28-Day PPL Dumbbell Workout Routine with Free PDF

PPL Dumbbell Workout Routine

You may have seen many push-pull-leg (PPL) dumbbell workout programs on the web, but they are not comprehensive and contain only a maximum of six days of workout. However, if you need a complete and effective 4-week routine, I can help you.

In this article, I’ve shared the ultimate 28-day push pull legs dumbbell routine that includes a variety of exercises for every muscle group.

The PPL split involves training the chest, shoulder, and triceps on day one, the back, biceps, forearms, and rear delts on day two, and the legs on day three. You can also include abdominal exercises wherever they can fit into your PPL workout schedule.

It is an excellent way to build strength, increase lean mass, promote cardiovascular fitness, and shape your physique at home.

The PPL Dumbbell Workout Plan Summary

Routine TypePush Pull Legs (PPL)
Recommended Program Duration8-Weeks
Frequency per week3-6 days
Program GoalBuild Muscle and Strength
Workout LevelBeginner to Advanced
Target GenderMale and Female
Daily Session Duration30-60 minutes
Equipment NeededDumbbells and a Bench
Target Age Group16-40 years

28-Day Push Pull Legs Dumbbell Routine for Muscle and Strength

Dumbbell Push Pull Legs split
  • Day 1 – Push Workout (Chest, Triceps, and Delts)
  • Day 2 – Pull Workout (Back, Biceps, and Forearms)
  • Day 3 – Leg Workout (Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves)
  • Day 4 – OFF
  • Day 5 – Push Workout (Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder)
  • Day 6 – Pull Workout (Back, Biceps, and Rear Delt)
  • Day 7- Leg Workout (Quads, Hamstrings, and Glutes)
  • Day 8 – OFF
  • Day 9 – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Day 10 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms
  • Day 11 – Thigh and Glutes
  • Day 12 – OFF
  • Day 13 – Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder
  • Day 14 – Back, Biceps, and Rear Delt
  • Day 15 – Thigh and Calves
  • Day 16 – OFF
  • Day 13 – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Day 14 – Back, Biceps, and Rear Delt
  • Day 15 – Thigh and Glutes
  • Day 16 – OFF
  • Day 17 – Chest, Triceps, and Delts
  • Day 18 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms
  • Day 19 – Thigh and Calves
  • Day 20 – OFF
  • Day 21 – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Day 22 – Back, Biceps, and Upper Trap
  • Day 23 – Thigh and Glutes
  • Day 24 – OFF
  • Day 25 – Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder
  • Day 26 – Back, Biceps, and Rear Delt
  • Day 27 – Thigh and Calves
  • Day 28 – OFF

Warm-up before weight training: I suggest doing five-minute cardio exercises and dynamic stretches to activate your muscles before lifting dumbbells. This little warm-up can help enhance your performance and minimize the risk of injuries.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press8-1232-min
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press8-1232-min
Dumbbell Close Grip Push-up6-1022-min
Dumbbell Overhead Press8-1232-min
Dumbbell Lateral Raises8-1031-min
Incline Dumbbell French Press8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Dumbbell Deadlift6-832-min
Dumbbell Bent-over Row8-1232-min
One-Arm Dumbbell Row8-1232-min
Standard Bicep Curl8-1032-min
Incline Dumbbell Curl8-1231-min
Dumbbell Wrist Curl8-1231-min
Leg WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Standard Squat8-1242-min
Reverse Lunges8-1222-min
Romanian Deadlift8-1232-min
Lying Leg Curl8-1031-min
Dumbbell Hip Thrust8-1231-min
Standing DB Calf Raises8-1231-min

Take a complete day off and let your muscles recover for the next workouts.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
Deficit Push-ups8-1232-min
Neutral Grip Press6-1032-min
Alternating Front Raises8-1232-min
Bent-arm Lateral Raises8-1232-min
One-arm Tricep Extension8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Wide Bent-over Row6-832-min
DB Pendlay Row8-1232-min
Incline Plank Row8-1232-min
Alternating Bicep Curl8-1032-min
Incline Dumbbell Curl8-1231-min
Dumbbell Face Pull8-1231-min
Leg WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Dumbbell Goblet Squats8-1242-min
Dumbbell Forward Lunges8-1222-min
Dumbbell Step-up8-1232-min
Lying Dumbbell Leg Curl8-1031-min
Dumbbell Hip Thrust8-1231-min
Standing DB Calf Raises8-1231-min

Take steam or ice baths to ease your muscle soreness and enhance recovery.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Flat DB Bench Press8-1232-min
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
Dumbbell Fly6-1032-min
Arnold Press8-1232-min
Chest-Supported Incline Y Raises8-1232-min
Incline French Press8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Dumbbell Deadlift6-842-min
Chest-Supported Row10-1242-min
Croc Row10-1232-min
Spider Curl10-1232-min
Hammer Curl10-1231-min
Wrist Curl10-1531-min
Leg WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Pop Squats10-1232-min
Curtsy Lunges10-1232-min
Single-Leg RDL8-1032-min
Lying Leg Curl10-1531-min
Frog Pumps10-1231-min

No workout on day twelve. Go out and enjoy your off day.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
DB Deficit Push-up8-1232-min
Incline Dumbbell Fly6-1032-min
Alternating Front Raises8-1232-min
Single-arm Lateral Raise8-1232-min
One-arm Triceps Kickback8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Wide-arm Bent-Over Row6-842-min
Close Grip Bent-over Row10-1242-min
Dumbbell Lat Pullover10-1232-min
Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly10-1531-min
Incline Dumbbell Curl10-1232-min
Dumbbell Drag Curl10-1231-min
Leg WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Front Squats10-1232-min
Bulgarian Split Squat10-1232-min
DB Skater Squat6-832-min
Lying Leg Curl12-1531-min
Single-leg Calf Raises15-2031-min

Get your body massaged if possible, take an ice bath or sauna, and let your muscles relax on day sixteen.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Flat DB Bench Press8-1232-min
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
Dumbbell Fly6-1032-min
Arnold Press8-1232-min
Chest-Supported Incline Y Raises8-1232-min
Incline French Press8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Dumbbell Deadlift6-842-min
Chest-Supported Row10-1242-min
DB Pendlay Row10-1232-min
Spider Curl10-1232-min
Hammer Curl10-1231-min
Wrist Curl10-1531-min
Leg WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Pop Squats10-1232-min
Lateral Lunges10-1232-min
Single-Leg RDL8-1032-min
Lying Leg Curl10-1531-min
Frog Pumps10-1231-min

Take a day break from your workout, spend time with your family, or focus on your work, and be ready for the next three-day workout.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
DB Deficit Push-up8-1232-min
Incline Dumbbell Fly6-1032-min
Alternating Front Raises8-1232-min
Single-arm Lateral Raise8-1232-min
One-arm Triceps Kickback8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Wide-arm Bent-Over Row6-842-min
Close Grip Bent-over Row10-1242-min
Dumbbell Lat Pullover10-1232-min
Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly10-1531-min
Incline Dumbbell Curl10-1232-min
Shoulder Shrug10-1241-min
Cossack Squat10-1232-min
Leg Extension10-1232-min
Romanian Deadlift6-832-min
Lying Leg Curl12-1531-min
Single-leg Calf Raises15-2031-min

Take a complete day off and let your muscles recover for the next workouts.

Push WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Incline Bench Press8-1232-min
Decline Bench Press8-1232-min
Incline Dumbbell Fly6-1032-min
Arnold Press8-1232-min
Incline Y Raises8-1232-min
1-arm Triceps Extension8-1231-min
Pull WorkoutRepsSetsRest
Dumbbell Deadlift6-842-min
Chest-Supported Row10-1242-min
Croc Row10-1232-min
Spider Curl10-1232-min
Zottoman Curl10-1231-min
Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise10-1531-min
Pop Squats10-1232-min
Curtsy Lunges10-1232-min
Single-Leg RDL8-1032-min
Lying Leg Curl10-1531-min
Frog Pumps10-1231-min

Take a steam bath or sauna to relieve muscle soreness and improve recovery.

Download The Dumbbell PPL Split Workout PDF

Final Thoughts

The Push-Pull-Leg (PPL) split workout is a great way to work on every muscle group in an organized and effective way.

It allows you to train your chest, shoulders, and triceps on day one; back, biceps, forearms, and rear delts on day two; and thigh, glutes, and calves on day three.

You can use the detailed PPL workout routine I’ve shared above in this article to build strength and muscle at home.

This program is also adjustable. You can make the desired changes to this program to fit your needs. For example, you can replace exercises you find challenging to perform or adjust the number of reps and sets depending on your feel.

I recommend integrating abdominal exercises (wherever they can fit) in this PPL split to bolster your midsection and build toned abs.

Besides these, if you need any help regarding this PPL dumbbell routine, contact me with your questions, and I’ll help you out.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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