2-3-4 Day Full Body Workout Routine for Beginners w/PDF

Full Body Workout Routine For Beginners

If you’re planning to start resistance training, a full-body workout program can be perfect for you.

The total body workout routine is an effective way to build strength, endurance, and lean mass.1 4 Reasons You Should Be Doing Whole-Body Training – Bodybuilding

It is also time efficient, allowing you to work on each muscle in less time and provide enough rest between your workouts to let your muscles fully recover.

However, to get the best results from full-body workout training, you need to design a well-rounded program that includes the exercises for all of your major muscle groups within each workout.

An appropriate workout program also helps you train in an organized way and achieve maximum results.

You can get numerous plans from various websites, but if you’re looking for an easy-to-follow and efficient beginner full-body workout routine, this article is for you.

In this article, I’ve shared three different workout plans for beginners, including 2-day, 3-day, and 4-day routines.

Whether you’re male or female, you can follow one of them to progress your fitness level.

2 Day Full Body Workout for Beginners

3 Day Full Body Workout Routine for Beginners

If you’ve recently decided to get fit and strong, you can do this 2-day full-body workout.

This program includes primarily compound exercises that work on multiple muscle groups simultaneously and help build strength and size.

One session will take approximately one hour to complete.

Make sure you warm up for at least 5 minutes to get yourself ready to lift weights. You can run on the treadmill or do bicycling, jumping jacks, and burpees as warm-up exercises.

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedRepsRest
Leg PressLegs12 x 32-3 mins
DB Incline Bench PressChest10 x 22-3 mins
Lat PulldownBack10 x 22-3 mins
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder10 x 2 2-3 mins
Bench DipsTriceps10 x 2 1-2 mins
Seated Cable RowBack10 x 22-3 mins

Day 2 – Thursday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedRepsRest
Dumbbell Overhead PressShoulder10 x 32-3 mins
Pec Deck Fly (Butterfly)Chest10 x 32-3 mins
Single-arm Dumbbell RowBack10 x 22-3 mins
Barbell CurlBiceps10 x 22-3 mins
Leg CurlHamstrings10 x 31-2 mins
Calf RaisesGlutes10 x 2 1-2 mins

Pro Tips:

  1. You can increase or decrease the number of reps and sets depending on your fitness level.
  2. You can replace any exercise that is difficult for you to perform.
  3. Substitute some exercises in your subsequent weeks.
  4. You can increase and decrease the interval time between sets.
  5. Check your progress and make changes whenever necessary.

3 Day Beginner Full Body Workout Routine to Build Muscle

3 Day Beginner Full Body Workout Routine

Working workout three times a week is the most suitable frequency for beginners.

In this three-day workout program, you’ll train every alternate day, while on the other days, you can take a rest to let your muscles recover and rebuild.

Here’s how a full body 3-day workout routine looks:

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedRepsRest
Lat PulldownBack12 x 32-3 mins
Leg PressLegs12 x 32-3 mins
Incline DB Bench PressChest12 x 32-3 mins
Lateral Delt RaisesShoulder10 x 21-2 mins
Bench DipsTriceps10 x 21-2 mins
Dumbbell CurlBiceps10 x 21-2 mins

Day 2 – Wednesday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedRepsRest
Dumbbell Front SquatQuadriceps10 x 21-2 mins
Machine Overhead PressShoulder10 x 31-3 mins
Pec Deck FlyChest10 x 31-2 mins
Seated Cable RowingBack10 x 32-3 mins
Rope PushdownTriceps10 x 31-2 mins
Leg CurlHamstrings10 x 21-2 mins

Day 3 – Friday

ExerciseMuscles WorkedRepsRest
Dumbbell LungesLegs10 x 21-2 min
Hammer Incline Bench PressChest12 x 32-3 mins
One-arm Dumbbell RowBack10 x 21-2 min
Reverse Pec Deck FlyShoulder12 x 31-2 min
Cable CurlBiceps12 x 31-2 min

Total Body 4 Day Workout Routine for Beginners

4 Day Workout Routine for Beginners

You can also follow a 4-day total body workout program to build strength and mass.

Each session in this program will take 45 minutes to finish.

If your lifestyle allows you to hit the gym four times a week, you can follow this program.

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseTarget MusclesRepsRest
Machine Leg PressLegs12 x 32-3 mins
Machine Bench PressChest10 x 32-3 mins
Lateral RaisesShoulder10 x 31-2 mins
Single-arm Dumbbell RowBack10 x 31-2 mins

Day 2 – Tuesday

ExerciseTarget MusclesRepsRest
Machine Overhead PressShoulder10 x 31-3 mins
Pec Deck FlyChest10 x 31-2 mins
Seated Cable RowingBack10 x 32-3 mins
Machine Leg CurlHamstrings10 x 31-2 mins

Day 3 – Thursday

ExerciseTarget MusclesRepsRest
Sumo DeadliftLegs5 x 32-3 mins
Incline Bench PressChest12 x 32-3 mins
Lat PulldownBack12 x 31-3 mins
Reverse Pec Deck FlyShoulder10 x 32-3 mins

Day 4 – Friday

ExerciseTarget MusclesRepsRest
Front Dumbbell LungesLegs10 x 32-3 mins
Flat Bench PressChest10 x 32-3 mins
ChinupsBiceps6 x 32-3 mins
High to Low Wood ChopAbs10 x 21-2 mins

Download Beginner Full Body Workout Routine PDF

Full Body Workout vs. Split Training

Full-body training and split training are both effective training program that helps promote strength and hypertrophy.

The primary difference between them is that you train almost all major muscle groups within each session in a full-body workout, while split training allows you to work on one or three muscle groups in one session. Push-pull-legs (PPL), upper-lower, and Bro-split are examples of split training.

The other difference is that the full-body workout routine helps you boost strength and endurance, burn more calories, and aid in weight loss. While split training stimulates more muscle growth and increases strength.2 A Comparison Between Total Body and Split Routine Resistance Training Programs in Trained Men – Journal Strength of Conditioning Research

You can follow any training program you like. However, you have to train consistently, feed your muscles optimum nutrition, and get proper sleep to achieve maximum results.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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