Women’s 8 Week Fat Loss Workout Routine with PDF

Fat Loss Workout for Women

If you are looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-follow, and effective workout program to shed some excess pounds and improve body composition, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ve shared a women’s 8 week fat loss workout routine that will enhance your strength and fitness and help you achieve the best shape in an organized fashion.

I’ve included various exercises to make this program interesting, motivating, and effective.

Workout Plan Summary

women's 8 week fat loss workout routine

This program involves performing weight training three times and cardio twice or thrice a week.

After completing this 8-week workout program, you’ll be able to lift more, look better, and feel strong.

Here’s a quick summary of this routine:

Duration8 Weeks
Split TypeCardio and Strength Split
Program GoalIncrease Strength, Endurance, and Fat Loss
Duration/Session75-minute resistance training/45-minute cardio
Workout LevelIntermediate
Target GenderFemales
Equipment NeededGym Equipment

If you train at home, I recommend following this 12-week exercise routine to enhance your fitness and shape your physique.

Women’s 8 Week Fat Loss Workout Routine to Get Strong and Toned

weight loss female workout

Workout Instructions:

  • Warm-up: Start your workout with 5 minutes of dynamic warm-up. Warm-up exercises elevate heart rate, increase body temperature, and prepare your muscles for intense training.
  • Rest between exercises: keep the rest time between sets as short as possible.
  • How much should you lift? Calculate your one-rep max and lift weight accordingly.

Week 1 to 4 – Alternating Strength and Cardio Training

  • Monday – Chest and Shoulder
  • Tuesday – Low-Impact Cardio
  • Wednesday – Legs and Glutes
  • Thursday – Moderate Cardio
  • Friday – Back and Arms
  • Saturday – HIIT Cardio
  • Sunday – OFF

Monday – Chest and Shoulder

Seated Pec Deck Fly3-415-20
Incline Machine Bench Press3-412-15
Flat DB Bench Press3-410-12
Alternating Front Raises3-410-12
Cable Lateral Delt Raises3-410-12
Bent-over Rear Delt Raise3-410-12

Tuesday – Low-Impact Cardio

Perform cardio exercises at 40-60 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR). You can calculate your MHR by subtracting your age from 220.

Core Training15-minute

Wednesday – Legs and Glutes

Leg Extension3-415-20
DB Front Squat3-410-15
Machine Leg Press3-410-15
Leg Curl3-415-20
Hip Thrust3-410-12

Thursday – Moderate Cardio

Perform cardio exercises at 60-80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Tri-set Abs Workout20-minute

Friday – Back and Arms

Front Lat Pull-down312-15
Seated Cable Row312-15
Landmine T-Bar Row312-15
One-arm DB Row38-10
Rope Press-down215-20
Overhead Triceps Extension215-20
Preacher Curl215-20
Hammer Curl215-20

Saturday – HIIT Cardio

Perform exercises at 80-95 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Treadmill30-second run, 1-minute break6-8
Battle Rope20-second swing, 40-second break4-6
Bicycling20-second swing, 40-second break4-6
HIIT Core Workout15-minute1

Week 5 to 8: Cardio and Strength Training AM/PM Workout

During the fifth to eighth weeks, you’ll do cardio four times weekly in the morning and resistance training five days weekly in the evening. This will keep your metabolic rate high and help you burn calories throughout the day.

Pairing this workout with a calorie-restricted balanced diet will speed up your weight loss, build lean mass, and help you achieve your best shape.

  • Monday: Cardio (AM) and Upper Body (PM)
  • Tuesday: Cardio (AM) and Lower Body (PM)
  • Wednesday: Morning OFF, Evening Upper Body
  • Thursday: Morning Cardio, Evening OFF
  • Friday: Morning Cardio and Evening Lower Body
  • Saturday: Morning OFF and Evening Upper Body
  • Sunday: Full Day OFF

Monday – Cardio (AM) and Upper Body (PM)

15-minute TreadmillOverhead Press (4 sets of 15 reps)
10-minute EllipticalFlat DB Bench Press (3 sets of 15 reps)
10-minute BicycleSeated Cable Row (3 sets of 15 reps)
5-minute Jumping RopeClose-Grip Lat Pulldown (3 sets of 15 reps)

Tuesday – Cardio (AM) and Lower Body (PM)

10-minute TreadmillLeg Press (4 sets of 15 reps)
5-minute EllipticalLeg Extension (3 sets of 15 reps)
5-minute BicycleLeg Curl (3 sets of 15 reps)
20-minute Abs WorkoutStep-up (3 sets of 10 reps)

Wednesday – Morning OFF, Evening Upper Body

Evening ExerciseSetsReps
Incline Bench Press3-410-15
Seated Pec Deck Fly3-410-15
Lateral Delt Raises3-410-12
Machine Row3-410-15
Bench Dips3-410-15
Concentration Curl3-410-12

Thursday – Morning Cardio, Evening OFF

Perform exercises at a low to moderate pace.

Treadmill10 minutes2-minute
Stationary Bike5 minutes 2-minute
Elliptical5 minutes2-minute
Battle Rope5 minutes2-minute
Burpees3 sets x 10 reps1-minute
Kettlebell Swings2 sets x 20 reps1-minute
Barbell Thruster2 sets x 15 reps1-minute

Friday – Morning Cardio and Evening Lower Body

5-minute EllipticalBack Squats (4 sets of 10 reps)
5-minute BicycleFront Lunges (3 sets of 10 reps)
5-minute Jumping RopeLying Leg Curl (3 sets of 12 reps)
20-minute Abs WorkoutDB Frog Pump (3 sets of 12 reps)
Weight Loss Female Workout Routine

Saturday – Morning OFF, Evening Upper Body

Evening ExerciseSetsReps
Push Press3-410-12
Off Blocks Deadlifts3-410-12
Kneeling DB Row3-410-15
Reverse Pec Deck Fly3-410-15
Rope Press-down3-410-12
Biceps Curl3-410-12

Tips and Instructions to Maximize Your Results

Here are a few tips you can follow to achieve suitable results:

  • Low-Calorie Meal Plan: There is no substitute for a low-caloric diet when it comes to weight loss. Weight loss is only achievable through cutting calories. By avoiding processed foods and including low-calorie filling foods in your diet, you can limit your calorie intake and lower your body fats over time.
  • Train when you feel energetic: it isn’t about physical training only. It also requires mental toughness. So, it is crucial to exercise when you feel active and focused so that you can put your 100 percent during the workout.
  • Pre-workout meal: Having some light snacks or drinks 30 minutes before the workout is best. For example, you can consume dried fruits, oatmeal, energy bars, whey protein, peanut butter toast, etc.
  • Post-workout meal: Whether you train for muscle gain or weight loss, a high-protein meal after a workout is necessary to rebuild muscles and achieve better results. You can have a combination of protein and carbs, such as whey isolate protein and oatmeal, roasted chicken, boiled eggs, and banana, in your post-workout meal.
  • Increase the intensity and load over time: The best way to maximize strength and endurance is to push yourself slightly harder every week. You can do that by raising the load on the bar, increasing the intensity, and reducing the interval time between sets each week.
  • Adding a variety of exercises: You should perform a combination of resistance, cardio, and mobility exercises to stimulate your strength, speed, and endurance and shape your physique.

Download The Women’s Fat Loss Workout Routine PDF

Download this program to use it offline. You can also modify this program to make it fit for yourself based on your fitness level and preference.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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