The Rock’s 5-Day Split: Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine to Gain Mass

Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine

If you want to follow Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s training program to build muscle and strength, you can get it here.

I’ve watched plenty of Rock’s training videos and formulated a weekly exercise plan and will share it in this article.

This program will have five sessions per week, focusing on every body part specifically. For example, Chest on Day 1, Back on Day 2, Legs on Day 3, Shoulders on Day 4, and Arms on Day 5.

I’ll also put out The Rock’s workout plan PDF at the end. You can download and use it offline.

The Rock’s Training Plan Summary

Split TypeMuscle Group Split (One body part a day)
Workout TypeWeight Training
Sessions/week5 (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, & Sat)
Duration/Session90 minutes
Workout GoalIncrease Strength & Hypertrophy
Program DifficultyModerate to High
Experienced NeededIntermediate
Target GenderMale
Suitable Age Group20s & 30s
Program Duration12 Weeks

5-Day Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine to Gain Mass

  • Monday: Chest
  • Tuesday: Back
  • Wednesday: Legs
  • Thursday: OFF
  • Friday: Shoulder
  • Saturday: Arms
  • Sunday: OFF

This schedule allows you to focus on every muscle group specifically and helps you build a strong, jacked, and symmetrical body.


  • Warm up before lifting heavy weights to increase blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness. You can do resistance band exercises, dynamic stretching, and light resistance training (one set of each exercise with lightweight before lifting heavy) to have an effective warm-up session.
  • Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. Shorter rest time during single-joint exercises (like biceps curls, leg extension, triceps extension, and leg curls) and longer rest periods during multi-joint exercises (such as bench press, overhead press, squats, and deadlifts).
  • Pre-Workout: It is a high-volume workout plan, and you need the energy to do well. That’s why I suggest consuming pre-workout meals or supplements to enhance your performance—for example, oatmeal, protein smoothie, protein bars, bananas, and whole wheat bread.
  • Post Workout: After completing intense training, you have to consume a high-protein meal to help recover your muscles quicker. For example, you can take whey protein, boiled eggs, chicken kebab or breast, and oatmeal.

Let’s uncover the workout routine.

Monday – Chest Workout

Incline Barbell Bench Press412, 10, 8, 6
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press412
Hammer Strength Press412
Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly312
5A Cable Crossovers315
5B Bar Dips3Failure

Tuesday – Leg Workout

Leg Extensions425
Leg Press425
Walking Lunges420/leg
Machine Hack Squat420
Romanian Deadlift412
Lying Leg Curls412
Standing Calf raise525
Seated Calf Raise525

Wednesday – Back Workout

Pull Ups4AMRAP
Hammer Strength Row412
Close Grip Pulldown312
*Seated Cable Row3See below
Straight-arm Pullovers412
One Arm Dumbbell Row410/side
*Dumbbell Shrugs415

*Seated Cable Row (dropset): Perform 4-6 reps, lower the weight by 10-20% and do 4-6 reps, drop the weight again, and perform till failure. That’s one drop set. Repeat three times.

*Dumbbell Shrugs: Hold for 15 seconds at the top in the last rep of each set.

Friday – Shoulder Workout

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press412, 10, 10, 8
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press310
*Standing Side Delt Raises4See below
Single-arm Cable Lateral Raises310
Rear Delt Machine Fly412
Bent-over Lateral Raises412

*Standing Side Delt Raises: Perform drop sets. Grab dumbbells and perform 6 reps, lower the weight and do 6-8 reps, and drop weight again and aim for as many as possible.

Saturday – Arm Workout

EZ Bar Preacher Curls412
Standing Barbell Curls412
Alternating 1-arm DB Curl412
Triceps Pushdowns412
Overhead Extensions412
Bar Dips412

Who Can Follow The Rock’s Workout Plan?

This Dwayne Johnson exercise plan is only for experienced lifters who have been exercising for a while and want to increase strength and mass.

Beginners and people with injuries should avoid it and instead, they can try this minimalist workout plan.

The Bottom Line

Dwayne The Rock Johnson is an actor, influencer, businessman, former WWE superstar, and most importantly a fitness enthusiast who loves training frequently throughout the years.

His jacked, proportion and huge physique inspire millions to try the way he trains. That’s why many people want to follow his workout routine to grow muscle and strength.

Dwayne Johnson follows various training plans depending on his fitness goal. His exact workout routines are not publicly available, so I’ve created the program using his workout videos.

Those looking for an exercise plan inspired by Dwayne Johnson can download this PDF.

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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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