The Best Old School Bodybuilding Workout Plan w/ PDF

Old School Bodybuilding Workout

I’ve designed an Old School Bodybuilding program for beginner, intermediate, and advanced lifters.

These routines are inspired by early Mr. Olympia champions like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Scott, Franco Columbu, Sergio Olivia, Frank Zane, and Mike Mentzer.

It involves all the popular and common exercises of bodybuilding’s Golder era, from 1960 to 1980.

If you’re a fan of old-school bodybuilding training, you can follow the program I’ve outlined below.

The Old School Bodybuilding Strategies

Loading Progression

Old-school bodybuilders start their workouts with light dumbbells or barbells. This helps activate their muscles and prepares them for lifting heavier weights.

They keep adding weight set after set and week after week to challenge their muscles to work hard continuously.

This loading progression helps them build muscle and strength over time.

High Volume Training

To be a bodybuilder, Arnold says you have to train like one. Bodybuilders usually do high-volume training, which involves performing various exercises, reps, and sets for every muscle group.

Inter-Set Stretching

Bodybuilders like Frank Zane used to perform dynamic stretches in between sets while training the large muscle groups, such as the back, chest, and legs.

For example, he used to perform two-arm lat stretches during back exercises, doorway stretches during bench presses, and standing quad stretches during leg exercises.

You can do any dynamic stretching as long as you feel that helps enhance your performance and minimize muscle soreness.

Use of Heavy Free Weights

Old School bodybuilders mostly uses free weights, primarily barbells and dumbbells. They mostly perform heavy free-weight exercises, such as deadlifts, bent-over row, bench press, military press, lunges, barbell curl, and skull crusher.

Free weight and machine exercises both provide similar results when it comes to building strength and mass.1 Schwanbeck, Shane R et al. “Effects of Training With Free Weights Versus Machines on Muscle Mass, Strength, Free Testosterone, and Free Cortisol Levels.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research vol. 34,7 (2020): 1851-1859. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003349, 2Heidel KA, Novak ZJ, Dankel SJ. Machines and free weight exercises: a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing changes in muscle size, strength, and power. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2022;62(8):1061-1070. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.21.12929-9

Beginner Old School Workout Program

Beginner Old School Workout Program
  • Monday: Upper Body
  • Tuesday: Thigh and Calves
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Upper Body
  • Friday: Thigh and Calves
  • Saturday: Cardio and Abdominals
  • Sunday: Rest

Keep the rest time between sets as short as possible.

Monday – Upper Body

Overhead Press310-15
Incline Bench Press310-15
Machine Fly310-15
Lateral Raises310-15
Front Pulldown310-15
T-Bar Row310-15
Bar Dips35-15

Tuesday – Thigh and Calves

Leg Extension415-20
Leg Press410-15
Front Lunges38/leg
Leg Curl415-20
DB RDL38-10
Standing Calf Raises415-20

Thursday – Upper Body

Seated Row3-410-12
Close Grip Bench Press3-410-12
Parallel Cable Fly3-410-12
DB Front Raises3-410-12
Rear Delt Fly3-410-12
Barbell Curl3-410-12

Friday – Thigh and Calves

Front Hack Squat310-15
Reverse Hack Squat310-15
Lying Leg Curl315-20
Low Back Extension310-15
Seated Calf Raises315-20

Saturday – Cardio and Abdominals

Treadmill20-minute Jog x 1 set
Bicycling10-minute x 1 set
Elliptical5-minute x 1 set
Kneeling Cable Crunch4 sets x 20-25 reps
Hanging Knee Raises4 sets x 10-15 reps

Intermediate Old School Exercise Program

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Back
  • Day 4: Abs
  • Day 5: Shoulder
  • Day 6: Arms
  • Day 7: Rest

This program involves training one muscle group per day, making it easy to follow and a straightforward routine.

Perform low-intensity cardio in the morning to enhance your endurance.

Keep the rest time between sets as short as possible.

Day 1 – Chest

Flat Bench Press412-10-8-6
Incline Bench Press312-10-8-6
Flat Dumbbell Flyes312-10-8
H2L Cable Fly/Crossover312-10-8
Dumbbell Pullover312-10-8
Parallel Bar Dips3Till failure

Day 2 – Legs

BB Squat/Leg Press412-10-8-6
Barbell Lunges310/leg
Leg Extension420-15-12-10
Stiff Leg Deadlift312-10-8
Leg Curl420-15-12-10
Calf Raises325-20-15-10

Day 3 – Back

Deadlift/Bent-Over Row412-8-8-6
T-Bar Row412-10-8-6
Lat Pulldown415-10-8-6
Seated Row415-12-10-8
One-arm DB Row310-12/arm

Day 4 – Abs

Hanging Knee Raises4-610-20
Roman Chair Sit-ups4-620-30
Cable Crunches4-620-30
Oblique Crunch4-610-12

Day 5 – Shoulder

Smith Machine Overhead Press3-412-10-8
Behind The Neck Shoulder Press3-412-10-8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises3-412-10-8
Alternating DB Front Raises3-412-10-8
Bent-Over Lateral Raises3-412-10-8
Cable/Barbell Upright Row3-412-10-8

Day 6 – Arms

Two-Arm Barbell Curl + Close Grip Bench Press3-410-12
Incline Dumbbell Curl + Skull Crusher3-410-12
Concentration Curl + Overhead Triceps Extension3-410-12
Nautilus Preacher Curl + Barbell Triceps Kickback3-410-12
Reverse Barbell Curl + Wrist Curl3-410-12

Advanced Old School Bodybuilding Training Plan

  • Monday – Chest, Back, and Abs
  • Tuesday – Shoulders, Arms, and Abs
  • Wednesday – Thighs and Calves
  • Thursday – Chest, Back, and Abs
  • Friday – Shoulders, Arms, and Abs
  • Saturday – Thighs and Calves
  • Sunday – OFF

This routine involves training each muscle group twice a week. It is for experienced lifters who want to gain strength and size and build symmetrical physiques.

Perform low-intensity cardio in the morning to enhance your endurance.

Take 2-3 minutes of rest between sets.

Monday – Chest, Back, and Abs

Flat Bench Press3-58-12
Dumbbell Flyes3-410-12
Dumbbell Pullover3-410-12
Bent-Over Barbell Row3-510-15
Front Lat Pull Down3-410-15
T-Bar Row3-410-15
Abdominal Crunches4-525-30

Tuesday – Shoulders, Arms, and Abs

Push Press3-410-15
Lateral Raise3-410-12
Upright Row3-410-12
Barbell Curl3-410-12
Concentration Curl3-410-12
Overhead Extension3-410-12
Triceps Dip3-415-20
Reverse Barbell Curl3-410-12
Reverse Crunch4-520-25

Wednesday – Thighs and Calves

Leg Extension4-515-20
Leg Press/Hack Squat4-510-15
Front Lunge3-410-12
Seated Leg Curl3-415-20
Lying Leg Curl3-415-20
Standing Calf Raise3-420-30
Seated Calf Raises3-420-30

Thursday – Chest, Back, and Abs

Incline Bench Press48-12
Pec Deck Flies410-12
Cable Crossover410-12
Bar Dips410-20
Conventional Deadlift46-10
Seated Cable Row46-12
Wide Grip Pull-up46-12
Dip Bar Leg Raises410-20

Friday – Shoulders, Arms, and Abs

Behind The Neck Press310-12
Military Press38-12
Lateral Raise310-12
Rear Delt Raises310-12
Preacher Curl310-15
EZ Bar Biceps Curl310-15
EZ Bar Skull Crusher310-15
Press Downs310-15
Kneeling Cable Crunches420-30

Saturday – Thighs and Calves

Back Squat48-14
Barbell Lunges38-12
Seated Leg Curl415-20
Good Morning410-12
Standing Calf Raise515-20

Download The Old School Bodybuilding Workout PDF


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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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