean and Press410/armBack, Delts, & Arms
Single-arm Gorilla Row410/armBack and Abs
KB Renegade Row410/sideBack, Arms, and Abs
Lateral Kettlebell Swings410/sideShoulder, Back, & Abs

Tuesday – Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Goblet Curtsy Step Down310/sideQuads
Front Racked Lunges310/legQuads
KB Single-Leg RDL310/legHamstring
Shrimp Squats310/legAdductors
KB Step-up310/legLegs

Thursday – Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Kettlebell Swing420-25Upper Body
KB Push Press410-15Shoulder
KB Chainsaw Row310/sideUpper Body
High Pull410-15Upper Body
Kettlebell Halo410/sideArms & Shoulder

Friday – Legs

ExerciseSetsRepsMuscle Worked
Reverse Lunge to Step Up310/legThighs & Glutes
KB Squat Jump310-12Quads
KB Pistol Squat35/legQuad & Ham
Suitcase Deadlift412-15Thigh and Glute
Kb Calf Raises415/legCalves

Wrapping it Up

  • Week 1 – Full Body: Start your first week with basic fundamental exercises and train your entire body every time you grab the kettlebells.
  • Week 2 – Push/Pull/Leg: Split your workouts into push, pull, and leg workouts and work through your body.
  • Week 3 – Upper/Lower Split: Train your upper and lower body parts in alternate sessions and perform the exercises skipped during the PPL split.
  • Week 4 – Full Body: This week involves challenging exercises with more reps and sets than the first week.
  • Week 5 – PPL Split: This week will be similar to the second week but will take 10-15 minutes more time to complete.
  • Week 6 – Upper/Lower Split: During the sixth week, you’ll work on specific muscle groups and address weak areas.
  • Week 7 – Full Body: I suggest lowering rest/interval time between sets or rounds this week to develop your endurance.
  • Week 8 – PPL Split: This week will have more exercises to do than the first two PPL weeks.
  • Week 9 – Upper Lower Split: Try to increase the load and work on your strength this week.
  • Week 10 – Full Body: This time, you’ll focus on improving your balance and flexibility.
  • Week 11 – PPL Split: Repeat the same exercises but with a heavier load.
  • Week 12 – Upper/Lower Split: End your training with some of the best kettlebell exercises.

The different splits and variety of exercises will keep your training interesting while helping you build muscle mass, endurance, mobility, and aesthetics.

Keep tracking your progress week by week. I’m sure you’ll see decent results over time.

After completing this program, take a week off, get some rest, and start this 8-week kettlebell athletic training program.

Results to Expect After Completing This 12-Week KB Training

This 12-week-long kettlebell workout plan involves all kinds of exercises that build strength, muscle mass, endurance, balance, and flexibility. So, you can expect improvement in your overall fitness and physique.

However, it requires consistency, a balanced diet, proper rest, and a little discipline to achieve the best results.

Download The 12 Week Kettlebell Program PDF

If you like this program, get it in your download file or save it to your browser., so you can use it whenever you need.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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