4 Week Workout Plan for Weight Loss with Free PDF

4 Week Weight Loss Workout Plan

Losing weight and achieving a shredded, toned, and athletic physique is the ultimate goal of many fitness enthusiasts. However, it requires proper diet, training, discipline, and little knowledge of weight loss science.

Usually, weight loss happens when you consume fewer calories (of course, by eating low-calorie nutritious foods, such as eggs, chicken, salmon, and beans) than your body needs over a period of time.1 Kim, Ju Young. “Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance.” Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome vol. 30,1 (2021): 20-31. doi:10.7570/jomes20065

Shedding weight only through calorie deficit is fine, but including cardio and resistance exercises in your weight loss program can help you stimulate your fat loss, increase strength, promote your cardiovascular health, and improve your body composition.2 Swift, Damon L et al. “The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance.” Progress in cardiovascular diseases vol. 56,4 (2014): 441-7. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012

In this article, I’ve shared an ultimate 4 week workout plan for weight loss to help you achieve your best physique.

I’ve designed two routines. The first is for gym-goers, and the other is for those who train at home with little or no equipment.

Whether you’re male or female, you can follow one of them to increase your fat loss and achieve your best shape.


Plan 14-week Weight Loss Gym Routine
Plan 24-week Fat Loss Workout Plan at Home
Suggested Program Duration16-24 weeks
PurposeWeight Loss and Muscle Building
Suitable forMen and Women
Workout LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Intensity for Low-Impact Cardio40-60% of maximum heart rate
Heart Rate for Moderate-Intensity Cardio60-80% of MHR
Heart Rate for HIIT80-95% of MHR

You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting 220 from your age. For example, if you’re 30, your maximum heart rate is 220-30=190.


Workout for weight loss

This program involves performing various exercises, from steady-state cardio and isolation to powerlifting and HIIT, to keep you motivated and help you achieve decent results over time.

Here’s a summary of the 4-week gym workout plan for weight loss:

  • Week 1: Low-impact Cardio and Compound Lifting
  • Week 2: HIIT and Full-Body Strength Workout
  • Week 3: Cardio and Upper Lower Split Training
  • Week 4: HIIT and Weight Training

This training plan will help both males and females to shape their physique.

Week 1 – Cardio and Compound Lifting

Monday – Low-Impact Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes1-minute
Elliptical Trainer10 minutes1-minute
Jumping Jacks15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Mountain Climbing15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Burpees5 reps x 5 sets15-second
Front Plank1-minute x 3 sets15-second
Side Plank30-second x 215-second
Bicycling10 minutes

Tuesday – Compound Lifts

Squat Jump15 seconds30-second
Burpees6 Reps x 2 1-minute
Back Squat4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Incline Bench Press4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Seated Cable Rowing4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Overhead Press4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes

Wednesday – LISS Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes1-minute
Elliptical Trainer10 minutes1-minute
Lunge Front Kick10 reps per leg x 3 sets30-second
Pop Squats10 reps x 5 sets45-second
Shoulder Taps10 reps per leg x 5 sets15-second
Front Plank1-minute x 3 sets15-second
Side Plank30-second x 215-second
Jumping Jacks10 minutes

Thursday – Compound Training

Banded Pull-ups10 reps x 230-second
Banded Deadlift10 reps x 21-minute
Inverted Row10 reps x 230-second
Sumo Deadlift4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
1-arm Landmine Press4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Landmine T-Bar Row4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Walking Lunges4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes

Friday – Low-Impact Aerobic Workout

Treadmill15 minutes1-minute
Bicycling10 minutes1-minute
Burpees5 reps x 5 sets30-second
Crossbody Mt. Climber15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Reverse Crunches10 reps x 5 sets15-second
Front Plank1-minute x 3 sets15-second
Side Plank30-sec x 2 sets15-second
Shadow Boxing/Punching Bag5 minutes

Friday – Compound Workout

Leg Swings10 reps x 210-second
One-leg Deadlift10 reps x 215-second
Shoulder Pass Through10 reps x 215-second
Back Squats4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Overhead Press4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Close-Grip Pull-down4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes
Incline Bench Press4 sets x 10 reps2-3 minutes

Week 2 – HIIT and Full-Body Strength Workout

Alongside resistance exercises, you’ll challenge your endurance level and improve cardiovascular fitness through High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

HIIT involves performing exercises at more than 75 percent of your maximum heart rate for 10 to 30 seconds, followed by a little rest time (interval).

You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.

Research has shown HIIT helps stimulate fat loss, improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness, and can help shape your body.3 Effectiveness and Safety of High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes – American Diabetes Association, 4Evidence-Based Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Exercise Capacity and Health: A Review with Historical Perspective – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 520 Pros and Cons of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – The Fitness Phantom

Here’s your second week of the 4-week weight loss gym routine schedule:

  • Monday: Strength Workout
  • Tuesday: Bodyweight HIIT
  • Wednesday: Resistance Circuit Training
  • Thursday: OFF
  • Friday: Isolation Strength Exercises
  • Saturday: Bodyweight HIIT
  • Sunday: OFF

Monday – Strength Workout

High Knees15 secondsNo rest
Jump Squat10 repsNo rest
Burpees10 reps1-minute
Back Squat4 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Incline Bench Press4 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Barbell Jammer4 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Machine Row4 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Treadmill Jog5-minute

Tuesday – Bodyweight HIIT

Perform the following exercises as quickly as possible, and take a short break of less than 30 seconds between them. Once you complete one round, rest for 2-3 minutes, then repeat.

Perform as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes.

Jumping Jacks15-second
Squat Jumps10 reps
Mountain Climbing20-second
High Knees20-second
Shoulder Taps10 taps/side
Flutter Kicks15-second
Burpees10 reps
Lunge Front Kick10 reps per side
Cross Body Mountain Climber20-second

Wednesday – Free Weight HIIT

Perform as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes.

Dumbbell Squat Swing10 reps45-sec
Barbell Thruster10 reps45-sec
Single-arm KB Swings10/side30-sec
Dumbbell Pop Squat10 reps 60-sec
Plank Dumbbell Drag5/side45-sec
Kettlebell Chop and Lift5/side45-sec

Friday – Isolation Strength Exercises

Lat Pull-down3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Cable Row3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Pec Deck Fly3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Bent-Over DB Lateral Raises3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Overhead Triceps Extension3 sets x 15 reps90-second
Incline Dumbbell Curl3 sets x 15 reps90-second

Saturday – Bodyweight HIIT

Perform each round twice and take a little break between them.

Keep the rest time shorter between exercises.

Round 1Round 2Round 3
15-sec Jumping Jacks5 Burpees5 Squat Jumps
15-sec Mountain Climbers15-sec Flutter Kicks15-sec Cross Mt. Climber
15-sec High Knees20 Alternate Heel Taps (10/side)10 Crunches
20 Reverse Crunches30-sec Bicycle Crunches20 Shoulder Taps (10/side)
20 Plank Knee Taps (10/side)10 Lunge Front Kick (5/side)10 Leg Raises

Week 3 – Cardio and Upper Lower Split Training

  • Monday: Low Impact Cardio
  • Tuesday: Upper Body Workout
  • Wednesday: Moderate Intensity Cardio
  • Thursday: Lower Body Training
  • Friday: HIIT Cardio
  • Saturday: Upper Body Workout
  • Sunday: OFF

Monday – Low-Impact Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes1-minute
Elliptical Trainer10 minutes1-minute
Jumping Jacks15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Mountain Climbing15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Burpees5 reps x 5 sets15-second
Front Plank1-minute x 3 sets15-second
Side Plank30-second x 215-second
Bicycling10 minutes

Tuesday – Upper Body Workout

Banded Pull-apart10 reps x 2 sets30-second
Shoulder Pass Through10 reps x 2 sets30-second
Overhead Press3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Incline Bench Press3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Cable Rowing3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Triceps Press-down3 sets x 15 reps1-minute
Barbell Curl3 sets x 15 reps1-minute

Wednesday – Moderate Intensity Cardio

Jumping Jacks30-sec x 5 sets20-second
Mountain Climber30-sec x 5 sets20-second
Bear Crawl30-sec x 5 sets20-second
Burpees6 reps x 5 sets30-second
Triset Abs Workout10-minute

Thursday – Lower Body Training

Leg Swings15-sec per leg x 4 setsNo rest
High Knees15-sec x 4 sets1-min
Leg Extension3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Leg Press3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Front Lunges3 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Leg Curl3 sets x 15 reps1-minute
Calf Raises3 sets x 15 reps1-minute

Friday – HIIT Cardio

Perform each round twice and take a little break between them.

Keep the rest time shorter between exercises.

Round 1Round 2Round 3
15-sec Jumping Jacks5 Burpees5 Squat Jumps
15-sec Mountain Climbers15-sec Flutter Kicks15-sec Cross Mt. Climber
15-sec High Knees20 Alternate Heel Taps (10/side)10 Crunches
20 Reverse Crunches30-sec Bicycle Crunches20 Shoulder Taps (10/side)
20 Plank Knee Taps (10/side)10 Lunge Front Kick (5/side)10 Leg Raises

Saturday – Upper Body Workout

Front Lat Pulldown3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Cable Rowing3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Pec Deck Fly3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
DB Lateral Raises3 sets x 12 reps2-minute
Bent-over Reverse Fly3 sets x 12 reps1-minute
Overhead Triceps Extension3 sets x 12 reps1-minute
Barbell Curl3 sets x 10 reps1-minute

Week 4 – Cardio and Split Training

  • Monday: Low Impact Cardio
  • Tuesday: Upper Body Workout
  • Wednesday: Moderate Intensity Cardio
  • Thursday: Lower Body Training
  • Friday: HIIT Cardio
  • Saturday: Upper Body Workout
  • Sunday: OFF

Monday – Low-Impact Cardio

Treadmill15 minutes1-minute
Elliptical Trainer10 minutes1-minute
Pop Squats15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Crossbody Mt. Climbing15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Flutter Kicks15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Front Plank1-minute x 3 sets15-second
Bicycling10 minutes

Tuesday – Upper Body Workout

Jumping Jacks2 sets x 15-secNo rest
Burpees2 sets x 5 repsNo rest
Mountain Climber2 sets x 30-sec1-min
Seated IYT DB Raises3 sets x 8 reps2-minute
Incline Bench Press3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Pec Deck Fly3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Close Grip Pull-down3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Machine Row3 sets x 15 reps2-minute

Wednesday – Moderate Intensity Cardio

Mountain Climber15-sec x 10 sets15-second
Burpees6 reps x 6 sets30-second
Triset Core Workout20-minute

Thursday – Lower Body Training

Leg Swings10 reps per leg x 315-second
Lateral Lunges5 reps each leg x 315-second
Leg Extension3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Back Squats3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Step-up3 sets x 10 reps2-minute
Leg Curl3 sets x 15 reps1-minute
Hip Thrust3 sets x 12 reps1-minute

Friday – HIIT Cardio

Perform each round twice and take a little break between them.

Keep the rest time shorter between exercises.

Round 1Round 2Round 3
15-sec Jumping Jacks5 Burpees5 Squat Jumps
15-sec Mountain Climbers15-sec Flutter Kicks15-sec Cross Mt. Climber
15-sec High Knees20 Alternate Heel Taps (10/side)10 Crunches
20 Reverse Crunches30-sec Bicycle Crunches20 Shoulder Taps (10/side)
20 Plank Knee Taps (10/side)10 Lunge Front Kick (5/side)10 Leg Raises

Saturday – Upper Body Workout

Bent-Over Dumbbell Row3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
T-Bar Row3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Seated Pec Deck Fly3 sets x 15 reps2-minute
Reverse Pec Deck Fly3 sets x 12 reps2-minute
Barbell/DB Shrug3 sets x 12 reps1-minute
Triceps Press Down3 sets x 12 reps1-minute
Biceps Hammer Curl3 sets x 10 reps1-minute


You can also do various exercises at home to accelerate weight loss without using any major equipment.

I’ve compiled a list of seventy cardio exercises you can do with minimal equipment and included them in this program.

These cardio exercises will help you burn maximum calories, boost your metabolism, enhance endurance, and help you achieve your best physique.

Whether you’re a male or female, follow this workout routine to shed some body fat percentage at home.

Overview of a 4-week weight loss workout plan at home:

  • Week 1 – Moderate Intensity Aerobic Training
  • Week 2 -High-intensity Interval Training
  • Week 3 – Tabata Workout
  • Week 4 – Circuit Workout

Week 1 – Moderate Intensity Aerobic Training

In this first week, you’ll do exercises at a moderate intensity, typically at 50-75 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Doing exercises at a moderate speed will boost your endurance and help you perform high-intensity training in the next week.

Perform as many rounds as possible in thirty minutes and increase the duration in the coming days.

Frequency: 5 days a week.

Jumping Jacks20 seconds40 seconds
High Knees20 seconds 40 seconds
Stationary Running20 seconds 40 seconds
Mountain Climbing15 seconds30 seconds
Bear Crawl30 seconds 60 seconds
Inchworm15 seconds 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks15 seconds30 seconds
Reverse Crunches10 reps60 seconds
Leg Raises10 reps60 seconds
Plank30 seconds60 seconds
Side Plank15 seconds30 seconds
Alternate Heel Taps10 reps60 seconds
BurpeesAMRAP1-2 minute
SquatAMRAP1-2 minute
PushupsAMRAP1-2 minute
Bench DipsAMRAP1-2 minute

Week 2 – High-intensity Interval Training

After completing the first week of training, you’ll need to increase the intensity of the workout. And that’s why I’ve included high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the second week of a 4-week weight loss home workout.

Here’s an example of a 30-minute HIIT workout to lose weight at home.

4-week HIIT Workout Plan for Weight Loss PDF

Perform each exercise for 20 to 30 seconds and take as little rest as possible between sets.

Week 3 – Tabata Workout

Tabata is more intense and has a shorter recovery period than HIIT.

Each Tabata round lasts 4 minutes and comprises eight intervals of 20 seconds of highly intense activity followed by 10 seconds of rest.

This means that you’ll need to do 8-10 rounds to burn the maximum number of calories.

You can take a 2-minute rest between each round.

Here’s how you can do a Tabata workout in the third week of a 4-week weight loss workout plan.

4 week workout weight loss plan
Tabata Weight Loss Plan

4 minutes for each exercise


  1. Lateral Slide
  2. Burpees
  3. Kneeling Push-up
  4. Reverse Lunges
  5. Squat
  6. Reverse Crunch
  7. Leg Raises
  8. Lateral Squat


  1. High Knees
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Flutters kick
  4. Jumping Rope
  5. Plank
  6. Crunches
  7. Plank to push-up
  8. Flutter Kicks


  1. Jump squats
  2. Squat Thrusts
  3. Walking Lunges
  4. High knees
  5. Reverse Crunches
  6. Bear Crawl
  7. Burpee
  8. Plank


  1. Skipping Rope
  2. Plank to push-up
  3. Burpee
  4. Side Lunges
  5. Stationary Run
  6. Reverse Crunch
  7. Scissors Kicks
  8. Lateral Slide


  1. Burpee
  2. Bear Crawl
  3. Side-planks
  4. Reverse crunch
  5. Russian Twist
  6. Jumping Jacks
  7. Squats
  8. Leg Raises

Week 4 – Circuit Workout

The bodyweight circuit workout is an excellent way to strengthen and tone muscles at home with little or no equipment.

The exercises in the program are performed at moderate to high intensity.

Here’s a 5-day workout you can do during the fourth week to lose weight at home.

Try to perform for 20 minutes to get the best result.

  • 5 Jump Squats
  • 15-second Mountain Climbing
  • 15-Jumping Jacks
  • 15-sec Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Shoulder Taps ( 5 reps on each side)
  • Per as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.



No, it is impossible to see decent transformations in 4 weeks only. You’ll see some positive results if you work out with your full efforts and stay in a calorie deficit each day throughout the 4 weeks.

However, working out consistently and following the right diet program will help you transform your physique over time.

To speed up weight loss, you can also do intermittent fasting and consume weight loss supplements, which can help reduce calorie consumption.


The calorie deficit is the key to losing weight, regardless of what exercises you do or what diet you follow.

Losing weight only through a calorie-deficit diet is fine. But including cardio and strength training in your daily regime helps accelerate weight loss, build lean mass, improve cardiovascular health, and improve shape.

And if you need an organized workout program that combines strength and aerobic exercises, I highly recommend following the above program.

I’ve also shared an ultimate 4-week weight loss program for those who train at home with no equipment.

Depending you where you exercise and how quickly you want to lose weight, you can start one of the routines to accelerate your fat loss.

If you need any help with this training program, email me your questions, and I’ll answer them.

Once you complete this program, you can begin this 6-month workout plan.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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