Free Barbell Workout Routine at Home w/PDF

Barbell Home Workout Routine

From high-intensity to muscle-building, you can do myriad barbell exercises at home to build strength, endurance, and muscle mass.

However, you need a well-designed workout program to get the most from barbell training.

That’s why I’ve decided to hand out a few samples of barbell workout routines (with PDF) you can follow at home.

I’ve shared three different splits, push/pull/legs (PPL), upper/lower split, and full-body.

These programs will allow you to train in an organized way and help you improve your overall fitness.

So, depending on your fitness level, you can follow one of them.

Summary of the Barbell Home Workout Program

Types of Workout Plans

  • 3 Day PPL Barbell Workout Schedule at Home For Beginners
  • 4 Day Upper Lower Split Barbell Workout Routine at Home
  • 5 Day Full Body Barbell Workout Plan at Home

Equipment Needed

  • A Straight Barbell
  • Weight Plates
  • Flexible Bench

Goal – Build muscles strength and mass

Suggested Duration for Seeing Results – 12 weeks

Target Gender – Males and Females

Diet Recommendation

The role of nutrition is as important as exercise. But as this article is focused on barbell workout routines, so I will not discuss the diet part.

However, if you want to know what you should consume to build muscles, check out some great resources published by the National Institute of Health (NIH).

3 Day PPL Barbell Workout Routine at Home For Beginners

Barbell Home Workout Program
Barbell Workout
  • Monday – Push Workout – Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
  • Wednesday – Pull Workout – Back, Biceps, and Core
  • Friday – Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves

Monday – Push Workout- Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Bench PressChest15, 12, 101-3 mins
Incline Bench PressChest12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell Landmine PressShoulder12, 10, 81-3 mins
Skull CrushersTriceps12, 10, 81-3 mins
Landmine Lateral RaisesShoulder12, 10, 81-3 mins

Wednesday – Pull Workout – Back, Biceps, and Core

Exercise Muscle Build Reps Rest
Barbell Bent Over RowBack10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell T RowingBack12, 10, 81-2 mins
Barbell CurlBiceps12, 10, 81-2 mins
Landmine CurlBiceps12, 10, 81-2 mins
Barbell Ab RolloutAbs5 x 330-60 sec
Barbell Wrist CurlForearm10 x 21-2 mins

Friday – Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves

ExerciseMuscle Build Reps Rest
Barbell Back SquatQuad20, 15, 122-3 mins
Barbell LungesQuad and Hams12, 10, 81-2 mins
Hip ThrustHips and Glutes10, 10, 81-2 mins
Romanian DeadliftHams, Lower Back10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell Calf raisesCalves12, 10, 81-2 mins

4 Day Split Workout Routine at Home with Barbell

4 Day Barbell Workout Routine at Home
  • Monday – Upper Body (Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder)
  • Tuesday – Lower Body (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves)
  • Thursday – Upper Body (Back, Biceps, and Core)
  • Friday – Lower Body (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves)

Monday – Upper Body (Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder)

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Bench PressChest15, 12, 101-3 mins
Incline Bench PressChest12, 10, 81-3 mins
Skull CrushersTriceps12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell French PressTriceps12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell Overhead PressShoulder12, 10, 81-3 mins
Landmine Lateral RaisesShoulder12, 10, 8 1-2 mins

Tuesday – Lower Body (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves)

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Back SquatQuad20, 15, 122-3 mins
Barbell LungesQuad and Hams12, 10, 81-2 mins
Hip ThrustHips and Glutes10, 10, 81-2 mins
Romanian DeadliftHams and LB10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell Calf raisesCalves12, 10, 81-2 mins

Thursday – Upper Body (Back, Biceps, and Core)

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell DeadliftBack and Legs6, 5, 4, 21-3 min
Barbell T RowingBack12, 10, 81-2 min
lank Landmine RowBack and Core12, 10, 81-2 min
Barbell CurlBiceps12, 10, 81-2 min
Barbell Ab RolloutCore5 x 230-sec
Landmine Oblique TwistCore5/side x 230-sec

Friday – Lower Body (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Calves)

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Back SquatQuad20, 15, 122-3 mins
Barbell Reverse LungesQuad and Hams12, 10, 81-2 mins
Barbell Landmine SquatQuad12, 10, 81-2 mins
Hip ThrustHips and Glutes10, 10, 81-2 mins
Romanian DeadliftHams and LB10, 8, 61-2 mins

5 Day Full Body Barbell Workout Plan at Home

Full Body Barbell Workout Plan at Home

Day 1 – Monday

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Back SquatLegs15, 12, 102-3 mins
Incline Bench PressChest & Triceps 12, 10, 81-3 mins
Overhead PressShoulder & Triceps 12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell Bent Over RowingBack & Biceps12, 10, 81-3 mins

Day 2 – Tuesday

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Conventional DeadliftLegs and Back8, 6, 42-3 mins
Meadows RowBack10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell Drag CurlBiceps and Back12, 10, 81-2 mins
Barbell ShrugShoulder10, 8, 6 1-2 mins
Landmine PressChest and Shoulder12, 10, 81-3 mins

Day 3 – Wednesday

ExerciseMuscle Build Reps Rest
Barbell Overhead PressShoulder12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell T RowingBack12, 10, 8, 6 1-3 mins
Barbell CurlLower Back and Hams10, 8, 6 1-3 mins
Barbell Hip ThrustHips and Glutes12, 10, 8 1-2 mins

Day 4 – Friday

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell Front RaisesShoulder12, 10, 8 2-3 mins
Rear Delt Barbell RowShoulder10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell CurlBiceps and Back12, 10, 81-2 mins
Barbell Skull CrusherTriceps12, 10, 81-3 mins
Barbell Ab RolloutCore5 x 230-60 sec

Day 5 – Saturday

ExerciseMuscle BuildRepsRest
Barbell LungesBack10, 8, 61-2 mins
Barbell Bench PressBack12, 10, 81-2 mins
Incline Plank RowingBiceps12, 10, 81-2 mins
Bent-over Barbell RowBiceps12, 10, 81-2 mins

Barbell Workout Routine At Home PDF

The Takeaway Message

Barbells are an excellent piece of equipment allowing you to perform myriad exercises and help you build strength and mass.

However, you need a workout schedule to train in an organized way and achieve the maximum results from barbell training.

From push-pull-legs and upper-lower to full-body and muscle-group split, I’ve shared multiple barbell workout routines in this article.

Depending on your fitness level, you can download one of them to improve your overall fitness.

You can also make adjustments according to your need. For example, you can add, replace, or remove any exercise you like from this routine. In addition, you can select workouts from this barbell workout database.

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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
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Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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