6 Month Bodybuilding Workout Plan for Skinny Guys with PDF

Skinny Guy Workout for Muscle Building

Many people want to bolster their muscles, beef up mass, and build a defined physique. However, going from skinny to muscular requires consistent lifting, proper eating, and a little knowledge of how muscles grow.

In this article, I’ll share the ultimate 6 month bodybuilding workout plan for skinny guys who want to feel and look strong, the best tips for maximizing this workout plan and achieving optimal results, and a PDF file of this program so you can keep it handy.

If you’re looking for a well-crafted, easy-to-follow, and effective workout program to build strength and muscle, explore this guide.


This program includes multiple training splits, including the full-body, push-pull-legs (PPL), upper-lower, and muscle-group splits.

The program will start with a three-day weekly full-body routine and end with a six-day weekly muscle-group split.

The combination of different workout splits helps promote strength and hypertrophy.

The sessions in the first couple of months will take 45-60 minutes, while the last few months will take 60 to minutes to complete.

Males and females can both use this program to improve their fitness.

Okay, let’s uncover the workout plan.

The Ultimate 6 Month Workout Plan for Skinny Guys to Build Muscle

6 Month Workout Plan for Skinny Guys
  • Month 1 – Full Body Workout
  • Month 2 – Push/Pull/Legs
  • Month 3 – Compound Split
  • Month 4 – Upper/Lower Split
  • Month 5 – Hybrid Split
  • Month 6 – Muscle Group Split

Month 1 – Full Body Workout

You’ll do a three-day full-body weekly workout routine in your first month to start your skinny-to-muscular journey.

The full-body training is a great way to build foundational strength, increase cardiovascular fitness, and scale your fitness to the next level.

Perform three sets of 10 to 15 reps with 1 to 3 minutes of rest in between.

Week 1

DB Farmer’s WalkMachine Leg PressV-Grip Lat Pulldown
Dumbbell Front SquatDB Overhead PressSM Flat Bench Press
SM Incline Bench PressDB Lateral RaisesRope Pushdown
Front Lat PulldownSeated Cable RowReverse Pec Deck Fly
ChinupsPec Deck FlyMachine Leg Curl

Week 2

DB Farmer’s WalkMachine Leg PressV-Grip Lat Pulldown
Dumbbell Front SquatFlat DB Bench PressCable Seated Rowing
DB Overhead PressMachine Chest FlyReverse Pec Deck Fly
ChinupsLateral RaiseMachine Leg Curl
1-arm Dumbbell RowBent-over RowMachine Calf Raises

Week 3

DB Front LungesDumbbell Front SquatMachine Leg Press
SM Incline Bench PressDumbbell Overhead PressBent-over Row
1-arm Dumbbell RowBent-over Lateral RaisesDumbbell Pullover
Rope PushdownSeated Cable RowReverse Pec Deck Fly
Biceps CurlPec Deck FlyMachine Leg Curl

Week 4

DB Farmer’s WalkMachine Leg PressV-Grip Lat Pulldown
Dumbbell Front SquatDB Overhead PressSM Flat Bench Press
Incline DB Bench PressDB Lateral RaisesRope Pushdown
Front Lat PulldownSeated Cable RowReverse Pec Deck Fly
ChinupsPec Deck FlyMachine Leg Curl
Workout routine for skinny guys

Month 2 – Push/Pull/Legs

The push-pull-leg (PPL) is a popular training split among bodybuilders.

It involves doing push movements on day one, the pull exercises on day two, and leg workouts on day three.

The push day includes the training of the chest, triceps, and shoulders; the pull day involves back, biceps, and posterior delt training; and the leg day includes the quad, ham, glute, and calves workout.

I’ve embedded a three-day PPL split in the second week of a six-month skinny guy workout routine. This will help you strengthen your foundation and progress your fitness for performing more challenging exercises.

Rep/sets instructions:

  • Sets: 3-4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Rest b/w sets: 1-3 minutes

Week 1

Push Workout (Monday)Pull Workout (Wednesday)Legs Day (Friday)
Dumbbell Flat Bench PressFront Lat PulldownDB Front Squat
Machine Incline Bench PressSeated Cable RowingDB Front Lunges
Pec Deck Fly1-arm Dumbbell RowCybex Leg Press
DB Front Delt RaisesChin-upsMachine Leg Curl
DB Lateral Delt RaisesReverse Pec Deck FlyDB Hip Thrust

Week 2

Push Workout (Monday)Pull Workout (Wednesday)Legs Day (Friday)
Machine Incline Bench PressV-Grip Lat PulldownBarbell Back Squat
High to Low Cable FlySeated Cable RowingDB Front Lunges
Arnold PressBent-over BarbellLeg Extension
Cable Lateral Delt RaisesFacepullLeg Curl
Rope PushdownBarbell CurlCalf Raises

Week 3

Push Workout (Monday)Pull Workout (Wednesday)Legs Day (Friday)
Dumbbell Flat Bench PressFront Lat PulldownDB Front Squat
Machine Incline Bench PressSeated Cable RowingDB Front Lunges
Pec Deck Fly1-arm Dumbbell RowCybex Leg Press
DB Front Delt RaisesChinupsMachine Leg Curl
DB Lateral Delt RaisesReverse Pec Deck FlyDB Hip Thrust
1-Arm Overhead Tris ExtensionHammer CurlCalf Raises

Week 4

Push Workout (Monday)Pull Workout (Wednesday)Legs Day (Friday)
Machine Incline Bench PressV-Grip Lat PulldownBarbell Back Squat
High to Low Cable FlySeated Cable RowingDB Front Lunges
Arnold PressBent-over BarbellLeg Extension
Cable Lateral Delt RaisesFacepullDumbbell RDL
Bar DipsBarbell CurlLeg Curl
Rope PushdownWrist ExtensionCalf Raises
Workout program for skinny guys

Month 3 – Compound Split

You’ll primarily do compound exercises in the third month. The compound movements engage multiple muscles simultaneously and stimulate strength and muscle growth.

Also, there will be four training sessions per week instead of this during this time.

Schedule for 3rd Month:

  • Monday – Chest, Arms, and Legs
  • Tuesday – Back, Shoulder, and Core
  • Thursday – Legs, Chest, and Arms
  • Friday – Back, Shoulder, and Core

Week 1

Monday Tuesday ThursdayFriday
Machine Leg PressConventional DeadliftBarbell Back SquatBent-Over Barbell Row
Flat Barbell Bench PressPull-upsDeficit Push-upsSeated Cable Row
Incline DB Bench PressSeated Cable RowBar DipsIncline DB IYT Raises
Bar DipsArnold PressChinupsBarbell Shrug
Chin-upsHanging Knee RaisesDiamond Push-upsPlank (1-min x 3)

Week 2

Monday Tuesday ThursdayFriday
Barbell Back SquatBent-Over Barbell RowFront LungesConventional Deadlift
Flat Barbell Bench PressPull-upsDeficit Push-upsElevated Plank Row
Bar DipsSeated Cable RowDumbbell PulloverStanding DB IYT Raises
Chin-upsArnold PressBar DipsBarbell Shrug
DB Romanian DeadliftDecline CrunchesChinupsKneeling DB H2L Chop

Week 3

Monday Tuesday ThursdayFriday
Machine Leg PressConventional DeadliftBarbell Back SquatBent-Over Barbell Row
Flat Barbell Bench PressPull-upsDeficit Push-upsSeated Cable Row
Incline DB Bench PressSeated Cable RowBar DipsIncline DB IYT Raises
Bar DipsArnold PressChinupsBarbell Shrug
Chin-upsHanging Knee RaisesDiamond Push-upsPlank (1-min x 3)

Week 4

Monday Tuesday ThursdayFriday
Barbell Back SquatBent-Over Barbell RowFront LungesConventional Deadlift
Flat Barbell Bench PressPull-upsDeficit Push-upsElevated Plank Row
Bar DipsSeated Cable RowDumbbell PulloverStanding DB IYT Raises
Chin-upsArnold PressBar DipsBarbell Shrug
DB Romanian DeadliftDecline CrunchesChinupsKneeling DB H2L Chop
Workout schedule for skinny guys

Month 4 – Upper/Lower Split

The upper-lower split involves training the upper and lower body on separate days. And it is one of the most effective training splits for strength and muscle gain.

Here’s a five-day upper-lower split that you’ll do in the fourth month of the skinny guy workout program:

  • Monday – Chest and Triceps
  • Tuesday – Lower Body
  • Wednesday – Back and Biceps
  • Thursday – Lower Body
  • Friday – Shoulder and Core

Monday – Chest and Triceps

Barbell Bench Press48-122-3 min
Incline DB Bench Press38-121-2 min
Pec Deck Fly412-151-2 min
Bar Dips36-101-2 min
Skull Crushers310-121-2 min
Rope Pushdown312-151-2 min

Tuesday – Lower Body

Barbell Back Squat46-102-3 min
Leg Extension312-151-2 min
Dumbbell Step-up28-101-2 min
Machine Leg Curl412-151-2 min
Barbell Hip Thrust38-121-2 min

Wednesday – Back and Biceps

Pull-ups36-101-2 min
Lat Pulldown410-122-3 min
Seated Cable Rowing410-122-3 min
1-arm Dumbbell Row310-121-2 min
EZ Barbell Curl215-201-2 min
Hammer Curl215-201-2 min
Preacher Curl215-201-2 min

Thursday – Lower Body

Dumbbell Lunges38-101-2 min
Machine Leg Press412-152-3 min
DB Pop Squat38-101-2 min
Romanian Deadlift48-101-2 min
Calf Raises315-201-2 min

Friday – Shoulder and Core

Dumbbell Arnold Press48-122-3 min
Dumbbell Lateral Raises410-121-2 min
Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly410-121-2 min
DB/BB Shoulder Shrug310-121-2 min
Hanging Knee Raises215-2045-sec
High-2-Low Cable Chop210-1545-sec
Kneeling Cable Crunches210-1545-sec
Forearm Plank21-min45-sec

Month 5 – Hybrid Split

The hybrid split program involves a combined workout of the upper and lower body. It will be slightly different than the upper/lower split but can be equally or more effective.

Here’s the schedule for the fifth month:

  • Day 1 – Chest and Triceps, and Core
  • Day 2 – Back, Biceps, and forearms
  • Day 3 – Quad, Calves, and Shoulders
  • Day 4 – Chest and Triceps, and Core
  • Day 5 – Back, Biceps, and forearms
  • Day 6 – Shoulders, Hamstrings, and Glute

Day 1 – Chest and Triceps, and Core

Barbell Flat Bench Press48-122-3 min
Incline DB Bench Press310-122-3 min
Machine Chest Fly312-151-2 min
Parallel Bar Dip36-101-2 min
Skull Crusher210-121-2 min
Rope Pushdown215-201-2 min
Hanging Knee Raise210-1545-sec
Kneeling Cable Crunches210-1545-sec

Day 2 – Back, Biceps, and Forearms

Front Lat Pulldown310-122-min
Seated Cable Rowing310-122-min
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row38-101-2 min
Seated Cable Curl215-201-2 min
Hammer Curl215-201-2 min
Forearm Extension215-201-min

Day 3 – Quadriceps, Calves, and Shoulders

Back Squat46-123-min
Leg Extension315-201-2 min
Calf Raises315-201-2 min
Barbell Overhead Press310-121-2 min
Dumbbell Lateral Raise410-121-2 min
Seated Rear Delt Raise410-121-2 min

Day 4 – Chest and Triceps, Core

Incline Machine Bench Press48-122-3 min
High to Low Cable Fly410-122-3 min
Weighted Pushup38-102-3 min
Skull Crusher310-121-2 min
1-arm Overhead Tricep Extension215-201-2 min
Triceps Kickback215-201-2 min
Hanging Knee Raises215-201-2 min
Decline Bench Crunches210-121-2 min

Day 5 – Back, Biceps, and Wrist

Pull-ups36-121-2 min
Front Lat Pulldown48-122-3 min
Seated Cable Rowing48-122-3 min
T-Bar Row38-122-3 min
Incline Dumbbell Curl28-101-2 min
Preacher Curl210-121-2 min
Hammer Curl210-121-2 min

Day 6 – Shoulders, Hamstrings, and Glutes

Dumbbell Arnold Press38-102-3 min
Leaning Cable Lateral Raise38-102-3 min
Rear Delt Machine Flyes310-122-3 min
Shoulder Shrug310-121-2 min
DB Romanian Deadlift36-82-3 min
Leg Curl315-201-2 min
Hip Thrust310-122-3 min

Month 6 – Muscle Group Split

The muscle group split allows you to train each muscle individually. It is also known as Bro-split.

The Bro-split is a straightforward and effective training schedule and can help you increase strength and improve muscle definition.

Here’s the schedule for the sixth month of this ultimate routine.

  • Day 1 – Chest
  • Day 2- Legs
  • Day 3 – Back
  • Day 4 – Shoulder
  • Day 5 – Biceps and Core
  • Day 6 – Triceps and Core
  • Day 7 – OFF

Day 1 – Chest

Flat Bench Press48-122-3 min
Incline DB Bench Press48-122-3 min
Seated Peck Fly415-201-2 min
Parallel Bar Dips310-122-3 min
Dumbbell Pullover310-122-3 min

Day 2- Legs

Barbell Back Squat46-122-3 min
Leg Press410-122-3 min
Leg Extension315-201-2 min
Machine Leg Curl315-201-2 min
Barbell Hip Thrust310-121-2 min
Calf Raises315-201-2 min

Day 3 – Back

ExercisesReps% of 1RMRest
PullupsAMRAP X 3Bodyweight2 min
Front Lat Pulldown15, 12, 10, 850%, 60%, 70%, 75%2 min
Seated Cable Rowing15, 12, 10, 850%, 60%, 70%, 75%2 min
Bent-over Barbell Row10-12 x 350-70%2 min
Cable Facepull10-12 x 350-60%2 min

Day 4 – Triceps and Abs

Bar Dips310-122-min
Skull Crusher310-122-min
Rope Pushdown310-121-min
1-arm Overhead Tricep Extension310-121-min
Triceps Kickback310-121-min
Hanging Knee Raises215-2030-sec
Decline Cable Crunches210-1230-sec
High-to-Low Cable Chop210-1230-sec

Day 5 – Shoulder

Military Press38-122-min
Dumbbell Front Raise38-122-min
Dumbbell Lateral Raises410-122-min
Bent-over Rear Delt Fly310-122-min
Reverse Pec Deck Fly310-122-min
DB/Barbell Shrug310-122-min

Day 6 – Biceps and Core

EZ Barbell Curl315-202-min
Cable Curl312-152-min
Preacher Curl312-152-min
Hammer Curl312-152-min
10-min Core Workout

Key Tips for Maximizing Your Workout Plan and Achieving Optimal Results

1. Pre-Workout Meal

A good pre-workout meal sets the foundation for an effective workout session. The pre-workout meal helps you perform better during the workout and supports muscle-building.1 Martinez N, Campbell B, Franek M, Buchanan L, Colquhoun R. The effect of acute pre-workout supplementation on power and strength performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016;13:29. Published 2016 Jul 16. doi:10.1186/s12970-016-0138-7

You should have your meal 30 minutes to 2 hours before the training, depending on what kind of food you consume.

Examples of pre-workout foods include:

  1. Protein Shake
  2. Chicken Salad
  3. Dried Fruits
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Energy Bars
  6. Peanut Butter and Toast
  7. Yogurt with Fruit/Granola
  8. Fruit Smoothies
  9. Eggs

2. Workout When You Feel Energetic

Working out when you feel active lets you put your 100 percent into the workout. It could be morning, afternoon, or evening.

3. Warm up Before Lifting

Warm-up is a crucial part of any weight training routine as it helps prevent injuries and improve performance. The goal is to increase blood flow and heart rate and get yourself ready for weight training. You can do some low-intense cardio exercises (not stretching), such as jogging, jumping jacks, running on the treadmill, or bicycling, for 5 minutes to get ready.

4. Keep yourself hydrated during the workout

Several studies have shown keeping yourself hydrated during the workout is essential to prevent injuries and uneasiness and enhance performance. So, it is best to drink water when you feel hypohydration.2 Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Farrell MJ, et al. Effect of hydration state on strength, power, and resistance exercise performanceMed Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39(10):1817-1824. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e3180de5f22, 3Judelson DA, Maresh CM, Yamamoto LM, et al. Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolismJ Appl Physiol (1985). 2008;105(3):816-824. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01010.2007

5. Post-workout stretching and cool down

Most people often miss post-workout stretching, but many athletes and coaches recommend doing this. It may have a positive impact on your training because it helps reduce muscle soreness.4 Andersen, J C. “Stretching before and after exercise: effect on muscle soreness and injury risk.” Journal of athletic training vol. 40,3 (2005): 218-20

6. Post-workout Meal

The post-workout meal plays a crucial role in building muscles. You can have a great workout session, but if you don’t consume the protein and carbs after the workout, your muscles might not grow.

That’s why you should have a great meal after the resistance training to maximize your results. There’s no scientific evidence that taking a post-workout meal just after the workout elicits better results. Still, it is good to take your meal as soon as you finish the workout.

I suggest consuming at least 40-50 grams of protein and one gram of carbs per kg of your body weight for optimal results (it is only an example, a nutritionist can help you better in this case).

Examples of Post-Workout Meals:

  • Protein shake and banana.
  • Oatmeal with yogurt, almonds, and berries.
  • Chicken burrito with salad and cheese.
  • Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and rice.
  • Egg omelet with avocado on whole grain toast.
  • Salmon with sweet potato.
  • Whole grain crackers with cheese and fruit.

7. Make Progress

Increase the load, the number of reps and sets, and the session duration as you progress further. Pushing your limit to a certain extent may help you build muscle faster.

8. Creator note

You can make any changes you want in this program. For example, you can increase and decrease repetitions, sets, interval time, and the daily workout duration. You can also replace any exercise you don’t like.

Can This 6-Month Routine Transform Your Physique from Skinny to Muscular?

Working out consistently for six months will most probably help you transform your physique to a certain extent.

However, you should understand that muscle building is a process, and it takes time to cultivate. For some people, it can take up to six months to see some noticeable changes, while for others, it can take more than a year, depending on several factors, including workout consistency, diet, recovery, progression, and genetics.

Related: How Long Does It Take To Build Noticeable Muscle?

You can get the best workout plan for muscle building from renowned certified professionals in the world, but if you do not follow the routine consistently and consume the required nutrition, you won’t be able to achieve the best results in your entire life.

So, make sure you stay committed to your goal and work on that to see the noticeable changes.

Download The Skinny Guy Workout Plan PDF

If you train at home with little or no equipment, you can explore this six-month bodyweight workout plan.


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Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.
Picture of Murshid Akram

Murshid Akram

I’m a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I help people achieve their best shape through my science-based and practical workout programs.

About Me

Murshid Akram, Author at The Fitness Phantom

I’m Murshid Akram, a personal trainer, fitness blogger, and founder of thefitnessphantom.com. I primarily design workout plans and share science-based and practical information that can help you become stronger, functional, and healthier.

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