7-Day Calisthenics and Weight Training Program w/ PDF

calisthenics and weight training program

If you are looking for an ultimate, easy-to-follow, and effective calisthenics and weight training program, I can help you.

In this article, I’ve shared two workout routines. The first one involves performing calisthenics and resistance training separately on alternate days, and the other one combines them both. Depending on your training preference, you can follow one of them to take your fitness to the next level.

Calisthenics mostly involves bodyweight exercises, such as dips, push-ups, pull-ups, and planks, and helps improve strength and mobility and makes your body sculpted and flexible without lifting heavy weights or torturing your heart.

On the other hand, weight training is excellent for strength and muscle development, bolstering your bones and joints, and shaping your physique.

Mixing up both of them can help you become fitter, stronger, and healthier in the long run.

Alternating Calisthenics and Weight Training Split

Calisthenics and Resistance Training
Workout TypeHybrid (Weights and Body-weight)
Split TypeFull Body
Sessions/weekSix (Calisthenics and Weight 3x each)
Program GoalBuild a sturdy, sculpted, and flexible body
Recommended Duration8-12 Weeks
Workout LevelIntermediate
Target GenderBoth Males and Females

It’s a six-day split containing three sessions for resistance training and bodyweight calisthenics each.

  • Day 1: Weight Training
  • Day 2: Calisthenics
  • Day 3: Resistance Training
  • Day 4: Calisthenics
  • Day 5: Strength Workout
  • Day 6: Calisthenics
  • Day 7: OF

This alternative split allows you to focus on every muscle group and helps you become strong and supple over time.

Before you start your main workout, I suggest performing a couple of cardio exercises to increase body temperature and a few sets of resistance exercises (lightweight) to prepare your muscles for intense training.

Day 1 – Weight Training

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Lat Pull DownBack420, 15, 12, 10
Incline Bench PressChest420, 15, 12, 10
Leg PressQuads415-20
Overhead PressShoulder420, 15, 12, 10
Machine Leg CurlHamstrings420, 18, 16, 12

Instructions for Day 1:

  • Increase weight by 5-10% after each set.
  • You can do incline bench presses with a barbell or dumbbell or on the Smith machine.
  • Take 90 seconds to 3 minutes of interval after each set.

Day 2 – Calisthenics

Perform three to five rounds at your own pace.

ExerciseTarget MuscleActivity
Pull-upsBack8-12 reps
DipsChest10-15 reps
Pistol SquatLegs6-8 reps/leg
Hollow Body HoldAbs10-15 seconds
Bird Dog PlankCore5 reps, 5-second hold each

Instructions for Day 2:

  • Perform pistol squats with the help of a partner or holding an object if you’re a beginner or find it difficult to do it.
  • You can replace any exercise you find difficult.
  • You can use a stand, bar, or gymnastic ring to perform pull-ups and dips.

Day 3 – Resistance Training

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Walking DB LungesLegs310 on each leg
Bent-Over RowBack420, 15, 12, 10
High Cable FliesChest416. 12, 12, 10
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder415, 12, 12, 10
Reverse Pec Deck FlyRear Delt420, 15, 12, 10

Instructions for Day 3:

  • You can perform bent-over rows with a pair of dumbbells or a barbell, depending on your choice.
  • Use dumbbells or a cable machine for lateral raises.

Day 4 – Calisthenics

Perform three to five rounds at your own pace.

ExerciseTarget MuscleActivity
Inverted/Ring RowsUpper Back15-20 reps
Archer PushupChest8-10 reps on each side
Pike PushupShoulder10-12 reps
Single-Leg Tuck-upAbs8-10 reps on each side
Archer SquatLegs6-8 reps per leg

Day 5 – Strength Training

ExerciseTarget MuscleSetsReps
Back SquatsLegs420, 16, 12, 10
Seated Cable RowingBack420, 15, 12, 10
Flat Bench PressChest416. 12, 12, 10
Preacher CurlsBiceps312-15
Overhead ExtensionTriceps312-15
DB Romanian DeadliftHamstrings410-12

Day 6 – Calisthenics

Perform three to five rounds at your desired intensity.

ExerciseTarget MuscleActivity
L-HangAbs and Arms10-second
Dive Bomber Push-upsChest10 reps
Superman PullBack15 reps
V-ups/Reverse CrunchesAbs10/20 reps
Glute KickbackLegs10 reps per side
Forearm PlankCore1-2 minute

Combined Calisthenics and Weights Workout Plan

Mixing calisthenics and weights
Workout TypeCombined Bodyweight & Resistance Training
Split TypeMixed Body Parts
Rep-Set SchemeSuperset/Pair Set
Program GoalDevelop a firm, flexible, and ripped physique
Recommended Duration12-16 weeks
Workout LevelIntermediate
Target GenderBoth Males and Females

If you need a time-efficient and effective workout plan to develop your fitness and physical appearance simultaneously, you can try this combined calisthenics and weighted workout routine.

It includes four sessions of mixed bodyweight and resistance exercises, allowing you to train half of your body part in one session and half in another.

Here’s a weekly split:

  • Monday: Chest, Legs, and Shoulder
  • Tuesday: Back, Arms, and Core
  • Wednesday: OFF
  • Thursday: Legs, Chest, and Shoulder
  • Friday: Back, Arms, and Core
  • Saturday: OFF
  • Sunday: OFF

Perform some dynamic cardio exercises to get your muscles ready for doing the stated workouts.

Monday – Chest, Legs, and Shoulder

SupersetStrength ExerciseCalisthenicsSets
1Incline Bench Press (12-15 reps)Pistol Squats (6-8 reps/leg)3
2Leg Press/Hack Squat (10-15 reps)Pike Push-ups (10-12 reps)3
3High Cable Fly/Butterfly (15-20 reps)Bar/Ring Dips (10-20 reps)3
4Lateral Delt Raises (12-15 reps)Curtsy Lunges (10 reps/leg)3

Tuesday – Back, Arms, and Core

SupersetStrength ExerciseCalisthenicsSets
1Lat Pull-down (12-15 reps)Chin-ups (6-8 reps/leg)3
2Seated Cable Row (10-15 reps)Knee Lifts (10-20 reps)3
3Chest-Supported Row (10-12 reps)Hollow Body Crunch (10-20 reps)3
4Overhead Triceps ExtensionRussian Twist (15-20 second)3

Thursday – Legs, Chest, and Shoulder

SupersetStrength ExerciseCalisthenicsSets
1Back Squats (12-20 reps)Archer Push-ups3
2Dumbbell Cluster (10-12 reps)Skater Squats3
3Machine Leg CurlRing Push-ups3
4Rear Delt FliesGlute Kickbacks3

Sat/Friday – Back, Arms, and Core

SupersetStrength ExerciseCalisthenicsSets
1Dorian Deadlift (12-15 reps)Bench/Floor Ring Dips (6-8 reps/leg)3
2Cable Lat Pullover (10-15 reps)Single-leg Tuck-up (8-10 reps/side)3
3Preacher Curl (12-15 reps)Ab Wheel Rollout (8-10 reps)3
4Rope Press-down (12-15 reps)Side Plank (30-sec hold/side)3

Download The Calisthenics and Weight Training Program PDF

Download one of the programs if you want an integrated calisthenics and weighted exercise regime.

These routines will allow you to train in an organized fashion, help you achieve your best shape, and enhance your overall fitness.

You can also make desired changes to these plans to suit your fitness level and goal.

Here are some more exercises you can include in your training:

Important Note: Avoid if you have any health issues or are unable to decide whether it’s for you or not.

A final suggestion: Creating a workout program that can fit all fitness enthusiasts isn’t possible. So, if you need a perfect program, you’ll have to customize it according to your needs.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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