4 Day Compound Workout Routine for Muscle Gain & Fat Loss

Compound Workout Training

Whether you want to get big, lift more, or shed excess fats, you can do compound exercises to scale your fitness level and improve your body composition.

Compound exercises bolster multiple muscles simultaneously and help promote strength, hypertrophy, and cardiovascular health.1 5 Benefits of Compound Exercises by Pete McCall, 2016 – American Council of Exercise (ACE),2 A Study of Effect of the Compound Physical Activity Therapy on Muscular Strength in Obese Women – Journal of Physical Therapy Science

Deadlift is an example of a compound exercise that works on various muscles at once, primarily the back, legs, and core. Likewise, you can perform as many as fifty compound movements to target your entire body.

However, you need a well-designed workout routine to train in an organized fashion and achieve decent results.

That is why I’ve shared an ultimate 4 day compound workout routine to help you achieve your fitness goal.

Anyone who wants to put on muscles, increase lifting strength, and improve cardiovascular fitness can follow one of the routines I’ve handed out in this article.

Note: If you are a newbie or struggling with any health issue, avoid this workout plan or do it under supervision.

Program Overview

4 Day Compound Workout Routine

From muscle building to weight loss, I’ve shared multiple workout routines. Here are all programs you’ll see in this article. You can save the one you need.

  • 4 Day Full Body Compound Workout Plan
  • 4 Day Upper Lower Compound Workout Routine
  • 4 Day Compound Workout Plan for Weight Loss
  • 4 Day Bodyweight Compound Workout Routine at Home

The first two programs would be helpful for those trying to gain strength and size.

The third one is excellent for those who want to burn more calories and lose weight.

And the last one is suitable for those who train at home using their body weight only.

You can do one of the above depending on your need and fitness goal.

Additional information about the program:

  • Rest Between Sets and Days: The optimum rest period between the sets would be 2 to 3 minutes for those who want to gain strength and mass. And 45 to 90 seconds for those who want to burn more calories and increase weight loss.
  • Duration/Session: Doing 45 to 60 minutes of a compound workout session would be enough to achieve handsome results.
  • Training Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
  • Suggested Program Duration: 12-16 weeks
  • Target Gender: Male and Female
  • Workout Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Customization: You can customize the program according to your fitness goal.

Related Compound Exercise Routines:

4 Day Full Body Compound Workout Plan

4 Day Full Body Compound Workout Plan

The total body routine involves training of each muscle group in one session. It is a time-efficient workout program to target your entire body and achieves more results in less time.

It will help you increase muscular strength and endurance and take your fitness to the next level.

If this routine is challenging, you can follow the upper lower workout split (routine B) to train your upper and lower body on separate training days.

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Barbell Back SquatLegs15 x 3
Incline Dumbbell IYT RaisesBack and Shoulder10 x 3
Flat Bench PressChest and Shoulder15 x 3
ChinupsBack and Biceps10 x 3
Bent-over RowBack15 x 3

Day 2Tuesday

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Bar DipsChest and Triceps10 x 3
Conventional DeadliftLegs, Back, and Core6 x 3
Weighted PushupChest and Triceps10 x 3
Barbell Overhead PressShoulder12 x 3
Incline Dumbbell Plank RowingBack and Core10 x 3

Day 3Thursday

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Weighted LungesThigh and Glutes10 x 2
Close Grip Bench PressTriceps and Chest15 x 3
Dumbbell PulloverLats and Chest12 x 3
Dumbbell Romanian DeadliftPosterior Chain10 x 3
Hanging Knee RaiseCore and Arms10 x 3

Day 4Friday

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Leg PressLegs12 x 3
Incline Bench PressChest12 x 3
Dumbbell Arnold Press Shoulder10 x 3
Face PullShoulder and Back12 x 3
ChinupsBack and Biceps10 x 3

4 Day Upper Lower Compound Workout

  • Day 1 – Upper Body (Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps)
  • Day 2 – Lower Body (Quadriceps, Calves, and Core)
  • Day 3 – Upper Body (Back, Shoulder, and Biceps)
  • Day 4 – Lower Body (Hamstrings, Glutes, and Lower Back)

Day 1 – Upper Body

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Flat Bench PressChest12 x 4
Incline Bench PressChest12 x 3
Bar DipsChest and Triceps10 x 3
Military PressShoulder12 x 3
Triangle PushupTriceps and Chest10 x 3

Day 2 – Lower Body

ExerciseTargeted MusclesReps
Back SquatQuadriceps12 x 4
Front LungesQuadriceps10 x 3
DB Step-upQuadriceps10 x 2
Barbell JammerLegs10 x 3

Day 3 – Upper Body

ExerciseTarget MusclesReps
Conventional DeadliftBack and Legs5 x 5
Seated RowingBack and Biceps12 x 4
Barbell Bent Over RowLats and Traps12 x 3
ChinupsBiceps and Back10 x 3
Cable FacepullShoulder and Back12 x 3

Day 4 – Lower Body

ExerciseTarget MusclesReps
Curtsy LungesLower Body10 x 3
Barbell Romanian DeadliftHamstrings6-8 x 4
Barbell Hip ThrustGlutes12 x 4
Single-leg BridgeHam and Glute10 x 2
4 day upper lower compound workout routine

4 Day Compound Workout Routine for Weight Loss

4 Day Compound Workout Routine for Weight Loss
  • Day 1 – Endurance Workout
  • Day 2 – Hypertrophy Workout
  • Day 3 – Strength Workout
  • Day 4 – Endurance Workout

Day 1 – Endurance Workout

Perform as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes:

Dumbbell Push Press10
Squat to Calf Raise10
Barbell Bent-over Row10
Incline Bench Press10
Forward Lunges with Rotation5/side
4 day split compound workout for weight loss

Day 2 – Hypertrophy Workout

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Conventional DeadliftIntegrate Full Body8 x 4
Incline Dumbbell Bench PressBack and Biceps15 x 3
Deficit PushupsChest12 x 3
Seated Cable RowingBack15 x 4
Dumbbell RDLHamstrings8 x 3

Day 3 – Strength Workout

ExerciseMuscles BuildReps
Barbell Back SquatLegs5 x 5
Bench PressChest5 x 5
Barbell Hip ThrustGlute5 x 5
Overhead PressShoulder5 x 5
Barbell T RowBack5 x 5

Day 4 – Endurance Workout

Perform as many rounds as possible in one hour.

Barbell Jammer10
Kneeling DB Chop10/side
Incline Dumbbell Plank Row10/side
Bodyweight Pushups15
Dumbbell Surrenders10/side

4 Day Compound Workout Schedule at Home

4 Day Full Body Compound Workout Routine
Compound Workout

In this 4-day compound home workout routine, you’ll do bodyweight exercises.

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
LungesLegs10 x 2
SquatLegs15 x 2
Glute BridgeGlutes10 x 2
Normal Push upChest and Triceps10 x 2
Triangle PushupTriceps and Chest10 x 2
Floor IYT RaisesBack8 x 2

Day 2Tuesday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Pike PushupShoulder and Triceps10 x 2
Shoulder TapArms, Core & Shoulder10 x 2
BurpeeFull Body10 x 2
Pushup to Renegade RowChest and Back10 x 2
Reverse CrunchesCore10 x 2
Mountain ClimbingCore 10 x 2
Heel Touch CrunchesCore 10 x 2
SitupCore 10 x 2

Day 3Thursday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Regular SquatLegs15 x 2
Sumo SquatLegs10 x 2
Regular Push upChest15 x 2
Bench DipsTriceps15 x 2
Inverted RowBack10 x 2
Glute KickbackGlutes10 x 2
Side PlankCore 30-sec x 2
Sit-upsCore 10 x 2
4-day compound workout routine at home

Day 4Friday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedReps
Incline Press-upChest10 x 2
Triangle Push upTriceps10 x 2
Pike PushupsShoulder10 x 2
Floor IYT RaisesBack10 x 2
Inverted RowBack10 x 2
Leg CurlBiceps10 x 2
Mountain Climbing Core30-sec
Plank Core 60-sec
Side PlankCore 30-sec
V UpsCore 30-sec

Download Compound Workout Plan PDF

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is doing compound workouts four days a week enough to build muscle?

Yes, doing compound exercises four times a week is enough to put on muscle, increase strength, and take your fitness to the next level. Be consistent with your workout, feed your muscles optimum nutrition, keep yourself hydrated, and have quality sleep, and you’ll see significant changes over time.

I’m a beginner. Can I follow this program?

No, this program can be challenging for newbies. You can follow this three-day routine to increase your strength and endurance if you’re a beginner.

Can you make changes to this routine?

Yes, you can customize the routine depending on your choice. For example, you can include, exclude or replace any exercise from this program. You can also increase or decrease the rest time between sets according to your fitness level.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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