12-Month Workout Plan to Build an Aesthetic Body (Free PDF)

365-Day Muscle Building Program

If you’ve decided to get strong and aesthetic and are looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-follow gym workout program, then this blog is for you.

In this article, I’ve published an ultimate, easy-to-follow, and effective 12-month workout plan to build a strong body.

This one-year-long program involves multiple training splits, including push-pull-legs, upper-lower, and muscle-group splits.

The different training splits will keep your workout journey riveting while helping you build strength and muscle mass.

Program Summary

Frequency/Week4-6 Days
Duration/Session60-75 minutes
Split TypeUpper Lower, PPL, Hybrid & Bro Split
Workout GoalStrength & Muscle Building
Workout DifficultyBeginner to Intermediate
Target GenderMale & Female
Target Age Group16-35 years
Program Duration12 Months

Program Description

This 12-month muscle-building program involves training four to six times weekly for 60-75 minutes per workout.

It includes multiple training splits, such as push-pull-legs (PPL), upper-lower, hybrid, and single-muscle group splits.

PPL split involves performing push, pull, and leg exercises in separate sessions.

The upper lower involves splitting up the torso and leg exercises so you can equally focus on strengthening your legs and upper body muscles.

The hybrid split involves combining the upper and lower body muscle groups in the same sessions and helps develop strength, mass, endurance, and flexibility.

The bro split or single muscle group split involves training one body part a day. It allows you to work on your weak body parts efficiently and improve your muscle definition and symmetry.

Let’s take a quick view of the complete 12-month schedule:

  • Month 1: Full Body Split
  • Month 2: Combined Body Part Split
  • Month 3: Upper Lower Split
  • Month 4: Push Pull Leg Split
  • Month 5: Single Muscle Group Split
  • Month 6: Hybrid Training
  • Month 7: Full Body Split
  • Month 8: Combined Body Part Split
  • Month 9: Upper Lower Split
  • Month 10: Push Pull Leg Split
  • Month 11: Single Muscle Group Split
  • Month 12: Hybrid Training

Rest: This program involves 2-3 days of rest at the end of each month. This rest period will help you recover your muscles efficiently and prepare your body for the next month’s training.

The Complete 12-Month Workout Plan for Building Muscle & Aesthetic Body

12-Month Workout Plan

Start your training with the following warm-up exercises for five minutes before lifting heavy:

Keep the rest time 1 to 3 minutes between exercises. Rest for a little time during the higher rep sets and longer time during heavier weight sets.

Month 1 – Full Body Split

  • Monday: Hypertrophy Workout
  • Wednesday: Strength Workout
  • Friday: Hypertrophy Workout
  • Saturday: Cardio Workout

Monday – Hypertrophy Workout

Dumbbell Front Squat315-20Quads
Front Lat Pulldown310-12Back
Seated Pec Deck Fly312-15Chest
Lateral Raises312-15Shoulder
Leg Curl315-20Hamstrings
Cable Crunches320-25Abdominals
7A Biceps Curls312-15Biceps
7B Pressdown312-15Triceps

Wednesday – Strength Workout

Deadlift55Full Body
Bench Press55Chest
Overhead Press55Shoulder
Leg Press55Legs

*Perform back squats instead of Deadlifts in this month’s second and fourth week.

Friday – Hypertrophy Workout

1A Pull-ups36-8Back & Biceps
1B Bar Dips310-15Chest & Tris
2A Chest Supported Row310-12Back
2B High-to-Low Cable Fly312-15Chest
Bulgarian Split Squat36-8/legLower Body
Leg Extension415-20Quads
High to Low Cable Chop310-12Obliques

Saturday – Cardio Workout

Jumping Jacks315-secondFull Body
Mountain Climber315-secondAbdominal
1-arm Kettlebell Swing320/sideShoulder
DB Clean and Press310-12Full Body
DB Shadow Punches315-secondFull Body
Jumping Rope5 minutesFull Body

Month 2 – Combined Body Part Split

  • Day 1: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 2: Quads, Glute, and Calves
  • Day 3: OFF
  • Day 4: Back, Biceps, and Forearms
  • Day 5: OFF
  • Day 6: Shoulder, Hamstring, & Core
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest and Triceps

Flat Bench Press310-12
Incline DB Bench Press48-12
Pec Deck Fly412-15
Parallel Bar Dips410-15
Triceps Pushdown312-15
Overhead Triceps Extension312-15

Day 2 – Quads, Glute, and Calves

Leg Extension415-20
Back / Hack Squat412-15
Machine Leg Press312-15
Barbell Hip Thrust310-12
Cable Pull Through310-12
Standing Calf Raises415-20

Day 4 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms

Prone Grip Pulldown212-15
Neutral Grip Pulldown212-15
Close Grip Pulldown212-15
Seated Cable Rowing410-12
Single-arm DB Row310/side
Barbell Curl312-15
Concentration Curl310/arm
Wrist Curl312-15

Day 6 – Shoulder, Hamstring, and Core

Seated Dumbbell Press310-12
1-arm Cable Lateral Raises412/side
Rear Delt Machine Fly412-15
Shoulder Shrug310-12
DB Romanian Deadlift38-10
Seated Leg Curl415-20
7A Knee Raises315-20
7B Cable Crunch315-20

Month 3 – Upper Lower Split

  • Monday: Chest and Triceps
  • Tuesday: Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves
  • Wednesday: Back and Biceps
  • Thursday: OFF
  • Friday: Quad, Hammies, and Glutes
  • Saturday: Shoulder and Core
  • Sunday: OFF

Monday – Chest and Triceps

Incline DB Bench Press410-12
Pec Deck Machine Fly312-15
Bent-over Cable Fly310-12
Parallel Bar Dips410-12
EZ Bar Skull Cruser310-12
1-arm Crossbody Pressdown312/arm
1-arm Overhead Extension312/arm

Tuesday – Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves

Back Squat410-12
Machine Leg Press412-15
Leg Extension415-20
Leg Curl415-20
Standing SM Calf Raises415-20

Wednesday – Back and Biceps

Pullup/Assisted PU36-12
Medium Grip Pulldown310-12
Seated Cable Rowing312-15
Close Grip T Bar Row312-15
Standing Lat Pullover310-12
Incline Dumbbell Curl310-12
DB Hammer Curl310-12

Friday – Quad, Hammies, and Glutes

Landmine Squat315-20
Hack Squat312-15
Romanian Deadlift310-12
Machine Leg Curl315-20
Barbell Hip Thrust310-12

Saturday – Shoulder and Core

Overhead Press412-15
Lateral Raises412-15
Rear Delt DB Fly412-15
Barbell Shrug310-12
5A Hanging Knee Raises310-15
5B Cable High to Low Chop210/side
Kneeling Cable Crunches315-20
Forearm Plank260-sec

Month 4 – Push Pull Leg Split

  • Day 1: Push Workout (Strength)
  • Day 2: Pull Workout (Strength)
  • Day 3: Legs Workout (Strength)
  • Day 4: Push Workout (Hypertrophy)
  • Day 5: Pull Workout (Hypertrophy)
  • Day 6: Legs Workout (Hypertrophy)
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Push Workout

Push ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Flat Bench PressChest46-10
Incline DB PressChest46-10
Military PressShoulder46-10
Weighted Bar DipsUpper Body46-10
Triceps PushdownTriceps48-12

Day 2 – Pull Workout

Pull ExercisesMusclesSetsReps
Weighted PullupsBack44-8
Bent-over RowBack46-10
Lat PulldownBack46-10
Seated Machine RowBack46-10
Barbell CurlBiceps46-10

Day 3 – Leg

Back SquatQuadriceps46-10
Smith Machine LungesLower Body35/side
Dumbbell RDLHamstring36-8
Leg CurlHamstring310-12
Hip ThrustPosterior Chain38-10

Day 4 – Push Workout

Push ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Incline Bench PressChest312-16
Pec Deck FlyChest312-16
Bent-over Cable FlyChest312-16
DB Overhead PressShoulder312-16
Dumbbell FDL RaisesShoulder36-8
1-arm Overhead ExtensionTriceps315/arm
1-arm Crossbody PushdownTriceps315/arm

Day 5 – Pull Workout

Pull ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Close Grip PulldownBack312-16
Chest Supported DB RowBack312-16
Machine/Cable Lat PulloverBack312-16
Face PullBack312-16
Preacher CurlBiceps312-16
Reverse CurlBiceps312-16

Day 6 – Leg and Abs

ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Leg ExtensionQuads415-20
Leg PressQuads412-16
Leg CurlHamstrings415-20
Bulgarian Split SquatLower Body310/leg
5A Cable CrunchesAbs315-20
5B Knee RaisesAbs315-20
6A High to Low Cable ChopOblique310/side
6B Ab Wheel RolloutCore38-10

Month 5 – Single Muscle Group Split

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: OFF
  • Day 4: Back
  • Day 5: Shoulder
  • Day 6: Arms
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest

Flat Bench Press310-12
Incline DB Bench Press410-12
Bent-over Cable Fly412-15
Dumbbell Pullover310-12
Parallel Bar Dips310-12

Day 2 – Legs

Leg Extension + Leg Curl (warm-up)215-20
Smith Machine Back Squat410-20
Leg Press315-20
Leg Extension315-20
Machine Leg Curl315-20
Barbell Hip Thrust310-12

Day 3 – OFF

Day 4 – Back

Lat Pulldown312-15
Close Grip Pulldown312-15
Seated Rowing412-15
Single-arm Row310/side

Day 5 – Shoulder

Overhead Press410-12
Lateral Raises412-15
Rear Delt Fly412-15
Upright Row310-12
Barbell Shrug310-12

Day 6 – Arms

1A Skull Crusher312-16
1B Preacher Curl312-16
2A Bar Pushdown312-16
2B Incline DB Curl310-12
3A One-arm Overhead Extension310/side
3B Hammer Curl310-12
4A Bench Dips312-15
4B Reverse Biceps Curls310-12

Month 6 – Hybrid Training

  • Day 1: Chest, Triceps, and Abs
  • Day 2: Back, Biceps, and Forearms
  • Day 3: Quads, Calves, & Shoulders
  • Day 4: Chest Triceps, and Abs
  • Day 5: Back, Biceps, and Forearms
  • Day 6: Shoulders, Hamstrings, and Glutes
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest, Triceps, and Core

Flat Bench Press312-14
Incline DB Bench Press410-12
Pec Deck Fly412-16
Parallel Bar Dip310-20
4A Skull Crusher312-14
4B Cable Crunches316-20
5A Triceps Pushdown312-14
5B Hanging Knee Raises316-20

Day 2 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms

Bent-Over Row312-14
Single-arm Lat Pulldown310/side
Single-arm Cable Rowing310/side
Standing Barbell Curl312-14
Hammer Curl315/arm
Dumbbell Wrist Curl315/arm

Day 3 – Quads, Calves, & Shoulders

1A Alternating Front Raises36-8/side
1B Leg Extension315-20
2A Machine Leg Press312-16
2B One-arm Lateral Raises310-12/side
3A Hack Squat315-20
3B Rear Delt Fly312-14
4A Standing Calf Raises315-20
4B Upright Row310-12

Day 4 – Chest, Triceps, and Abs

Flat Bench Press46-8
Incline DB Bench Press46-8
Bent-over Cable Fly36-8
Weighted Pushup36-8
5A Triceps Pushdown310-12
5B Cable Crunches315-20
6A 1-arm Overhead Extension310/arm
6B Cable Oblique Chop310/side

Day 5 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms

Close Grip Lat Pulldown38-10
Seated Cable/Machine Row38-10
Single-arm Dumbbell Row28/side
Incline Dumbbell Curl310-12
Reverse Barbell Curl310-12

Day 6 – Shoulders, Hamstrings, and Glutes

Smith Machine Overhead Press46-10
Seated FDL Raises36-10
Barbell Shrug36-10
Seated Leg Curls46-8
Cable Pull Through415-20
Hip Thrust410-12

Day 7 – Rest/Recovery Day

Take a full body off to let your muscles recover completely from previous workouts. Then, repeat the same schedule in the following weeks.

Month 7 – Full Body Workout

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseTarget MusclesSetsReps
Bar DipsChest410-15
Lateral RaisesShoulder310-12
T-Bar RowBack312-15
Calf RaisesCalves415-20

Day 2 – Tuesday

ExerciseTarget MusclesSetsReps
Dumbbell Push PressShoulder310-12
Standing Cable FlyChest312-15
Seated Cable RowingBack312-15
Seated Leg CurlHamstrings315-20
Cable CrunchesAbdominals315-20

Day 3 – Thursday

ExerciseTarget MusclesSetsReps
Deadlift Off Blocks/Rack PullsFull Body46-8
Incline Bench PressChest310-12
Close Grip Lat PulldownBack312-15
Cable Face PullUpper Back312-15
Concentration CurlBiceps310/arm

Day 4 – Saturday

ExerciseTarget MusclesSetsReps
Back SquatLegs410-12
DB LungesLegs310/leg
KB Clean & PressFull Body38-10
Bar PushdownTriceps315-20
Reverse Barbell CurlForearms312-14

Month 8 – Combined Body Part Split

  • Day 1: Chest, Lateral Delt, and Triceps
  • Day 2: Quads, Calves, & Abs
  • Day 3: Back, Rear Delt, & Biceps
  • Day 4: OFF
  • Day 5: Chest, Hamstrings, Glutes, & Oblique
  • Day 6: Back and Shoulder
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest, Lateral Delt, & Triceps

Flat Bench Press48-12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press410-12
Pec Deck Fly312-15
Parallel Bar Dips310-15
One-arm Cable Lateral Raise410/arm
Rope Pushdown312-15
1-arm Overhead Tricep Extension210/arm

Day 2 – Quads, Calves, and Abs

Back Squat412-15
Leg Press412-15
Leg Extension415-20
Standing Calf Raises415-20
10-min Abs Workout

Day 3 – Back, Rear Delt, & Biceps

Straight-arm Cable Pullover412-15
Chest Supported DB Row412-15
Single-arm Dumbbell Row410/side
Reverse Cable Fly410-12
Barbell Bicep Curl312-15
Concentration Curl310/side

Day 4 – Chest, Hamstrings, Glutes, & Oblique

1A Incline Bench Press410-12
1B Seated Leg Curl412-14
2A High to Low Cable Fly315-20
2B Romanian Deadlift310-12
Hip Thrust410-12
Cable Wood Chop (H2L)310/side
Landmine Oblique Twist310/side

Day 5 – Back and Shoulder

Smith Machine Overhead Press412-14
Incline IYT Raises36-8
Close Grip Lat Pulldown412-14
T-Bar Row412-14
Dumbbell Shrug410-12
Low Back Extension312-16

Month 9 – Upper Lower Split

  • Day 1: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 2: Back, Biceps, and Rear Delts
  • Day 3: Legs Workout
  • Day 4: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 5: Back, Biceps, and Rear Delts
  • Day 6: Legs Workout
  • Day 7: OFF
  • Repeat

Day 1 – Chest and Triceps

Dumbbell Bench Press3-46-8
Singe-arm Cable Chest Press3-46-8
Parallel Bar Dips3-48-12
Kaz Press3-48-12
Cable Overhead Triceps Extension2-38-12
One-arm Crossbody Cable Pressdown2-38-12

Day 2 – Back, Biceps, and Rear Delts

Single-arm Cable Rows (Middle Lats)38-10
One-arm Cable Rows (Lower Lats)38-10
Incline Chest Supported DB Row38-10
Incline Rear Delt Dumbbell Row28-15
Cable Reverse Fly38-15
Neutral Grip Cable Shrug38-12
Plate Curl w/dropset28-10
Single-arm Dumbbell Curl28-10

Day 3 – Legs Workout

Hack Squat38-10
2A Leg Extension310-12
2B Sissy Squat3Max
Split Stance DB RDL38-10/leg
Seated Leg Curl310-12
Standing Calf Raises38-10

Day 4 – Chest and Triceps

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press48-10
Singe-arm Cable Chest Press38/arm
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press38-12
Dumbbell Skull Crusher310-12
Cross Cable Triceps Extension310-12

Day 5 – Back, Biceps, and Rear Delts

1A Incline DB Row38-10
1B Incline DB Shrug310-12
Medium Hammer Grip Pulldown38-12
Seated Cable Row310-12
Straight-arm Cable Pulldown310-12
Single-arm Rear Delt Fly210-12
EZ Bar Cable Curl310-12
1-arm Crossbody Hammer Curl210/side

Day 6 – Legs Workout

Stiff Leg Deadlift36-8
Seated Leg Curl410-12
Split Squats36-8
4A Leg Extension310-12
4B Sissy Squat3Max
5A Standing Calf Raises310-12
5B Cable Face Away Crunch310-12

Month 10 – Push Pull Leg Split

  • Day 1: Push Workout
  • Day 2: Pull Workout
  • Day 3: Legs and Abs
  • Day 4: Push Workout
  • Day 5: Pull Workout
  • Day 6: Legs and Abs
  • Day 7: REST

Day 1 – Push Workout (Strength)

Push ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Flat Bench PressChest46-8
Incline DB PressChest46-8
Military PressShoulder46-8
Weighted Bar DipsUpper Body46-8
Triceps PushdownTriceps310-12

Day 2 – Pull Workout (Strength)

Pull ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Bent-Over Barbell RowBack46-8
Weighted PullupsBack44-8
Lat PulldownBack46-8
Seated Machine RowBack46-8
Barbell CurlBiceps36-8

Day 3 – Leg and Abs (Strength)

Back SquatQuads46-8
Leg PressQuads46-8
Smith Machine LungesLegs36/leg
Hip ThrustGlutes38-10
Hanging Knee RaiseAbs310-20
H2L Cable ChopOblique310/side
Forearm PlankCore31-minute

Day 4 – Push Workout (Hypertrophy)

Push ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Incline Bench PressChest312-15
Pec Deck FlyChest315-20
Bent-over Cable FlyChest312-15
DB Overhead PressShoulder312-15
Dumbbell FDL RaisesShoulder36-8
1-arm Overhead ExtensionTriceps312/arm
1-arm Crossbody PushdownTriceps312/arm

Day 5 – Pull Workout (Hypertrophy)

Pull ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Close Grip PulldownBack312-15
Chest Supported T-RowBack312-15
Machine/Cable Lat PulloverBack312-15
Face PullUpper Back312-15
Upright Row/ShrugTrapezius312-15
Preacher CurlBiceps312-15

Day 6 – Leg and Abs (Hypertrophy)

ExercisesTarget MusclesSetsReps
Leg ExtensionQuads315-20
Leg CurlHamstrings315-20
Bulgarian Split SquatLower Body310/leg
Low Back ExtensionPosterior Chain315-20
5A Cable CrunchesAbs315-20
5B Knee RaisesAbs315-20
Ab Wheel RolloutAbs36-8

Month 11 – Single Muscle Group Split

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Back
  • Day 4: Shoulder
  • Day 5: Biceps & Abs
  • Day 6: Triceps & Abs
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest

Flat Bench Press3-410-15
Incline DB Bench Press3-410-15
Seated Peck Fly3-410-15
Bent-Over Cable Fly3-410-15
Parallel Bar Dips3-410-15

Day 2 – Legs

Back Squat410-12
Leg Press310-12
Leg Extension415-20
Smith Machine Lunges210/leg
Leg Curl415-20
Calf Raises415-20

Day 3 – Back

Front Lat Pulldown412-15
Seated Cable Rowing412-15
Bent-over Barbell Row412-15
Single-arm DB Row310/side

Day 4 – Triceps & Abs

Triangle Pushups315-20
Skull Crusher312-15
Bar Pushdown312-15
One-arm Overhead Extension310/arm
Cable Triceps Kickback310/arm
Hanging Knee Raises315-20
Cable Crunches315-20

Day 5 – Shoulder

Military Press412-15
One-arm Lateral Raises412/side
Rear Delt Row310-12
Reverse Pec Deck Fly312-15
DB/Barbell Shrug310-12

Day 6 – Biceps & Abs

Preacher Curl312-14
Incline Dumbbell Curl310-12
Single-arm Cable Curl310/side
Hammer Curl312-14
High to Low Cable Chop315/side
Ab Wheel Rollout38-10

Month 12 – Hybrid Training

  • Day 1: Chest, Triceps, & Quads
  • Day 2: Back, Biceps, & Calves
  • Day 3: Delts, Abs, & Hamstrings
  • Day 4: Chest, Quads, & Calves
  • Day 5: OFF
  • Day 6: Back, Shoulder, & Abs
  • Day 7: OFF

Day 1 – Chest, Triceps, and Quads

1A Incline Machine Chest Press412-15
1B Leg Extension415-20
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press48-12
3A Leg Machine Press412-15
3B Seated Pec Deck Fly410-12
4A Hack Squat310-12
4B Triceps Pressdown315-20

Day 2 – Back, Biceps, and Calves

Pull-ups (warm-up)44-10
Lat Pulldown (Prone Grip)410-12
Bent-over Barbell Row48-10
Single-arm Cable Row46-8/side
5A Standing Calf Raises315-20
5B Straight Bar Curl310-15
6A Seated Calf Raises315-20
6B EZ Bar Preacher Curl310-15

Day 3 – Delts, Abs, and Hamstrings

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press410-12
Single-arm Cable Lateral Raises410/side
Reverse Pec Deck Fly412-15
4A Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift48-10
4B Hanging Legs/Knee Raises410-20
5A Seated Leg Curl415-20
5B Half Kneeling Cable Crunches415-20

Day 5 – Chest, Quads, and Calves

Back Squat58-10
Stationary Front Lunges310/leg
Flat Bench Press48-10
Bent-over Cable Fly410-12
Standing Calf Raises310-12

Day 6 – Back, Shoulder, and Abs

Military Press48-10
Close Grip Pulldown48-10
One-arm DB Row46-8/side
Chest Supported Row (Prone Grip)310-12
Cable Crunches + Knee/Leg Raises310-15
High to Low Cable Chop310/side

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Follow this 12-month Plan?

This program is for everyone who wants to build muscle and strength, irrespective of fitness level.

However, there will be some challenging exercises and a higher number of sets that you can adjust to your needs to make it fit for you.

Can You Modify the Workout Routine If You Miss Days?

Yes, this training plan is flexible. If you miss a day or a week, simply adjust the schedule without rushing to catch up. Consistency over time is more important than perfection.

Can This Plan Help Increase Fat Loss?

Achieving weight loss effectively relies on a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

A well-crafted 12-month workout routine can help in burning calories, strengthening muscles and joints, and shaping your body.

However, diet should be your primary preference when it comes to weight loss. Eating fewer calories than your body burns over a period can help you reduce your body fat.

Can You Combine This Routine with Other Activities?

Yes, I recommend adding activities such as yoga, running, soccer, or swimming to build a functional and resilient body.

For example, you can do low-impact cardio, swimming, or yoga in the morning and soccer or other sports in the evening on your off day (except the next day after leg training).

How to Utilize This Program for Maximum Results?

1. Consistency: You should always prioritize your training if you want to improve your fitness and shape your body. Going to the gym at least three days weekly should be your goal because consistent training is the only way to achieve desirable results over time.

2. Progressive Overload: Increase the load or the number of sets over the weeks to force your muscles to work harder each week. For example, try to lift 5-10% heavier weight every week for three weeks, then deload in the fourth week and repeat this pattern till you can no longer increase weight. This progressively increasing load will help you develop your strength and size in the long run.

3. Recovery: Aim to get 6-8 hours of sound sleep every day and consume a balanced diet for optimal muscle recovery. Additionally, taking a cold bath, massage, and sauna can also speed up muscle healing.

Final Thoughts

Building an aesthetic body and getting stronger is the goal of many fitness enthusiasts. However, it requires consistent training, a balanced diet, and an active lifestyle.

You can save the above 12-month workout program to train in an organized way and improve your fitness.

For diet, you should aim to consume a good combination of proteins, carbs, fats, and micronutrients. I recommend checking this free resource on the National Institute of Health website that will help you design a muscle-building meal plan.

If you lift weights consistently and eat good food, you’ll see decent results over time.

Post your query regarding this program in the comment box or contact me through email or social media channels.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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